chapter 1 - diary.

My Fail Revenge.

Diary of Na Jiyeol.

28th December, 2011.

Dear diary, there is this boy that I like verryyyyyy much. He’s handsome… nice... he’s just perfect. And today, I can’t believe that I am a couple with him. I love him. I love Kim Sunggyu.

29th December, 2011.

Dear diary, OH MY GOSH. I can’t believe this. Today, this time [2:35 PM], he removed me from his facebook account. I don’t know… maybe facebook was wrong. Hahaha.

29th December, 2011.

Dear diary, was it really just a mistake? Or… is he really removing me from his life? After thinking of all of that, I decided to add him back.

29th December, 2011.

Dear diary, am I dreaming? We broke up. It’s just one day, KIM SUNGGYU! How could you… I’m so disappointed of myself. I’m so stupid. He’s not that nice at all!

30thDecember, 2011.

Dear diary, today, I decided to send him a message on facebook since he accepted me back as his facebook friend. I sent it already, actually. I’ll just wait for a reply from him.

30thDecember, 2011.

There he goes, dear diary. AWWWW, you don’t have to explain again, Mr. Kim Sunggyu.  I’m tired. Better go to sleep~~~

30thDecember, 2011.

Dear diary, he said that…. He said that he hates me! He didn’t like me for real. Is he planning this from earlier? Am I that ugly, Kim Sunggyu? Is that why you don’t like me? Is that why? Huh? You’re gonna get your revenge. 


lalala. how's that? chapther one's short. T.T




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