Huff and Puff

I think I love you

I run, run, again and again, I don't even know where I go but I run and I don't stop. I don't know since when I run, I don't know where I am, in fact I know nothing but I'm feeling so good. I see a tree, I run to him and I stop when I get to him. This tree is magnificent, he's tall, the trunk is light brown and his leaves are light pink, there are squirrels on the branches. I look around me and see a lake with very clear water, we can see fishs  swim peacefully, this place is maginficent It feels like paradise... wait paradise... Am I dead?! I don't have time to ask myself more questions than the land suddenly shakes, I find myself lay down on the ground and I see the tree uproot and take a human form. I ty to get up but I can't as if a force stop me, I just have to wait than this tree, at last this thing who looks like more and more has a giant human crushes me.The giant is approaching with a evil laugh, wait I know that laugh! I look at the giant's face and I can see now than this giant human is Joy...WTF?! I barely have time to realise that she catches me and puts me at her face's height and she tells me: WAKE UP KANG!!!


I find myself on the ground in my bedroom, the face on my floor.I hear a too familiar laugh, that evil laugh, I raise my head and of course it's Joy.

"We are late Kang"

I growl and get up rubbing my forehead who is still painful after the fall.

"We are late for the first day of school, since the college we arrive late It would be time to change" She looks at my forehead and giggles.

"What?" I touch my forehead and I feel a bump. I'm rolling my eyes and go to the bathroom.

"Your mother trying to wake you up but she didn't succeed she's so kind with you, she should do like me"

"Ha yeah, she should eject me from the bed like you, yeah why not Joy!"

"Hey! I don't eject you! I just shout in your ear"

"And I fell stupid!"

"Yeah, yeah, go to the bathroom Seulgi we're 10 min late!!"

"Pfff okay" I drag my feets and slams the door.


30 min later we are outside to wait for the bus, and it's raining, today is really a bad day.

"I was an ogre?!!"

"No a giant"

"It's the same Seulgi, I'm flattered that you've dream of me but next time make an effort and make sure that I be a little more y than an ogre"

"You were an ogre really y!" We laugh until the bus arrives.

The bus finnaly arrives, we sit a the bottom of the bus, as usual me next to the windows. Joy and me know each other since the kindergarten and since that time we bicker and tease each other, but Joy is a friend whom I shall give for nothing in the world she's always been here for me, like me for her. During the trip Joy tells me about her lovers during the holidays, Jackson and Jungkook, apparently it was nothing serious.

"And you Seulgi, you never tell me anything!"

"I tell you everything Joy, If ever I met someone you will be the first person to know"

"Since Jimin at the beginning of the college you were not attracted by anyone?"

"Even him I was not attracted, I just wanted see what it feels to go out with someone"

"You kissed at least?"


"Well that's mean you never kissed?" I turn my face to look outside, I'm too embarrased.

"Hooo you're so cute Seul" Joy giggles and piches my cheek, I blush and repel her.Talking about boys always hinder me, it's as if they don't interest me, I never fell something around them. This summer I asked a lot of questions about myself, all the girls are interested in boys and me even the maths interest me more. I ended up telling myself I have to wait the right one.

"It's there Seulgi!!" Joy seems really excited for our first day in the high school but me I'm a bit frightened.

We both leave the bus and pass the grid of the highschool, it's really big, the courtyard is huge, and there are students who talk and laughs.We move forward timidly in the courtyard to join the interior, and time to find our classroom the lesson was over, and now we are in the principal's office for our first day even our first hour in this high school.

"It's 9h and you begin at 8h, explain me" Joy and me look at each other and search an excuse, and after 30 sec of reflexion Joy finnaly say:

"We're really sorry sir, we missed our bus and Seulgi should have wait for me because I had..."

"You had?"

"I felt really bad this morning, I threw up my breakfast, I was really stres..."

"Okay, okay, I don't want  hear more! It's your first day It's okay but next time come on time!" We're getting up and let's go faster out the principal's office.When we're out the office we burst in a laugh, but I calm down.

"You don't have to say that Joy, you coul have a punishment"

"No don't worry, I saw you were stressed then I invented a thing"

"Thanks Joy you're awesome!"

"I know Seulbear"


After that we join the next class, arrived here we apologize at the professor.We search free seats and we find that just behing Wendy. Wendy is arrived in our college during last year, we have fast integrate Wendy in our group and since we are good friends.She turns towards us.

"Where were you?!"

"It's Seulgi's fault, as usual!"

"Yeah I doubt it" They giggle while I crossed my arms and put my head for sleep a bit.

"You want to return in your dream maybe?" I suddenly raise my head and Joy burst into a laugh.The teacher turns around.


Joy tells my weird dream at Wendy while I go back to sleep.

"Well, as I said before Mrs Park intterupt me, this morning we welcome a new student, I count on you to integrate her well" Even if we begin the highshool today we have the chance to know everyone, all those who were at the college with us we're now with us at the highschool.

"Pfff why a new student?We were well"

"Shut up Joy"

"You shut up! In what we need a new student?!"

"You two shut up!" I raised my head edgy and wait for the new student.

"You can come in Joohyun"


And now, I'm not angry anymore to have been awake, nobody talk, no more noises in the class.

"Hi! I'm Bae Joohyun, but you can call me Irene"







AAARGH my poor english, I'm so sorry for the mistakes! I do my best! I hope you still enjoy this chapter ^^



















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