Too Late

Too Late

It was a normal day for Kim Taehyung, or V as he was more known to as. He got up from his bed and smiled as he opened the curtains.


"Hyung, close the curtains" came a complain from his roommate, the youngest of Bangtan, Jungkook. "It's too bright!" the maknae whined.

"Wae? The sun's awake and you should be too" he said to the younger who covered his own face with a pillow to block out the light. "You used to be the earliest to wake up though" he added with a chuckle.


Just then the door opened and revealed the oldest of the group, Jin, wearing a pink apron and holding a frying pan on his hand.


"Oh, Taehyung-ah! That's a surprise, you're awake already" the oldest said with awe.

"I'm surprised too, hyung" Taehyung answered with a grin.

"Jeon Jungkook, wake up now. I told you to stop playing games in the middle of the night!" Jin nagged while the youngest was forced to wake up.

"Hyung, stop nagging. I'm up now" Jungkook groaned as he fixed his disheveled hair.

"Breakfast is ready, you two. Come on" the oldest ordered. "Can't keep the others waiting" he added as the two finished fixing their beds and went out of the room and proceeded to the dining room.


The trio sat on their usual spots and ate. After eating breakfast, they all got ready for their schedules today.


"Wow. Can you believe it? We've been together for 2 years now!" Hoseok said with a smile as they made their way to the station.

"It feels like yesterday though" Namjoon added as he looked at s who are all wearing smiles.

"I can't believe that I managed to stay in one place with six weirdos" Jin commented, earning whines from the group.

"Hyung, we're not weirdos!' Taehyung whined and the oldest pinched the latter's cheek.

"My dear V, you are the weirdest of them all" he told him and the others laughed.

"That's right, Taehyungie tops with his weirdness" Jimin commented, causing the others to laugh more.

"Aish, you guys" Taehyung huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Wae? We love you though" Jungkook said as he hugged the annoyed member.

"Chincha?" the older's mood changed instantly causing laughter once more.

"Truly, our Taehyung can't handle getting mad" Yoongi commented with Jimin agreeing insitantly.


Today's schedule was tiring as usual so as soon the members came back from work, everyone fell asleep on their beds, all except Taehyung. He was too tired and was also about to sleep when his phone rang.



"Oppa...I love you so much" came a confession from the other line. Taehyung furrowed his brows, who is he talking to?

"I'm sorry...but who are you?" the young man asked.

"Oppa...stay with me" the voice from the other line pleaded. "I only want to be with you" The BTS member wasn't sure whether it was just a prank or not.

"Excuse me...but there are other guys in this world that you deserve more than me" he responded but was replied with desperate cry.

"Oppa, if I can't be with you...I'll die!" the voice from the other line cried. "Oppa, if I's because of you" the voice threatened him more but he was just too tired to even comprehend it at all.

"Yah...don't joke around"

"Oppa, I'm serious!"

"What a---" the male was about to say something when the phone call was cut off. Taehyung was utterly confused by the event.


The next day, the said member was woken up by numerous notifications popping through his phone and the worried look on the members.


"Wha...what's wrong?" he asked as he scratched his nape.

"Hyung...someone tried to commit suicide and blamed you. Hyung, were you in a relationship with her?" Jungkook was the first to ask and it dawned to Taehyung, the last night's phone call.

"A-aniyo. I wasn't in a relationship with someone" he answered the youngest, his mind focusing on the conversation last night. 

"Then what is this?" Namjoon asked as he handed the younger an iPad containing the news article. Taehyung couldn't believe it, somebody tried to kill herself because of him...but what he couldn't believe more is that the said victim also claimed that they are in a relationship, that he were breaking up with her so she killed herself.

"Hyung, I swear! I don't know her at all!" he exclaimed as he looked at the members, eyes filled with pain. Had they not know him at all?

"Hyung, calm down" Jungkook tried to coax the older.

"That's right, calm down" Jimin joined to calm Taehyung.


Just then, Bang PD came into the scene, looking very livid. He marched down to their direction and landed a fist on Taehyung's face. The former was shocked by the sudden act by their producer. So, they don't believe him.


"How could you do that?" the producer asked, veins popping out due to anger. "How could you just let her kill herself?!" he demanded.

"I swear, I didn't kno--"

"Didn't know? Taehyung-ah, don't lie to me" Bang PD said as he played a recording on his phone.


"Oppa, if I can't be with you, I'll die!"

"Don't joke around"


"Kim Taehyung, tell me. Tell me that it wasn't you and I will let this go" the producer told the younger who wasn't able to move. "Answer me, the one on this recording, is it you or not?" Bang PD asked.

"It was me" the said member admitted. "It was me but I didn't know her at all!" he denied the accusations.

"You know, Taehyung-ah...I really don't know you now. You're lucky that the girl didn't die" the producer said with disappointment before leaving the room. The words hit Taehyung so badly, it wasn't his fault but he was the one who takes the blame.


He looked at the other members, who were still frozen on their spots, after watching Bang PD leave his room. Maybe it's due to the shock caused by the PD's outburst, he thought.


"You you think the same too?" he asked them. He saw how the members shared a glance, unsure of whether what to answer. 

"Taehyung, well...." and at that moment, Taehyung knew...his life was perfectly ruined.


Days passed and the news was still crazy, within just a few days, Taehyung lost a lot of his fans, his image totally ruined, his former fans send him with hate mails, s are distant, his family are unreachable.


"Hello, this is K&P Chairwoman's Office. Chairwoman Park is unavailable right now. Just send....." Taehyung exhaled sharply as he covered his face. Even now, his mother is still ignoring him. She must be much even ashamed that she had a son like him, incompetent, ignorant, undeserving. He felt so lonely, so vulnerable, no one would take his side for this matter. No one. 


He went to the kitchen to get some water. He was left alone inside the dorm, all the members had to continue the aligned schedules. He was ordered by the company to stay inside the dorm until the news pass. He felt his throat dry even if he drink all of the water in the place.


"Why can't you believe me?" he asked to no one in particular. He felt his tears betray him as he felt them flowing out of his eyes. He wished that this pain will go away soon, he wished that he could feel at peace again. He wished that someone would hear his pleas. He wished. His eyes caught sight of shimmering metal piece hanging by the sink. As if his body moved on its own as he found himself attracted at the said metal. Grabbing the item, he felt hypnotized to use it on his skin. Cutting his forearm once and he felt relieved, all of the suppressed emotions washed away as he felt the blood trickling down the sink. Taehyung knew his life became more complicated but there's no turning back now. At least with this, he could feel peace.


The night came and the members came back after their exhausting schedule. Taehyung made sure that his wound was perfectly covered and could go unnoticed.


"Hyung, for you" Jungkook said as he handed him a box of doughnuts.

"Thank you" he put up his fakest smile as he carefully took the box from the younger.

" are you feeling, hyung?" the maknae asked with worry visible in his eyes.

"I'm doing fine, Kookie" he assured the latter but he himself knew that he is lying. I feel miserable.

"Hyung, erm...if there's something you need to talk about...tell me" the youngest told him. "I'll be all ears" he added. Taehyung just smiled at him, he didn't know if what the maknae told him was sincere or nor yet he appreciate it, for making such effort.

"Thank you, Kookie" he said.


Months passed and the issue was dying down. Taehyung was forced to make an official apology to the girl, and he hated it. It was never his fault yet he could only obey. He found an addiction to self-harm. Every free time, he would cut his skin to express all of his suppressed emotions, he had to wear long sleeve shirts and give up t-shirts and sleeveless shirts due to the scars noticeable on his skin. The members were now trying to be civil again with him and it remind him the time when he was added to be the 7th member to complete the group. They even had to change places because of him, he was given his own room while Jungkook was roomed with Yoongi.


"Maybe you regret of ever agreeing to let me join Bangtan" Taehyung muttered as he looked at the picture of the group when they won their first ever award. "I'm sorry..." he apologized. "I'm sorry for ruining your career" he felt his tears fell again. Sorry. That was all he could say to them. Sorry.


He heard a knock on the door and he quickly wiped his tears away and pretended to be looking at something on his phone when the door opened and revealed Jin.


"Taehyung, it's dinner time now. Come out and eat" the oldest told him.

"I'm nor hungry, hyung" he lied smoothly, within months, Taehyung learned how to lie. "I don't feel well, right now" he told the oldest. It wasn't really a lie, he wasn't really feeling well. He was drained, inside and out.

"Do you want me to get a medicine or-"

"I'm fine, hyung. I just need some rest" he cut off Jin's words, refusing any treatments from the former.

"Taehyung, I'll leave some food for you. Go on and rest" Jin said with uneasiness before he left the room silently. Taehyung watched him leave before closing his eyes and let the tears all fall down from them.


The group announced the upcoming comeback and numerous hate mails were sent to Taehyung when they found out that BTS will still be promoting as 7.


OnlyYou: Why should Kim Taehyung be performing with our oppas? [+23094 -2310]

IceSohee: V should leave Bangtan for good. He's ruining their career! [+18945 -1209]

HaterforBwi: Kim Taehyung, you good-for-nothing weirdo! Just die already! [+6432 -102]


Taehyung laughed bitterly as he read the hate comments directed to him.


"Just wait a little bit...I will do what you request" he answered quietly. He put his phone back to his pocket and slid the knife out and started cutting. A knock interrupted his activity.

"Taehyung-ah, I need to use the bathroom urgently!" Hoseok begged. With a sigh of frustration, the younger washed his wounds and dressed them properly before washing all of the evidence away and then went out. Hoseok immediately went inside and locked the door while Taehyung went to his room and prepared for the shooting.


The group shoot with "youth" as the concept once again. They were told to have fun during the shooting. During camera roll, he was doing what they wanted him to do but he stays far from the group and the staffs as soon as the cameras were off. 


"Taehyung-ah, why are you so far away?" Jimin asked as he noticed the male sitting far from them. "Come here" he said as he held the younger's hand, who flinched in the process. "Wae? What's wrong?" he asked.

"Aniya. There's nothing wrong" Taehyung lied as he retracted his hand away from him.


The shooting began, giving Taehyung a chance to avoid Jimin's interrogation. After hours of shooting, the setting soon shifted from an abandoned junk yard to the beach.


"So you're going to climb...." the director was telling Taehyung of what he will do. "We have a stunt...."

"I can do it, Director" Taehyung spoke, causing the director to look at the other staffs as if having a slient meeting whether to let the boy do it. After minutes of reconsideration, he was allowed to do the stunt. He thanked the staffs before going back to his place, writing up what may be his last letter to the group.


The shooting started and the members didn't know about what has been agreed to. It was all going pleasant until Taehyung climbed up.


"Wait. What is he doing?" Jungkook asked with alarmness as he saw Taehyung on the top, ready to jump from the platform, he looked at the water to see the staff still in the process of setting up the buoy. "I thought it was a stuntman who will do that!" he asked his older members who are surprised as him.

"I thought so too, Jungkook-ah" Jimin answered, his eyes not leaving Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ah, get down!" Namjoon said but was unheard by Taehyung who gave them a fast glance before jumping down.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi yelled as the boy hit the waters.


The whole set was in chaos as the staffs called for an emergency. The boys were being held off by the managers as the others search for Taehyung. It has been roughly 30 minutes but the boy was still not found and it worry everyone.


"We found him!" came an announcement from the search and rescue staffs, and the emergency responders immediately rushed to aide the boy.

"Yah, he's not breathing!" one of the responders yelled in alarm as he continued to apply CPR to the boy.

"T-Taehyung!" Jin called out to the unconcious boy.


The boy was then transported to the hospital for further treatment where he was declared brain dead. Only by then, they found out that he has been cutting himself and it made them more guilty and remorseful. Taehyung is gone now, the news wouldn't just sink in to their heads. They refuse for it to sink in. One of the managers gave them a letter from Taehyung, saying that he found it inside his belongings.


To my beloved members...

I didn't want us to part like this and I tried to fight it off...but I can't do it anymore. The scandal changed me. I never wanted to be like this...I lost hope. No one would believe me that it was not my fault. Everyone turned their backs from me. The fans, the company, my family, even you guys. I don't blame you though. You guys tried to make up with me but the damage has been made pretty badly now. I got addicted to self-harm, that was the only way I can express all of my emotions. Also, I really wanted to have a comeback with you guys...but I think that is too much to ask...Anyways, THANK YOU for the times you guys made me happy. I love you, Bangtan. I'm sorry, guys. You guys couldn't save me anyway. 

This is Kim Taehyung, V from BTS, signing out.


That was when all the members knew, they are all too late to help him. They could only cry with their hearts filled with guilt and remorse for everything is too late now. Too late.

Hi...not a good idea to start my first BTS fanfic with suicide. I know that I'm not good at writing stories, so I apologize. You may also notice that I made many grammatical mistakes, English is my third, I'm not also that fluent in English. Anyways, I hope you would like this story...and comment your opinion about it. Thank you, this is Ayu...signing out.


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Akahaka_Scarlet #1
Chapter 2: I'm not crying...I'm not crying...I'm not crying...TT^TT FIIINE I'M CRYING!!! This was really feeling empty out of sudden. At least I know the feeling I give to readers whenever I kill a character in my fanfics