Dreadlock Dreams

Without a Doubt, I'm on Your Side

A week later, on a Monday, Hoseok found himself sitting outside under a tree on campus, trying his best to make sense of the assigned chapter given to him by his Philosophy professor.  He didn’t understand the material whatsoever, and it didn’t help that it was ten million degrees outside.  Earlier, when he was attempting to study all cooped up in his dorm and had gotten nowhere, he convinced himself that fresh air would do him well.  After probably less than two minutes in the sun, however, he was regretting his decision.


He sighed and went back to his reading, fanning himself with his hand.  At least it was relatively quiet out today, with not many people hustling about loudly from class to class.  It made it easier for him to try to read this stupid chapter.  Who cares what these old dead guys thought the answers to life were, anyway? Certainly, not Hoseok.


Hoseok leaned his head back against the tree, looking up fondly at its leafy green foliage, very thankful for its presence. He dropped one of his hands away from the book in his lap, absently running his fingers through the grass.  He needed to regain his focus, but it was just so darn hot.  He wiped the sweat from his brow, impulsively deciding to the top two buttons of his shirt.  He felt the light breeze hit his skin, and he sighed contentedly, returning to his chapter with his newfound focus.


His newfound focus that only lasted a few minutes, as he looked up when heard a loud whistle followed by, “Collarbones that nice should be illegal!”


Hoseok could barely mutter a confused “What?” before Yoongi had gently removed the book from the other male’s lap, marked his place with a leaf, and laid down on the grass, stretching out and resting his head on Hoseok’s thighs.


“Hey,” Yoongi said, grinning up at Hoseok like he hadn’t just interrupted his study session or anything.


“I was reading that, you know,” Hoseok said, grateful that at least the other male had the decency to mark his page.  With a leaf. 


“I’m better looking than that book.  Stare at me for hours instead,” Yoongi said with a serious face, looking up at Hoseok’s face as it transformed from a normal skin tone to a dangerous shade of red.


Hoseok responded by looking away, focusing his attention on literally anything else.  He found it hard to come up with some kind of counterargument because, for one, Yoongi had caught him off guard, and for two, well, he could safely say that Yoongi wasn’t wrong.  He was better looking than that book.


They spent a few minutes in silence, with Hoseok looking away and with Yoongi still laying with his head in the other male’s lap, curling his fingers in the grass.  It wasn’t entirely uncomfortable, but Hoseok couldn’t help but feel awkward about the situation, especially with a guy he barely knew just making himself at home in his lap.


“So, how’s Chemistry going?” Hoseok asked suddenly, trying to make conversation and finally turning his head back in Yoongi’s direction, looking down at him with curiosity.


“Chemistry?” Yoongi asked, looking up at Hoseok with confusion etched on his features.


“Yeah? You bought the book from me last week.  I was wondering how the class was going.  If you have problems with the curriculum, feel free to come to me for help,” Hoseok rambled, looking back up at the leafy green foliage of the tree.


“Thanks,” Yoongi mumbled, turning his head to look at Hoseok’s legs instead of Hoseok.


They fell into silence again, this time slightly more uncomfortable.  Hoseok looked around again, staring at his own hands in the grass.  He thought it was pretty grass, but it was also pretty itchy, and without thinking he pulled his hands away from it and settled them comfortably on Yoongi’s chest, which was considerably less itchy.


“Already going for second base?” Yoongi smirked, peeking up at Hoseok out of one eye.


“Base?” Hoseok asked, confused.  Was that a sports reference?

“Forget about it,” Yoongi said, and he closed his eyes.  Hoseok just shrugged and kept his hands where they were.  He took the silence as an opportunity and snuck a glance down at Yoongi, and noticed that he was wearing a hoodie and jeans out in this head, and Hoseok could’ve sworn in that minute that Yoongi was insane.


“Aren’t you hot?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.  He wouldn’t know how to handle the situation if Yoongi fainted from heatstroke or something like that.


“Nah.  You’re kind of shading me, plus we’re under this tree, so,” Yoongi offered vagueness as an answer, kind of leaving the sentence dangling in the air unfinished.


“Why wear something like that in this heat?” Hoseok asked, knitting his brows together.


 Yoongi rolled over then, facing up at Hoseok.  He formed his fingers into a peace sign shape and help them up in front of his eye, still keeping a straight face as he did so.  “Maybe I wore this so you would worry over me and try to take care of me.”


Hoseok rolled his eyes, his cheeks flushing a much less dangerous shade of pink.  He looked away from the older male in his lap and grumbled, “You really like teasing me, don’t you?”


Yoongi began to laugh then, a loud, whimsical laugh that for a brief second, Hoseok thought he could get used to.  “Guilty,” the older male said after a while, still chuckling softly.


The silence settled between them again.  It was starting to feel like a routine.  Yoongi would embarrass Hoseok, and then they would be quiet for a while, and then the embarrassment would start back up again.  Hoseok was beginning to wonder why Yoongi was able to get him flustered like this.  It was something he couldn’t wrap his mind around, kind of like his Philosophy chapter that he was supposed to be reading right now.


“Hey, you were out here to study, right?” Yoongi asked, interrupting Hoseok’s thoughts.


“Yes, I was, actually,” Hoseok said, suddenly indignant.  Yoongi simply nodded and snatched the book up, setting it on his chest and opening it to the page Hoseok left off on, thanks to the leaf he had used as a bookmark.


“Just use me as a table,” Yoongi shrugged, closing his eyes when Hoseok started shooting him questioning looks.  “It’s fine.  And by the way, Philosophy is really interesting to me, so if you ever need help in the class, just let me know.” He opened his eyes for a split second, long enough to wink at Hoseok before closing them again.


For what felt like the hundredth time that day for Hoseok, he flushed again, this time the color heading towards the dangerous territory.   He turned his attention quickly to trying to wrap his mind around his chapter and absolutely not around trying to wrap his mind around just how in the world Yoongi, and only Yoongi, could manage to make him this flustered.




The next time Yoongi even saw Hoseok -besides the times he saw him sitting in the front row of class right before he went to sleep and saw the backs of his own eyelids- was two weeks later.  The season was beginning to change.  The leaves were morphing from green into a much uglier green, and then into bright, vibrant colors like orange and red.  The air was beginning to change, as well, and the days were getting cooler while the nights were getting just plain cold.


 Yoongi didn’t mind the weather change, and he quite liked the way the sky was beginning to tint a different blue, but he had to wonder why Taehyung and their friend, Namjoon, insisted on sitting outside on a picnic table on such a cold, dreary day like that day. The wind wasn’t blowing and it had stopped raining hours ago, but the air was still frigid, and Yoongi was glad he had opted to wear both a jacket and a hoodie. Cold weather is hard on a little guy like Yoongi.  He sighed and slinked further inside his warm clothing, simultaneously attempting to take a drag on his cigarette.  He scowled at his roommate because it was now suddenly his fault that it was cold outside.


“Remind me again, why are we outside in the cold?” Yoongi complained, glaring at their surroundings and the people that passed by them.


“Needed to focus on grading these papers. Mid-terms coming up. Wanted fresh air. You two idiots refused to leave me alone and go back to your own apartment. Thus, we are outside,” Namjoon spoke in a low, mono-toned voice, never looking up from the papers he was grading.


“Dude, it’s not our fault that you decided to become teacher’s aide because you had a crush on the professor and now you have to grade his papers,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, trying to glare daggers into the side of Namjoon’s face.


Namjoon just made a noise that sounded like a combination of a scoff and a disgruntled vacuum cleaner, so Yoongi decided to just drop it.  He turned his attention instead to his surroundings as he stared at Taehyung, who was leaning halfway of the picnic table with a cigarette in one hand and an upside-down comic book in the other.  He looked past the younger male to notice one guy in shorts and a white V-neck tee shirt holding a guitar and singing to two girls, and Yoongi was willing to bet that he was probably going to score with both of those girls later that night.  Damn those guys with acoustic guitars.


He shifted in his seat to look elsewhere, wiggling down into his hoodie a bit more when he caught sight of Hoseok in a godawful purple sweater vest that fit snugly over a white and blue-striped button down paired with those nice khaki pants that were a little too tight for even a Wednesday afternoon.  He was walking alongside his bossy friend who appeared to be talking animatedly about something.  Yoongi lowkey hoped he was scolding Hoseok for his outfit choices.


After staring at them long enough to get their attention, Yoongi called the two over to sit with them, figuring it had to be way more exciting than the lame guys he was currently sitting with.  Hoseok waved back at Yoongi, bouncing over to them as Jimin kind of hid behind the taller male once he caught sight of Taehyung, who just offered him a lazy smirk.


“Hey, Yoongi!” Hoseok said, making himself at home and sliding right next to Yoongi even though there was an open seat across from him.  The action made Yoongi smile, but he hid that smile behind his oversized coat sleeve. “How are you?”


Namjoon hissed at the sudden noise, laying his head over the papers, and Yoongi guessed he was probably holding back tears.


“Is- is he okay?” Hoseok asked, completely disregarding Yoongi’s well-being, which was fine by Yoongi.


“He’s fine. He’s just grading papers. He’s a professor’s aide,” Taehyung spoke up, directing his words at Jimin even though Hoseok had asked the question.


“Is he allowed to grade those papers outside of the classroom?” Hoseok asked, extremely worried about Namjoon’s academic honesty.


“Technically, no,” Namjoon spoke, his eyes still trained on the papers in front of him.  “But Seokjin trusts me.”


“I see.” Hoseok nodded before furrowing his brows.  “Wait… Seokjin? Do you mean Dr. Kim? You’re Dr. Kim’s teacher’s aide? Why do you call him by his first name?”


Namjoon decided to answer only one question because he didn’t have time to answer all of them.  “Seokjin and I have something special,” he shrugged, and his response triggered Yoongi into a gagging fit.


“Something special?” Hoseok asked, his face twisting up into a confused expression. “Assuming you mean what I think you mean, isn’t he married?”


“He’s recently divorced.” Namjoon’s grin could be seen even from where his face was tilted down as he peered over the papers.  Hoseok decided to drop it, and Yoongi was so very glad.


“Hey, Jimin, don’t you wanna sit down?” Yoongi asked lazily, half leaning onto Hoseok, who only seemed to mind a little bit.


Jimin looked at the table and noticed that the only two available seats were both beside Taehyung.  He wasn’t sure if he liked those options, so he just shook his head and forced a curt smile.


“Come on, Jimin! Take a seat,” Hoseok said, and Yoongi could tell that Jimin was probably internally cursing his chipper attitude while at the same time wishing that Hoseok would catch on fire.


“Yeah, Chim Chim.” Taehyung grinned up at him, patting his lap.  “Take a seat.”


Jimin gasped at that before scowling and sitting next to Taehyung, fuming.  Yoongi could understand why.  Taehyung had a dirty lap.


Several minutes passed by in silence, save for the sounds of Namjoon marking questions wrong on the papers.  Yoongi drummed his fingers against the table, turning his head to look around and accidentally making eye-contact with Hoseok in the process.  The younger male smiled at him, the kind of soft smile that people write poems about.  Yoongi was sure that he could write a whole stanza purely about the way Hoseok’s eyes still seemed to sparkle in the mid-afternoon clouds when there wasn’t even any light to catch them.


Yoongi cleared his throat abruptly, catching himself staring and decided to say something, because Hoseok’s cute smile was beginning to twist into an uncomfortable look of why is this guy staring at me?


“Um, so. Hey! Namjoon is having a party soon, after mid-terms and the big crunch is over. You guys should come.” Yoongi offered a small smile and hoped it was convincing.


“Namjoon is not having a parry,” Namjoon spoke up, but he was promptly ignored.


“There’s no way I’m going if hes going to be there,” Jimin scowled, pointing at Taehyung who quickly pulled his hand away from where he had been trying to rub Jimin’s thigh for the past ten minutes and leaned back across the picnic table.


“Tch,” was all he had to say as he moved his cigarette-hand up by Yoongi’s head, accidentally setting some of his hair on fire.  Hoseok’s eyes widened into a state of panic as he tried to put out the (non-existent) flame.  Yoongi just sighed and patted his hair until it stopped smoking. This happened so much that he couldn’t even be mad anymore.  He was kind of bummed that Taehyung kept catching his hair on fire, though.  It was preventing his hair from growing long enough to achieve his dream of having dreadlocks.


“You don’t have to worry, because there won’t be any party,” Buzzkill-Namjoon piped up.


“Yes, there will be a party,” Taehyung chimed in, suddenly interested in the idea.  “I’m not so bad, Chim Chim,” Taehyung offered Jimin a boxy grin, successfully placing his hand right on Jimin’s thigh.


Jimin just rolled his eyes but didn’t slap Taehyung’s hand away.  Taehyung shrugged and counted it as a success.


“So, are you in?” Yoongi turned his attention to Hoseok, who had started sweating at the mention of the word party.


“I- I don’t know. I mean, I have my studies and all,” Hoseok fidgeted his fingers together on top of the table.


“It’ll be fine. It’s a party to celebrate the end of mid-terms, after all,” Namjoon said, finally on-board with the party that would be at his place.


“You see?” Yoongi smiled, which seemed to be comforting Hoseok.  “You have nothing to worry about.  It’ll be fun, just a little music and food and friends, that’s it.”


Hoseok thought about it for a moment.  He liked music, food, and friends.  Plus, if it was just a small get-together to celebrate the testing being over, then he supposed it couldn’t hurt. He looked to Jimin for approval. Jimin just gave him a shrug of the shoulder as confirmation because he was busy getting Taehyung to type his number into his phone.


“Okay. We’ll come.” Hoseok smiled softly, and Yoongi’s heart did some weird flippy thing where it felt like it was beating too fast but at the same time might fly out of his mouth at any moment. Damn that Hoseok and his cuteness.


“Good,” Yoongi smiled back, almost shyly.  “Don’t forget to bring food. All Namjoon has in his fridge is Greek yogurt.”


Hoseok and Jimin both stopped what they were doing in order to look at Namjoon in curiosity. “Why…” they began in unison, gaping at him.


“Because,” he growled, finally looking up from his papers.  “It’s my aesthetic.”


“O…kay,” they spoke in unison again, deciding to drop it, and Yoongi was glad.  Namjoon didn’t play when it came to aesthetic.




Three days later, Hoseok made the excuse to drop by Jimin’s dorm room early in the morning.  He didn’t have class that morning, but exam season was coming up in a few weeks and Hoseok liked to be prepared.  He was going to just stop by and ask Jimin to borrow notecards to study with, even though he had plenty. He just really wanted to see Jimin. His best friend always knew how to calm him down in times of stress.


He decided to get breakfast for himself and Jimin before going over to his dorm.  He bought the younger male’s favorite in hopes to make his early morning visit into a nice surprise, and also in hopes that Jimin wouldn’t be too mad if he woke him up.  When he arrived in front of Jimin’s door, he pulled out his spare key and let himself in like he always did, closed the door behind him and made his way over to the table to set the food down.


Except, on his way to the table, he found Taehyung sitting in the floor of the living room area in his underwear and with his hair a mess.  He was eating raw cookie dough out of a tube and was watching some kind of anime on the television.  This was certainly not normal. 


“Good morning,” Taehyung smiled, lazily waving his non-cookie-dough hand at Hoseok.  “What you got in your hands there?”


Hoseok stared at him in shock before fumbling with the bag in his hands and moving to set it on the table.  “Yeah, for Jimin and me.”


“I see.” Taehyung smiled before squeezing some more cookie dough into his mouth.  “Chim Chim should be out in a few minutes.  He was up all night and he’s pretty tired, so don’t be too chipper at him, okay?”


Hoseok sputtered at the “chipper” comment before pausing.  “Up all night? Was he studying?” Hoseok was confused.  Jimin was studious but he valued his sleep.


Taehyung just stared at him blankly, wondering how this guy could be so dense before he took notice of his outfit (another sweater vest, green this time, over a brown collared shirt and different colored brown pants) and decided that Hoseok had to be, without a doubt, a complete .  He sighed before looking up at the older male and patting the spot next to him.  “Come, sit down.”


Hoseok blinked before obliging, sitting down on the floor next to the younger and crossing his legs over each other.  “Okay.”


Taehyung turned to face him, still not putting the cookie dough down.  “Last night, Jimin and I had .”


Hoseok stared at him blankly for a few moments before it finally clicked.  . Likewhat married people do.  But theyre not married.  So does that mean theyre together? A million thoughts were running through Hoseok’s head, and he was very confused.  Taehyung rested a comforting hand on the older male’s knee to calm him.


“Easy, now.  It’s okay, no need to panic,” he chuckled.  “I treated him like a prince and he had a very nice time.”


Hoseok nodded, comforted by Taehyung’s word without actually letting them connect to his brain.  “Okay.”


“Which brings me to the next conversation topic with minimal Segway,” Taehyung spoke, his eyes scanning of Hoseok’s disastrous outfit, which Taehyung really wanted to burn.  “We have gotta get you laid.”


“No, I think I’ll pass on that,” Hoseok said without skipping a beat, his eyes still glazed over and his thoughts elsewhere.


“I’m serious.  Your whole outfit and everything about you screams . And I’m not saying that ity is a bad thing, it just looks really lame on you,” Taehyung spoke, deciding to lose all tact.


“I think my outfit it okay,” Hoseok droned.  “How do I even lose a ity?”


“Easy. You have ,” Taehyung nodded, hoping that his messaged was getting past Hoseok’s weird wall he was putting up over this.


“Can I skip the and get straight to a better taste in clothes?” Hoseok asked, fiddling with the fabric of his sweater vest that his mom bought for him back in high school.


“I’m afraid not.” Taehyung shook his head.  “Look, hyung, I know you’re scared.  I can see by the way that you’ve completely blocked out the entire world that you’re scared.  But I don’t really care about your plans right now.  This is me coming at you as a man right now.  Just let Yoongi hyung give you a good dicking,” he said, holding his hand over his heart like a concerned friend.


Hoseok finally snapped out of it, looking at the younger male as if he had two heads budding from his neck and had changed his name to Julie.  “But I barely know him! Plus he is a man! How does that work?” he began to panic.


“Chill out, Hoseok,” came Jimin’s voice, who had finally decided to walk out of his bedroom and come join them in the floor, settling himself into Taehyung’s lap, kissing him on the cheek.


“Yeah, listen to Chim Chim.  He’s a five s back-to-back champ,” Taehyung laughed as Jimin let out a sharp sound and swatted him with his own cookie dough.


Hoseok just stared at them, put off by their flirting but also by what Taehyung had said.  “Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt but, what’s an ?”


Taehyung and Jimin stopped their battle over the cookie dough in favor of staring at Hoseok wide-eyed.


“It’s this thing that…and it’s…when the guy on top does this thing and he….angles his thing to hit a certain spot inside and it’s…wow,” Jimin half-assed explained, causing Hoseok to look even more confused.


“Taehyung just sighed and shook his head. “Just wait until Namjoon hyung’s party.  I’m sure you’ll find out then,” he smirked, causing Hoseok to gulp.


He wasn’t sure if he wanted to find out, but one thing was for sure: he should not have made Jimin an early morning visit.



sorry it was so late please forgive me! y'all, i'll do better.

thank you for reading and commenting and upvoting and subscribing wink wink


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Chapter 4: Wait, that's it??
This was really good. It was so sweet.
I also like how you had ALL MY FAV SHIPS that's always a plus.
Chapter 2: Yeahhhhh VMIN FTW!!!
Chapter 1: "Premarital "

I actually was laughing throughout the whole thing. This is great.
I'm gonna read the rest of the chapters later :)
Chapter 4: Lol Hoseok telling Namjoon "he touched it" lol that's so cute.
I love how their relationship is developing and it isn't just .
Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 3: The kissss yesssssss
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha jimin is so funny lol
Chapter 2: Omg love this so much! Especially Hoseok's outfits lol.
Chapter 1: am i allowed in the bossy--free zone
Chapter 1: I'm crying at TaeTae- I.. fave
And skmflskdjsa Hoseok is like Yoongi's muse or something it's so cute I'm swooning-