I'll act - 2

I'll act
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As soon as the woman hugged her, Joohyun flinched. 

The woman whispered in her ear during the hug "im just pretending to be your gf so i can get you out of this mess" 

Joohyun smiled and nodded. 

The two pulled away and the woman instantly pulled Irene closer to her and kept her hand at Irene's waist. 

"Whooo  are you?" Henry asked in a pissed off/drunk  tone. 

"Im her girlfriend" the woman said with a stern voice. 

"Reaaaaaallly?" The alcohol got into Henry. 

"Yes, now if you may excuse us." The woman tried to leave the club as soon as possible. 

"No!" Henry yelled "theres no way.. my joohyun is dating someoneee... prooooveeee it!" 

The woman nodded and kissed Irene really close to . 

Irene was questioning this. She wasnt mad about this stranger basically giving her a kiss but she was more shocked. 

The woman pulled away and kept her forehead touching joohyun's. 

The woman smiled warmly and just kept staring at Irene. 

Her eyes are beautiful. Irene silently thought. 

Then she pulled away completely.  

"EEEEEEEEHHHHH! No! My joohyun!!!!" Now henry was banging the table in frustration. 

The stranger looked at Irene and gave her a signal lets run away now. 

Irene laughed and nodded back. 

They ran out of the bar and as soon as they could hear the voices  inside their head instead of the loud ringing music, they laughed. 

They laughed until they ran out of breath. 

As soon as they caught their breaths they introduced themselves. 

"Im sorry for that weird first encounter. You seemed really uncomfortable with that guy. My name is Kang Seulgi and i think im deaf now. 

I couldnt hear your guy over there but i think your name was joohyun? His voice was louder than the music!" 

Irene laughed, shes cute "my name is Irene but also known as  Bae Joohyun. Nice to meet you." 

"Nice to meet you. How about we talk over dinner? Im sure you didnt eat much trying to get away from that guy" seulgi chuckled

Seulgi was right, Irene barely ate anything in hopes of leaving Henry as soon as possible. 

"That sounds great." Joohyun smiled. 


Seulgi drove them to a near by korean bbq restaurant.

When they were seated, She just ordered samgyeopsal and decided to talk to this very shy girl. 

"So, whats the deal with that guy?" Seulgi laughed just thinking of him 

Irene laughed as well "his name is Henry, hes my best friend's ex." 

"Wow? Breaking the girl code much" 

Joohyun chuckled. She liked this girl. "No haha, my best friend was the one who pressured me into it. My turn now, how did you know i wanted to get out of there." 

At the moment the meat arrived so Seulgi was cooking the meat and answering Irene's question. 

"I was already at bar before you guys came. I was bored so i sat down near the bar tender for a drink. Thats when you two came. You put on the worst acting and said you were dating someone. By the way i dont think he believe

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Sir_Loin #1
Chapter 2: Kinda took a turn towards the end eh?
Sir_Loin #2
Chapter 1: Joohyun is a very pretty name
bpblink #3
Chapter 2: Cuuuute!!!
2179 streak #4
Chapter 2: Thank you for writing this adorable story!
Chapter 2: this is really cuteeeeee
Chapter 2: write an epilogue bro huehuehe
Chapter 2: Yes that is soooo fluffy and funny!!!!!!!!!! Seulrene!!!!!! Please don't let each other go! I already love this story. It's so good i love it. Fighting author! :D
angeljenkins #8
Chapter 1: Ahhh this is off to a great start