❛ and all the flowers were mine ❜
the one in paradise, edgar allan poe
THE SOCIETY. as a result of the fatal nuclear experiment and the radiation that followed, north korea suffered many fatalities. with them being essentially unable to continue living in such troubling conditions, they surrendered to south korea, the two koreas reuniting under the name 'the society'. IT WAS THEN, AFTER THE PERIOD OF DARK DAYS, THAT a leader rose from the ashes of a crumbling country. HIS name WAS sim songyi and he hailed from south korea. HIS RULE LASTED FROM 1 A.N. TO 15 A.N., with all his succeeders also belonging to the sim clan. the current leader is sim jinhyung, freshly 19 years old and, speaking honestly, does anyone have any hopes for his rule?
LEADER SIM JINHYUNG. introducing the ninth leader of the society, sim jinhyung. at 19 years of age, he's only recently been crowned leader and is still unable to actually do any ruling. until he reaches the age of 21, the family's trusted friend, ji ryungjun, has taken up the position of regent. with no major changes having yet been made, nobody really has any hopes for this immature young leader. besides, the previous leader, sim dohyung (jinhyung's father) was in quite good health. his death took the nation by surprise, including jinhyung himself. this begs the question; was dohyung's death by natural causes?
the officials. the law enforcers of the society are referred to as 'the officials'. donning black uniforms with red markings to show their status and role, you can feel the force and intimidation rolling off of them in waves. each official carries along with them a taser which they do not hesitate to use if they catch someone breaking the law.
the map. following the rise of sim songyi's new nation, south korea's cities have changed. now 'the society', the capital city is now located in jeju, the furthest city from all the radiation that north korea has been exposed to. cities have all retained their names, but the status, if you will, of each city has changed. the closer you live to what used to be north korea, the lower you are in the societal hierarchy. the further you live, the higher you are regarded. that being said, seoul and other places located geographically above it, are mostly abandoned due to being closer to north korea.
living IN THE SOCIETY. young men and women are paired together in the year of their 18th birthday to become married in the future & start a family. there are three members of a family, with there only being allowed to be one child. should the expecting mother be pregnant with twins, triplets, etc, she must choose only one child and abandon the other(s). this unchosen child is then taken with others to be 'euthanised'. it is forbidden for parents to tell their children that they were chosen instead of the other twin/triplet/etc. really, the only thing that parents can do for the child that they're casting away is name them. 
houses in the society are generally small and only really contain the necessities. it is a belief within the community that mirrors can reflect radiation onto you, so not many households have mirrors in them. handphones/smartphones do not exist (Except for the officials & those of higher status). there would be too much radiation. houses are issued one home phone by the government. 
EIGHTEENTH BIRTH YEAR. the year that you are to turn 18 is referred to as your eighteenth birth year, or eby for short. its actually a really big thing, because everything happens on the first day of this year. you get matched with your future marriage partner, get told what occupation you will have (your training then commences soon after). other things happen, but those are the major ones.
❛ Death has reared himself a throne ❜
the city in the sea, edgar allan poe
the border. along what used to separate north korea from south korea lies abandoned buildings and decaying wildlife. referred to as 'the border', its every child of the society's worst nightmare. this place is used to threaten kids when they're not behaving as they should be. i guarantee that the phrase "if you don't eat your celery, you'll get sent to the border" has been used in every household at least once.
in actual fact, the border is nothing like the nightmarish picture that is painted. here, a community of its own has been established. led by chief rae chongjo, this not-actually-abandoned area is home to a whole group of people who are still loyal to north korea. this is also the place that the castaway twins/triplets/etc have been secretly brought to live out their lives. as the loyalists' propaganda that has been fed to them states, they've been given the chance to live the life that the society never gave them. of course, this is all to get these children to be willing to take down the society.
living at the border. a cluster of buildings that used to be the sleeping quarters of guards who manned south korea's defence when the north and south still hated each other, has now become the dorm rooms for the children at the border. the living area is small but sufficient and though it may not seem like it'd happen what with the rigid and cold way things are run by the loyalists, the children who were all abandoned in the same year have grown close to each other, becoming their own little family.
its the year 218 a.n. and already, things are going crazy. rumours of an uprising led by the north were meant to have been ended many years ago, but with the timing of the death of a healthy leader and the weird symbols that have been popping up in many buildings, unrest is only growing.the new leader is a young boy of 19 named sim jinhyung. as he is not yet 21, his regent ji ryungjun is taking care of official matters.
along the border is a group of teenagers who were abandoned at birth. they have been taken care of by north korean loyalists. for these teenagers, the upcoming 'switching' is an innocent chance for them to experience living with the family that they never got to have. for the loyalists, however, things are not so pure and bright. they have a much deeper and darker agenda.
note. so i don't really want to reveal too much for this story to keep the suspense (lol like it even existed in the first place). anyway, don't think too much into it and just go with the flow. if there is anything you're unsure about, please feel free to ask me. i'll try to help as much as i can without giving too much of the story away. 
if you're currently confused about what character you'll be applying as, you're going to apply as two characters, a set of twins; one was raised by their family in the society and the other was abandoned. for the story to work, the twins have to be of the same gender (cringes at the use of the word 'gender', but the three letter word gets removed by aff). anyway, more about the actual applying will be on the cheatsheet.
the society
jung seolji is a big ball of energy and spirit all packed into a tiny body. she's short but if you dare call her that, she'll bite you. she doesn't care about the society's rules and has always felt confined by all the structure and organisation. basically all her life, seolji has wanted to explore. she's read books about a time when there were planes to take you on an adventure, not to transport the dead into a country that has been completely taken over by radiation. a stubborn and fiercely loyal girl, rather than a thinker (as her love of books may suggest), she's actually a doer. if it meens freedom or the wind blowing in her hair, she's in. anything to get her out of the society's suffocating and scratchy uniform, you'll find her there. seolji definitely does not follow the saying 'think before you act' and this has often gotten her into trouble. luckily for her, her family's status has prevented her from getting the full punishment that someone of lower placing on the metaphorical pyramid of hierarchy who committed the same crime would get (in most cases, this would be death). 
the border
now, being jung seolji's twin doesn't mean that jung chaewon is anything like her. okay, so they're exactly the same when it comes to appearance from the short height to the big eyes, but their personalities are just different. where seolji is feisty and loud, chaewon is less outgoing and a deeper thinker. she's shy and quiet and exceptionally harmless in her actions. she's a follower and rarely voices her opinions. chaewon is more one to sit back and let everyone else decide things for her, unable to refuse anyone's requests. unfortunately for her, if she wants to experience what it'd be like to live with what would have been her family, she'll have to adjust drastically. years of training and practice mean nothing when imitating a girl like seolji. strangely though, her teachers and the higher up people at the border have high hopes for chaewon. from all their observations, this girl is one of the ones that'll be able to get the job they want done with more ease, especially since her family is extremely influential.





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Chapter 1: wait, can we apply for triplets?
Chapter 1: What are some jobs that citizens of the society would have?
Besides being officials?
yamitan7 #3
This might sound weird but what about the food?
Can they get ingredients and cook for themselves or are they still reliant on things like rations? ><
Chapter 2: Oh I'm so pumped to hand in my app^^ I'm loving everything about this fic seriously <3
Chapter 3: i haven't felt pumped up for a fic in a thousand years
im a huge er for twin concepts so i'll definitely be sending a pair your way if i get anything good enough
this is going to be good
Chapter 2: Just to make things easier, can I put both apps into one blog post?
Or would you like two separate blogs?
huitaine #8
this story seems soooo cool, how! i can't wait to see more of it, and to see what the applicants are going to do with their characters! i don't know if i will apply myself, because i'm not sure i have enough imagination to make a good character, but i'll definitely follow this story! good luck with it!