01. The Beginning


It was a gloomy day in their lives today, both physically and emotionally. Jacelyn and her brother, Yugyeom’s grandmother suddenly died. The weather was not helping at all as it was cloudy and raining and just begging to be released. Jacelyn didn’t know it but Yugyeom knew why the weather was so gloomy. Jacelyn was sad, heartbroken but she was more angry than anything. How could her grandmother leave her alone? How could she leave her to care for her brother? How could her grandmother think she could survive without her? Aside from the guys, her grandmother was like her best friend. Someone who Jacelyn knew she could always count on to be there.

“Jace… I’m sorry. Everything’ll be okay.” Mark consoled. Mark was one of her best friends that grew up with her and Yugyeom.

“Yeah, I’m sorry too.” She gave a bitter scoff. At that being said, lightning as bright as day was seen and thunder as loud as drums were heard. “What the hell is wrong with this weather anyways. Why is it portraying exactly what I’m feeling?” She let out a dry chuckle. This was ridiculous. Was the sky out to get her too?

“It’s because of you, Jace.” Jaebum whispered. Jaebum was one of her first friends growing up and he was also her best friend.

Jacelyn looked at Jaebum like he was going crazy. Was he that devastated to think she was the reason for this weather? This was the weather they were talking about; something they can’t control - that was Mother Nature’s job and she sure as hell wasn’t called Mother Nature.

Jacelyn chuckled, “What are you going off about, Jaebum? You’re delusional.”

“I’m ser-” Jinyoung stopped Jaebum before he could continue. Today was not the day they should disclose everything to her. She wouldn’t be able to accept it especially since her grandmother just passed.

“You should get some rest, Jace.” Mark held out his hand for her to take.

She let out a sigh and took his hand, “I guess so. It’s been a long day. Gyeom, are you okay?”

Yugyeom looked at his older sister with worry, “I’m okay, noona. Are you?”

Jacelyn looked at her younger brother who towered over her, “Yeah, I guess I am. I have you and these fools after all.” For the first time today, Jacelyn let out a small, genuine smile. Even though it was small, it wasn’t missed by anyone.

“You’ll be okay, noona. We both will be. We all will be. I promise.” Yugyeom smiled.

“Yeah, I hope so.” Jacelyn felt uneasy, like it was only the beginning of something catastrophic. It felt like the worst had yet to come. She didn’t know it yet but her whole world was about to change - for better or for worse was up to her now.


It had only been a day since Jacelyn and Yugyeom laid their grandmother to rest but they still needed to carry out their normal lives.

“Noona, don’t think too much about everything, okay? Just focus on your schoolwork. It’s what grandma would’ve wanted for us.” Yugyeom gave Jacelyn a small smile filled with worry.

“Gyeom, I’m the older one. I should be saying that to you. But I know, Gyeom, I know.”

“I’ll wait for you after class, okay? I have to go now.” Yugyeom took his leave after giving a comforting hug and a light kiss on Jacelyn’s head.

Jacelyn was glad to have a brother like Yugyeom. Although she never admitted it, she was grateful for him. She was the older one yet he was always the one who acted like he was older. It seemed to her like he was way too mature for his age. But she was thankful, nonetheless.

Jacelyn wanted to get through the week without any trouble. Scratch that, if she could get through the day without any trouble, she’d be forever grateful. But of course, that was all useless hoping.

Besides the guys, Jacelyn kept to herself a lot. Everyone didn’t know why. She was a walking goddess. She had the looks, the body, everything. She got the opposite of what she wanted. It seemed like she was the one thing that drew everyone in, like metal towards a magnet.

“Hey babe. Are you willing to go out with me now?” A guy had leaned up against the locker next to hers. He had been doing this everyday, without fail for the past years.

“It’s been years already, Jin. Don’t you know when to stop?” Jacelyn sighed. She was tired of his pestering. What didn’t he understand? She didn’t want to date him. Sure, he’s handsome, cute, charismatic, everything a girl wants but he just wasn’t the one Jacelyn wanted.

“Babe, you know if it’s you, I’ll never stop. See you later, cutie.” Jin winked at her and walked off as he saw her “guys” coming.

Jacelyn sighed as she knew he would never get it through his head. She heard a slight chuckle and turned around to find Jackson standing where Jin was originally standing. She looked behind him and saw the rest of the guys approaching.

Jacelyn looked at Jackson suspiciously, “why aren’t you walking with the guys? How did you get next to me so quickly?”

Jackson laughed guiltily but quickly brushed it off, “it’s because I missed you so much, cutie.” Jackson mocked Jin and Jacelyn knew it.

“Ugh Jackson, not you too. I’ve had enough of that boy.” Jacelyn groaned and Jackson laughed. One man’s happiness is another man’s pain.

Before he knew it, Jackson earned a smack from Jaebum. “Hyung, what the hell! That hurt!” Jackson went to Jinyoung and Jinyoung comforted him.

“Don’t tease my baby then.” Jacelyn chuckled and took the needed supplies for her class out of her locker.

“Hyung, aren’t I your baby too?” Jackson pouted and got into Jaebum’s face which resulted in Jaebum pushing Jackson’s face away and in turn, Jackson going back into Jinyoung’s arms.

Jacelyn looked on and laughed. “How do you deal with them?” She whispered.

Mark shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, “the same way you deal with them, I guess. Come on, I’ll take you to class.” Mark started walking away with Jacelyn before the rest of the guys realized it.

“Hyung, I want to take noona to class too! Wait for me!” Bambam screamed after them.

“Me too!” Jackson hollered.

Eventually, all of them took Jacelyn to class even though she could’ve gone by herself. “Alright guys, go to class already. You’re all going to be late. I told you guys I can go to class myself.”

They all smiled at her and one by one, they gave her a small kiss on her head and waved her off. “We’ll meet you at your locker later!” Jinyoung yelled as he walked away.

The moment Jacelyn stepped into the classroom, she was yet again being pestered. When will this day ever end, she thought.

“Hey babe.” A guy was leaning against the wall, next to the door frame.

“When will you guys ever get it through your heads that I DO NOT WANT TO DATE ANY OF YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE. I HAVE A NAME AND IT’S NOT BABE.” Frustrated, she stormed over to her seat without hearing a reply from the guy. Unfortunately, storming away didn’t stop the guy.

“Why can’t I kiss you like they do? At least that. I don’t get it. I’m just as handsome as they are.”

“Yoongi, leave me alone. I’m tired of all of you annoying me.” Jacelyn laid her head down on her desk. It was going to be a loooooooong class.

“I’m hurt that you think I’m annoying you. All I’m doing is just trying to talk to the girl I’m interested in but you’re not giving me any attention.”

Jacelyn decided to ignore him, believing that after a while, he’ll get the idea and stop talking to her. But man, these guys were some stubborn guys. And they definitely don’t like to be told no for an answer. Or for this matter, be ignored.

“Jace, I’m going to keep trying until you agree to give me a chance.”

“I don’t think we’re close enough for you to call me Jace. My name’s Jacelyn, not Jace. And you can keep trying all you want but my answer will still be the same. It’s been the same since the first day, the first week, the first month, the first year, and it will always be the same. The answer is no. No to you and to your friends.”

Yoongi let out a slight chuckle, “Jacelyn, I’m not sure if you know this about us but we don’t like being told no. And babe sounds so much better.” After saying that, he left and went back to his own seat.

Nonetheless, Jacelyn was left speechless. How can these guys be so… hard headed. What don’t they understand.

Throughout class, something was bothering Jacelyn. It felt like someone was trying to get into her head. She couldn’t believe it. She was definitely going crazy. It was probably the side effects of having those guys constantly pestering her.

When class ended, as promised, Yugyeom was outside the classroom waiting for her.

“Hey noona, how was class?” He took another look at her, “You seem bothered. What’s wrong?” Yugyeom asked. He was worried. He knew about the guys that kept bothering her and he never had a good feeling from them. He could read people easily but those guys were something else. For once since he had control over his powers, he didn’t know how to get through them. It was like they knew what he was trying to do.

Jacelyn debated whether or not she should consult Yugyeom. Would he think she was crazy? She decided not to since it was only a feeling.

“It’s nothing. I’m just feeling tired, that’s all.” Jacelyn smiled.

Though Jacelyn didn’t say anything, Yugyeom could read her like an open book. He always knew when she felt something was wrong. He didn’t pry anymore but kept an open eye.

“Rest more, noona. Don’t overwork yourself.”

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