
The more I hate you, the more I love you

It was really dark in the classroom at the moring, Namji has arrived there and she entered the classroom only depending by the light at the hallway. She placed her hand on the wall while her fingers searching for the switch and she slowly click open the switch and lighten the light all over to the back of her classroom before she folded her arms over her chest and took a deep breath. 

She stared at the quite classroom for a moment, eyes trailed all over the place as if there are someone with her. She curled her lips in forming a huge smile before she walked to her place and place her beg before she walked passing the others places and headed towards Junhyung’s. She trailed her finger on his desk as she saw a fimiliar name that she dislikes the most written there.

Why did this little kid bother to write his name on Junhyung’s? she thought as her anger boiled 'Oh wait' she bent over to look closer at the handwriting before she bit her lips a little, it’s Junhyung’s handwriting. Why did he write Kikwang name on his desk? She took a deep breath before she slowly releasing it because why should she feel so anxious about Lee Kikwang anyway?

Junhyung is not gay right? She stopped a while and things started to come into her minds like Junhyung is actually or he is homoual. Maybe he is really gay but didn't even told her about it? She gripped her fist as she tried to control her anger which going to control her mind. 

Namji flinched as she heard someone walking towards her? Or maybe to this classroom? And she stood up to walk to her place, she was afraid that tje person was Junhyung who was walking to the class but she stopped and raised her eyebrows as she saw Doojoon appeared in front the classroom with his sleeves pull upward.

“Why~ Hello there beautiful lady”

Namji glared at him as he walked towards her and leaned closer to her, pulling a chair in front Namji before sitting in front of her and informing his charming smile that will blow girls up except for Namji.. Maybe. “Don’t be shy to speak sweetheart, what are you doing here? I mean why are you here all alone? It’s dangerous for a girl like you to be here all alone in this hour.”

“Should I answer your question?” she clenched her hem of the shirt as she saw Doojoon bit his lips from smiling at her. “Shut up will you? Doesn’t mean you are older than me, you can treat me like this”

He laughed and tapped his fingers to the table and looked at Namji as she started to get annoyed with him accompany her. It’s actually fun to disturb people live especially this little girl, this namji who Junhyung told him about her and what she did to him and Kikwang's life. It's so annoying to see her in person but yet fun to dealing with her when he wants to mess her life. 


Both of them blinked and looked at each other, Doojoon frowned at Namji as the little girl shook her head as if she was telling him that wasn’t her voice. He gulped as he recalled that he went to school all by himself today, does someone follow him to the school? ‘so… whose voice is that?’


In the flick of time, Yoseob jumped in front of them and he giggle as he manage to make Namji screamed like an opera singer and barely covered her face with her hands while Doojoon jumped a little before he pissed and yanked Yoseob’s hair for making him scares like this. He laughed a little as the little guy smile and leaned next to him. “Who taught you this Seobie?” He pinched the other guy cheeks, smiling as Yoseob struggled to release from his dead gripped. But then they both stopped as Namji coughed and staring at them. 

“Urghh, stop flirting in front me, I hate gay” Doojoon smile at her as he looked at her in her eyes. Wondering how Junhyung managed to stay with this little girl. Oh, he smiles even wider. She doesn’t know Junhyung is a part of me too. Poor little Namji. 

“Well part of me feels so sad that you hate us” Doojoon pouted a little before he looked at Yoseob who was holding his laughter before he and Yoseob laughed loudly. Doojoon linked his hand to Yoseob before he intertwined their hands together and pulled Yoseob to the door. “But good luck with your love too dear. I hope you don’t flirt with homoual guys like us.”


Kikwang wakes up early in the morning as his alarm makes him want to kill his neighbor and he quickly get dressed as he saw Dongwoon was waiting for him in front of his house. He only had a glass of milk as he realised he was pretty late today and he walked to the school with Dongwoon. Well Dongwoon did come to his house yesterday and stay for tonight because he had fight with his brother. Stupid brother like Dongwoon said. He will never go back to his house.

But later at midnight his brother phoned him and apologize for being a bastard to him and yes, Dongwoon actually went home with his excuse that his brother gonna cry if he didn't get back soon. The young man as usual was fooling around with him, playing and acting like a dumb people. Kikwang laughed as loud as he can when Dongwoon fall on the ground when he runs to the bus top. He did warn him not to run but he insisted to listen. So serve him right. 

“Hyunseung hyung~” Dongwoon said, making Kikwang to look up and see Hyunseung approached them and sat beside him. But then he asked Dongwoon to change place with him because the old guy whispered to him to let the young man to sit next to him. At first Dongwoon doesn’t want to sit because he thinks that Kikwang and Hyunseung were playing prank with him, maybe they want to bully him? He shook his head and stick out his tongue as Kikwang pulled his hands to stand up. 

“What are you doing?” 

All of them turned to look at the person who asked them the question. And they grinned when they realised Junhyung also already arrived at the bus stop. Hyunseung and Dongwoon exchanged looks before they pushed Kikwang towards Junhyung. Kikwang flushed and punched playfully at Hyunseung and Dongwoon causing them to laugh at him. He looked at Junhyung as he sat on the bench to wait for the bus like them too because they are too lazy to walk now. Everyone started to become lazy now.

He flinched as Hyunseung touched his face and his cheek, looking at Junhyung as he realised joker was glaring at him. He smirked before he wrapped his hand around Kikwang’s neck. “Look at this little Lee Kikwang” 

He pinched the little guy cheek and grinned as Dongwoon laughed and amused as he realised Junhyung was glaring at him through his soul. “He is so cute right Wooniee?” Dongwoon nodded and Junhyung clenched his fist tightly before he wore his headphones up and taking a really deep breaths while peeking at Hyunseung as he tease Kikwang.

‘Be calm Junhyung, Hyunseung is always like this. He likes to tease people. Ignore him' He said to himself and looked at the front again to see whether the bus is going to come and he peeked again at Hyunseung and he saw Hyunseung was pulling Kikwang until he laid his head on Hyunseung's shoulder and his lips only a few metres between Hyunseung's 'just GAH! I’LL KILL YOU SOON HYUNSEUNG!!!!!’

“Stop it, this is not funny at all,” Junhyung said as he tried to control himself although he was boiled, the old guy was smirking at Junhyung because he know Junhyung was at his limit right now, he feel really annoying with all these stuff and with Hyunseung but does he care? Meh, he has zero percent to care when it come to this JOKER guy. He can’t control his temper at all. 

“Why? This is how Kikwang and I always play together right? We like to touch each other right???” Kikwang pinched his hand and looked at the tall guy as Junhyung hissed and smile at Dongwoon before  he lifted his hands to pinch the young guy cheeks. At this point, Hyunseung flinched a little and glared at Junhyung.

‘Die you Hyunseung! DIe!!’ Junhyung pinched Dongwoon making the younger boy screamed in pain and struggled to release from him. And Hyunseung now was really angry with Junhyung and  this is his turn to feel like killing Junhyung for touching his Dongwoon. Karma. Karma.





Author Note : Here I want to tell you guys that I only have a month before my real exam starts and then I can continue this story till the end without any problem :D love ya all <3 


And I am really sorry for making you guys waiting for me and here is me apologize to you guys *bow* I"M SORRY~

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esthieIgot7 #1
Chapter 15: aww... this chapter was so cute! They kissed :) Update soon please
Chapter 5: Aww~~ You finally come back with an update~~ Miss you so much, sweetheart~~
Chapter 15: I think this is my favorite chapter so far.love it(≧∇≦)
Chapter 14: Awesome you are back,i'm really happy.can't wait for the next chapter.
cutesweetchocolate #5
OMG my favorite Junkwang fanfic ever,please keep updating, I love it soooo bad
Mariochan #6
i love your fanfic =) its sooooo cute and exiting =) keep it up
Chapter 12: This is very good! I love your fic and finally I made an account to coment here. Thanks for your beautiful story and continue with this, kay? :D
Chapter 12: so long *pout*
fuu1605 #9
Chapter 12: Kya~~~ you are back!!!
fuu1605 #10
why you make me wait so long???TT^TT