Best Friend

In My Own Words
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Two weeks later...

Auto Q Repair Shop

Seongdong, Seoul, 12:45pm


Kim Eun Ah POV

Seoul became an oven today, even worse under the fluorescent lamp as I tuned up my best friend, Vanessa (or as I called her. "V" or "Bi," due to my poor English)'s, beat-up 2006 Kia Rio. I'm amazed that this dinosaur of a car is still running. Despite my nagging lectures for her to scrap the dump and just buy a new car, V was coming in today to check on her "jagi (short for "jagiyah," meaning "baby" or "darling"), and I wanted to make sure it was ready for the road.

"Ya, Eun Ah... someone's here to see ya," my manager's voice drowned in the sound of drills and clanking car parts.

"Ne...." I dragged, wiping the sweat off my brow on the edge of my leather glove. I roll out from under car with my head down, planning my snarky remark.

"Ya, pabo-yah!" I teased, "I told you come at 13:00pm on the dot. Your jagi's not ready yet."

"Mwoya?! Is that anyway to address your older brother??" his smooth, alto-voice teased back. I could almost feel him smirking, as my head shot up and my eyes turned wide and bright at him.

"Kyu Jong oppa!" I lunged and embraced him, despite my dirty, car repair uniform.

"Eyyyyy, you'll get motor oil all over me! Merong~ 😜" he tickled me before poking my blackened check.

"Mianhaeyo, oppa," I giggled. "I wasn't expecting you to visit me here at the shop. Did Hyung Jun oppa dent your car again??"

"Ani, I've wanted to see you since we got back from Japan, and MWO?? When did I ever let Junnie borrow my car??" He glared at me, horrified.

Flashing back to that night after Chuseok, when Hyung Jun oppa pulled up Kyu Jong oppa's car at 3am after a fender bender, I used my better judgement NOT to continue on the subject, "Uhhhh, never mind... So what brings you here, oppa?"

He shook his head, probably planning a lecture for his other dongsaeng (phew!), "Ah, well, first thing's first..."

Kyu Jong oppa waved both his arms from his sides to his back, and pulled out a cute, stuffed toy Rilakkuma keychain with a silver clip, and dangled it in front of my face. "Jjang!"

"Woahhhh, so cute! Is this my present from Japan?" I squealed like a giddy, high school student, ignoring the weird stares I was getting from my predominately male coworkers.

"Ne, a gift from the greatest brother ever," he teased, awkwardly rubbing his hand behind his neck.

I noticed his nervous tick, laced the keychain in between my fingers, and my expression went from happy to death glare. "What's the catch, oppa?"

His smlle fell, knowing I read right through him. "I have a favor to ask..."

He told me about what happened on the way to Japan: watching his hyung -- someone he looked up to, and loved so dearly like his own brother -- deteriorating right before his eyes. He didn't like to go into too much details, but judging by my brother's body language, Young Saeng oppa was not doing well.

Kyu Jong oppa's head sunk into his shoulders, his hands in his pockets, and his smile crescent-fallen. His gentle, sweet demeanor radiating out of him, along with his constant desire to put others’s, especially the ones he loved, needs before his own. In this instant, I saw my 8-year-old oppa again, crying while washing the dishes after dinner, because eomma and appa had to work when we were younger. I almost wanted to cry, but refused to have my coworkers have even more things to gossip about.

Aigoo, oppa... I owe you everything. If it weren't for you -- paying for my college education, and supporting my dream in becoming a mechanic, while everyone, including our parents, back home in Jeonju-do thought I was crazy -- I wouldn't be here right now.

I clutch the Rilakkuma keychain tight in my hand. "What do you need me to do?"

Originally posted by malinka-dinka-blog



7-Eleven, a few blocks away from Auto Q

Seongdong, Seoul, 13:13pm


Vanessa POV

I managed to sneak in a couple houses to clean this morning, as well as one on the way to Auto Q. Being awake since 4:30am, I was starving. Because I'm a morning person and a neat freak (which I hate admitting, knowing many people aren't), I knew my body well enough that after 12 noon, I'm useless. This called for a pick-me-up.

I grabbed a small bowl of instant ramen, a slice of American cheese, a two-pack of hard boiled eggs, and hit the complimentary hot water dispenser... knowing very well if I don't get food in my system soon, I'll K.O. even before I get to Auto Q.

Mianheyo, eonni. I won't be eating much during our late lunch outing, but survival first... You wouldn't want me driving my "jagi," falling asleep at the wheel, and have to lug it back to your garage.

I must've been half-asleep or something, while dispensing my water. Next thing I knew I heard a sweet, yet muffled voice slowly becoming clearer. A wide hand cupped and shook my shoulder: "Ahgassi, chogiyo! Neol mul... Geumanaeyo (Hey Miss! Your water... stop)!"

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keenie73 #1
Chapter 3: The multiple mood reactions of saengie. Love it. Double date should be fun...waiting to see what happens. Thanks for updating.
nesi0806 #2
Chapter 3: I liked YoungSaeng's angry-mother-kinda-caring-way, if it makes sense XD I'm loving the way you described YoungSaeng's character so far! ^-^
Chapter 3: Oh my gosh!!!!! I can't wait for the next chapter!!! But the first meeting between Saengie and V T.T lol the story is really good!!!
Lastsky16 #4
Chapter 2: I can really feel Saengie's struggle. Dang I almost teared up reading it. Can't wait for more!
keenie73 #5
Chapter 2: Very intense. Poor Saengie. Im sure being an idol is stressful enough, i hope none of them have to struggle like that. Thanks for the update.
yukiys1994 #6
Chapter 1: Love the story so far!! ^^ keep it up!!
keenie73 #7
Chapter 1: Been waiting for a good saengie story. Plz update soon.