
'What power do you have?' One of the soldiers beside her asked. 


'That's cool. It must be nice being powerful.' He said in envy.

'Nice? I don't think it's that nice when you're looked at by the public as a monster. A freak. Someone who is only capable of destruction.' She replied bitterly. 

'Hey, after this, the world will wake up and see what mutants really are. You're proving them wrong now. I believe in you.' He said with a smile. 

'Thanks.' Mina mumbled. The pilot announced that they would be taking off and she felt the plane stop before the turboprops began to hum, pushing the 164000 lbs plane off the runway and into the air. Minutes ticked by as the plane gained altitude and Mina's ears popped from the pressure difference. At least she wasn't airsick.

The plane banked to the left before levelling off as it continued its climb. 

'Destination is approaching. Standby.' The announcement said and the soldiers began to put on their helmets. Mina buckled the parachute and secured the clips, pulling it tight before she donned the helmet. She couldn't believe she was doing this. 

It didn't take long before the cargo doors opened and revealed the city. She almost had a heart attack. Buildings were smoking and fires were raging. She was only gone for less than an hour. How did things roll downhill so fast? 

The ammunition along with the vehicles was the first to go.

'Let's go!' The commander said and the soldiers began to jump first. Mina was the last out of the plane and the biting wind whipped against her form. She looked down at the ground to see fighting. There seemed to be a unrealistic amount of undead all around on the streets. She had to focus on getting the humans safely to the ground for now. 

Suddenly, there was animalistic screech and a few yells were heard from below. Mina turned to the back and saw multiple pterodactyl looking creatures flying straight for them. 

'Six o clock!' One of the soldiers yelled. 

The supplies were way below and the parachutes had deployed. She had to keep the creatures distracted. 

She veered herself up and whipped at the creatures with flames, causing them to become slightly disoriented and they screeched as they flapped about. 

Mina propelled herself straight at one of the creatures and sliced its webbed wing before jumping onto another as the other went down. The soldiers were out of range so she decided to pull out the big guns. 

She felt much stronger since she was closer to the sun now. Taking a deep breath, she churned a plume of white hot flames and sent it bursting in an omnidirectional wave, setting the creatures ablaze. As they fell out of the sky, she kept her arms and legs closed, zipping straight down at the buildings. 

Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached the buildings and she spread her arms, gliding off while the creatures fell and slammed into the unforgiving ground below. Flying in the city was a pain. She spun to the left to avoid a building but had to pull back to the right to avoid another. 

Gliding over a stretch of road, she released a stream of fire, incinerating the entire stretch of undead. 

'Mina unnie!' Dahyun and Chaeyoung cheered excitedly as the pyrokinetic zipped by overhead. She landed on the top of a building and undid the straps of the parachute which turned out to be a burden. The webbed material between her limbs on the wingsuit were hindering her mobility and she tore it off as well, leaving her in her own academy uniform which she wasn’t going to lie, was the best.

She jumped off the building and flipped to her left before propelling towards the north. She could see Jihyo and Nayeon fending off the undead as well as a few rebel mutants. Dipping low, she rolled onto the ground and slammed into a couple of undead. Mina released a barrage of fiery discs which seem to home onto the undead and their heads were instantly sent rolling. 

'Mina!' Jihyo exclaimed when she saw the girl. 

'What the hell happened when I was gone?' Mina asked as she slammed her palms onto the ground and flames rolled down the road, setting everything ablaze. 

'They overwhelmed us all of a sudden. There was no warning. No nothing! There must be a few teleporters since they got in through portals. They completely cut the city off from the outside!' Jihyo yelled as she threw a car through Nayeon's portal which mowed down a group of undead somewhere on another street.

'Where do I go?' Mina asked. 

'There was a beam of light at the centre of the city. Go scout that out and help out wherever you can.' Jihyo instructed and Mina took off. 

She spotted a few soldiers in an alley removing their parachutes and loading their weapons. 

'If you spot two girls in this uniform, help them out and protect them.' Mina tugged at the collar of her jacket. 'One has orange hair and the other had shoulder length hair.' 

'No problem.' One of the soldiers replied and Mina was off again. 

Her mind was in a complete mess but she didn't have time to straighten it out. She weaved through the buildings and flew straight for the centre which turned out to be the most horrifying thing she had seen all day. Not even the ugly pterodactyls could compare to this. 

There was a force field like structure surrounding the centre of the building along with another lava moat. In the force field was a building that was taken over by Zafir. Mina hid behind a pillar and saw the man in the exact same outfit from her dreams. He was in that same mask and cloak. This does not bode well. 

She turned around and ran through the buildings before they could notice her presence and took off. 

'I need to report this.' She muttered to herself as she flew back to Jihyo. Mina didn't get far before she was pulled to the ground by the ankle and she tumbled to the floor, rolling a few feet. She looked up just in time as barrages of rocks were hurled in her direction but the girl dodged and slid between the assaulter’s legs. He turned around and swung his fist at her but she caught it and pulled him downwards, kicking him in the neck and sending him to the floor. Mina heard the sound of rocks colliding behind her and turned around to see a huge wall raised by Jeongyeon to protect her from a sneak attack. 

Suddenly the both of them were blinded by a flash of light.

'Mina! Duck!' Jeongyeon yelled and Mina instantly dropped to the floor. She could feel something swing over her head just as she narrowly avoided it. 

'Left!' Jeongyeon screeched as she jumped away, avoiding her own attacker. Mina rolled to the right and shot a burst of flame to her left. She heard a cry of pain and she raked her heel against the ground, sending an arc of flames towards the downed rebel. Jeongyeon shot a pebble sized rock into the eye of the photokinetic and their vision returned. They blinked, letting their eyes adjust to the surroundings. 

The photokinetic had emitted a beam of light from her palm but Jeongyeon reflected it back with a metal sheet. She quickly bound the rebel's hands and feet and masked her eyes to make sure she wouldn't be projecting light beams like cyclops.

Another hydrokinetic was charging towards Mina with tentacles of water surrounding her form. One lashed out but Mina blasted herself into the air and leaped over the girl. She jumped up onto a utility pole and shot a jolt of lightning at the hydrokinetic. The girl screamed as the electricity passed through her body and caused her muscles to spazz before she dropped to the ground, lying in the puddle of water. 

'Nice going there champ.' Jeongyeon clapped Mina on the back as the girl jumped down from the pole. 

'Not too bad yourself. C'mon, we got to help the others.' Mina bounced on her feet and blasted off. Jeongyeon pulled up the tarmac and surfed off after Mina towards Nayeon and Dahyun who was fending off a hoard of undead. 

Mina spotted a familiar set of blades on the floor and picked them up. 

'Where's Sana?' Mina yelled as she twirled the swords in her hand and sliced a zombie's head clean off its stumpy neck. 

'With Chaeyoung! They were trying to get to the highest building!' Nayeon shouted as she opened a portal in front of a lunging undead, sending him through and dropping down straight onto the sword in Mina's hand. 

'Ew? Can you not?' Mina made a disgusted face as she flipped the sword over and kicked the body away. 'Highest building? What for?' 

'Something about a vantage point to try to help the army dudes fire a rocket straight at Zafir's hideout.' 

'Did it work?' 

'I don't know! I haven't heard anything go boom yet!' Dahyun replied as she clubbed an undead on the head with a pole.

As if on que, a huge bang rattled throughout the city and they turned towards the sound. 

'Isn't that the tallest building?' Jeongyeon asked in horror as they saw a plume of smoke rise from the middle of the building.

'I'll go check!' Dahyun said and swung her pole three sixty before darting off. 

'How many are there?' Nayeon grumbled as she opened a portal for Jeongyeon to crush a huge group of them under a truck.

'It's about a hundred of these zombies or more to one necromancer! We just need to take the master out and these guys will drop dead!' Mina said as she electrocuted one.

'Where is the necromancer?' 

'Hiding somewhere! Duh!' Jeongyeon delivered a swift kick a head and it popped off its shoulders, flying past Mina.

'Why are you guys attacking me with zombies?' She screamed and waved the sword. 

'Sorry!' Jeongyeon and Nayeon apologized in unison.

'Take cover! I'll finish them all!' Mina said. The geokinetic pulled up a earthen wall to shield herself and the teleporter as Mina created a white hot tornado of flames, up every undead and instantly incinerating whatever that is left of their flesh, leaving a huge pile of bones and ashes in their wake. 

Mina ripped a white flag into half and tied it around her waist, slipping the dual blades into her makeshift scabbard. 

'Why are you here? I thought you were with Jihyo!' Mina ran her hands through her tangled hair.

'Everyone is scrambled but I guess we can't really stick to the plan. Nothing we predicted is even happening.' Nayeon said. 'I'm just going around to help whoever I see and deflect any attacks.' 

'What happened to Jihyo?' Mina asked.

'She told me to go so I did.' 

'Do you know where everyone else is?' 

'No but I haven't seen Tzuyu or Momo anywhere yet.' 

'Maybe they're together in the east.' Jeongyeon suggested. 

'I was in the east, I didn't see them anywhere but there's a strange building up somewhere.' 

'You can go check on that; I'll go see if Dahyun needs help. Stay safe.' Mina told the two older girls and flew off for the skyscraper.

'She's cool.' Nayeon nodded in approval as they watched her zip off into the sky.

'But I am the true girl crush.' Jeongyeon stomped her foot. 

'Yeah you are. You crush things with your big boulders.' Nayeon sniggered and teleported away, leaving Jeongyeon to groan in frustration on her own.



'Just slide all the way down! You'll be okay!' Sana instructed the rocketeer and group of soldiers. They jumped down the ice slide as Sana held it firmly for them to descend to the ground safely. 

The rebels had somehow spotted them trying to sneak an attack on their leader and began planting explosives on the lower half of the building in an attempt to demolish it. Sana was currently evacuating the soldiers while the rigged explosives went off below them, causing the skyscraper to sway.

'Sana we got to go! This building isn't gonna hold up much longer!' Chaeyoung glanced back nervously at a ceiling board which had crashed to the floor, dust pouring down. Sana watched as the last of the soldier touched the ground safely before she stood up, the long ice slide crumbling as she let go. 

Sana took Chaeyoung by the hand and pulled the girl into a sprint for the only exit they had; the windows. The glass panes had already shattered, leaving only a few shards stuck around the frame.

'What do we do?' Chaeyoung shouted and looked down. There was no way they could get down, they were on the fifty fifth floor and both of them couldn't fly. On the ground were hell hounds snarling at them and waiting for their next meal to jump right into their mouths even if Sana managed to slide down. 

'We have to jump!' Sana nudged Chaeyoung whose eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

'Jump? Down? Are you crazy?' 

'Jump there!' Sana pointed at the next building which was tilted slightly in the opposite direction after its base had been crushed by a giant snake. 

'Just jump! We don't have a choice!' Sana yelled and pulled Chaeyoung away from the window.

'Run as fast as you can and jump! You're in track and field! It's your forte!' Sana shook the girl's shoulder and bounced on her feet. At the count of three, they took off down the carpeted floor and pushed their weights off at the edge of the building, flying through the air and smashing into the glass window of the next building. 

The angle of the building and the velocity that they came in at sent them sliding on the marble floor. There wasn't much to grab on and the electrical wirings snapped.

'Unnie! Unnie!' Chaeyoung screamed as her fingers squeaked against the floor, trying to get a grip of something. The other window was approaching fast and they were still falling. If they don't do something soon, they'll be free falling fifty stories down to their death. 

'Chaeyoung! Grab my hand!' Sana yelled as she tried to get a grip of the girl's flailing hands but failed. 

The healer slid out of the building and she felt weightless. Her eyes widened and she reached out for ledge but it was too far. Suddenly, she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and her stomach dropped. She looked up to see Sana who was gripping on to a foundation wire that was protruding from the concrete. 

'Don't let go!' Sana wheezed. She froze her hand to the wire for a better grip. The biting cold wind was whipping against their dangling forms. The hounds were still looking up at them and one of them let out a gruff bark. 

'What do we do now?' Chaeyoung asked. Her heart felt like it was going to pop out of her chest at the near death experience. 

'I could swing you into the floor below.' Sana said, looking down at the window pane. 

'Unnie no! What if the grip loosens? No way!' Chaeyoung fervently refused.

'We can't fly Chaeyoung! And I can't hold on forever!' 

'I can!' 

The two girls turned towards the voice and relief washed over them. 

Dahyun wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's waist and Sana slowly let go of the girl's hand. The healer automatically wrapped her arms around her girlfriend and Sana rolled her eyes. 

'Stay right here unnie, I'll be back okay?' Dahyun said and shot off, presumably to get Chaeyoung somewhere safe. 

'Not like I can go anywhere.' Sana scoffed. She tried to pull herself up which actually worked but her eyes landed upon a pair of black combat boots. She looked up at the owner and was met with a pair of beady, cunning eyes. 

'Aw. Is someone stuck here?' He cooed mockingly. 

Sana gripped his shoe and ice began to spread up his legs and to his waist. 

'You !' He smashed the ice with the hilt of his knife and Sana looked down to avoid getting hit in tr face by the falling shards. 'I was going to save you but I guess not anymore.' He narrowed his eyes and stomped on the edge of the concrete. Bit by bit, fragments and fist sized bits began to fall out. 

'Say hello to Satan for me.' He gave a sinister grin and stomped his heel into the ground one last time. The concrete crumbled like pastry and the foundation wire snapped, sending Sana plummeting down to earth. She shot the frozen section of wire with accuracy, piercing the boy through his chest. 

Karma is a , she thought. 

Before she could break her fall, she had landed into the arms of someone and was now flying off in the same direction that she saw Dahyun take. 

'Hey.' Mina grinned. 

'Thanks. How did you know?' Sana wrapped her arms around Mina and clung on to the girl tightly. 

'We heard the explosion so Dahyun came to check. I was holding off a few zombies so I came late. Sorry.' 

'It's okay. You still saved me.' Sana smiled even if the other girl couldn't see it. She saw something glint in the light from the flames hanging by Mina's side.

'You found my swords!' Sana said excitedly. 

'Yeah, they were lying on the ground. I might have got a few zombie juice on them.' Mina chuckled. They landed on the top of another skyscraper.

Sana carefully pulled the swords out of the tatter of cloth that was used to tie it do Mina's waist. 

'Ugh just take this off as well.' Mina ripped the tatter off and tossed it into the wind. 

The cyrokinetic sheathed her dual blades and turned to look at Mina who was surveying the area. 

'Anywhere that needs help?' Sana looked down to see fighting. The sound of machine guns firing could be heard from down below but they were ceasing fast. The rebels either caught the soldiers who were way weaker even if they were well built or worst, killed them. 

'There!' Mina pointed down at a group of undead which had surrounded a mutant a few blocks away. Mina jumped down and flew straight for the group, Sana hot on her heels as she surfed on a ice wave. 

The cyrokinetic drew her blades and landed behind Mina. Frost spread down the blades from the handles and Sana swung them in a menacing way to threaten the undead. 

'Get out of here, we'll handle it.' Mina told the mutant who immediately ran through the undead. 

'Just you and me.' Mina lowered her eyes and scanned the hoard of undead, carefully planning her attack. They were standing back to back, waiting for a chance to strike. 

'The necromancer must be nearby.' Sana whispered in a low voice and her eyes darted up to the dark buildings. 

'I see her. Three o clock, twenty something story.' Mina said as she summoned flames. 

One of the undead leapt forward and the entire ring rushed at them. 

Sana hacked one into half and stabbed her blade clean through two heads before pulling it out and hitting another in the temple with the hilt. Anything her frosted blades came into contact with was instantly turned into a block of ice, making it easy to hack them through. Mina had set a couple of undead ablaze and was starting to regret it. The stench of burning flesh was absolutely disgusting.

'Ew, any other way to deal with them?' Sana asked over her shoulder as she repelled them with a wave of frost. 


'Sounds better.' 

Mina threw a spear hand and lighting sprouted in all directions, taking down a group. 

A hand gripped on to Mina's collar and boy was that the most horrifying thing she ever seen. She delivered a knife hand to the neck and an elbow to the face before peeling it's hands off of her and lashed at it with a tongue of flame, sending the putrid zombie flying away. 

She turned back only to see a flying projectile aimed straight at her face. Suddenly, a pair of blades crossed in front of her face and she heard a clang as the projectile collided with the swords and a thud when it dropped to the ground. 

'It's a ing grenade!' Mina yelped. Sana's eyes widened and she scooped it up with the tip of her sword and it was sent into the air. Mina's jaw dropped in disbelief as Sana swung the flat of the blade like a bat and smacked it, sending it flying at least fifty feet before it exploded. 

Mina redirected the flames to pass around her and Sana, resulting in the rest of the undead to get blown to pieces. 

'Gross.' Sana grimaced at a part of an arm that was on the floor. 

The necromancer was about to make a run but Mina was faster. The hooded girl was shot down by a bolt of lightning before she could disappear into the darkness.

'You. Where are the rest of your friends?' Mina demanded to know, gripping on to the collar of the girl's robes and lifting her effortlessly like a sack of rice.

'Just kill me or get lost and let me die!' She hissed.

'Unfortunately I cannot do so. If you help me, I will let you go with a clean slate. So tell me where they are. Now.' Mina growled back with equal menace in her voice that Sana actually felt intimidated. 

The necromancer seemed to consider the offer before raising her hands with open palms as a gesture of peace. 

'Follow me, I will take you to them but we must be quiet. I will cover you with a veil of darkness that will prevent you from being seen.'

'So we will be invisible?' 


'How do we know we can fully trust you.' 

'I will give you my life if I go against my words.' 

'Take me to them.' Mina said with determination. 



The guards were sent flying with a single shockwave clap from Jihyo. She rolled through the entrance, ducking a razor blade that shot out from the wall. It was quite amazing how they managed to create this medieval looking dungeon in such a short time but Jihyo had no time for these trivial questions.

There were hell hounds, loads of them roaming around as guards to deter unwanted visitors from reaching the holding cells but a few mutts weren't going to stop Jihyo. Her members were her responsibility and she had to get them out no matter what. She crept through the corridor that was lit by lanterns and ducked behind a wall when she sensed a rebel walk by. Seeing that he had a few badges decorated on his robes, he must be one of the higher ranking ones. 

She manipulated his neural impulse system and found that he was on his way towards the cell that Tzuyu and Momo were held in. She followed closely and blocked his senses from detecting her presence. 

He pulled a lever which opened two iron gates before walking through. Jihyo pressed herself outside of the double gates and listened. 

'Have you thought it through?' He asked but there was no response. 

'So you are going to act like you're mute.' He deadpanned. 

'We will never pledge loyalty to that scum!' Jihyo heard Tzuyu hiss and there was a loud cracking sound. 

'Then prepare to meet your doom!' He roared, enraged. 

Jihyo decided that it was time to step in. With the clench of her fist, the double iron gates melted into a metallic puddle on the floor and she leaped through. She caught sight of Tzuyu and Momo who were chained to the walls by their wrists and ankles. 

She spun the officer around but felt her limbs lock up. 

'I knew someone was blocking me.' He snarled and flung Jihyo across the cramped room. The girl crashed into a brick wall and the flimsily constructed separator crashed onto her. 

'Unnie!' Tzuyu shouted. 

Just when he thought he had finished her, he was hit on the head with a rock and blood trickled down from his scalp. 

'Try me.' Jihyo stood up and raised the bricks around her. He crushed the bricks into dust and Jihyo sent the sandy particles into his eyes, temporarily blinding him but that didn't stop him from fighting back. He discharged a blast of psychic energy and Jihyo turned herself into dust, reforming behind him and swung a punch at his temple. 

He fell to the ground but pulled Jihyo down with him and shackled her down in chains. He had healed himself and wiped the blood away.

'You fool. Do you think you can defeat me? I am the ultimate telekinetic. With what confidence do you think you can win me?' He taunted with a smug look on his face. 

'Who says I'll defeat you?' Jihyo simply replied and it was his turn to freeze. The chains exploded into fragments and she moulded them into a sharp blade. 

'You work alone but I work in a team.' Jihyo smirked. 

'What did you do to me?' He wheezed as he tried his hardest to move his limbs that seemed to be immovable. 

'Ever heard of haemokinesis?' Tzuyu spat from behind him. 

'No way!'

'Now you do.' Jihyo pierced the blade through his jugular and blood squirted out of his throat, splattering all over the walls. 

'You will pay!' He screeched, gurgling in his own blood. 

Jihyo ignored him as he dropped to the floor, grasping at his throat with bloodied hands. 

'Brutal.' Momo grinned as Jihyo freed them from their bounds. 

'It's what he deserves. You don't know who is he, do you?' Jihyo asked as she led them out of the dark cell. 


'The dude that was in charge of the inhumane surgeries and experiments of mutants.' 

'He really deserves it.' Tzuyu agreed. 

'You two should go to the pier, the marines need help dealing with what is supposedly a huge sea monster.’

'Nessie?' Tzuyu laughed. 

'I don't think this one is so friendly.' Jihyo snorted and the pair took off.

'Jihyo! There you are! How did you end up here?' Nayeon asked as she materialized behind Jihyo. 

'Tzuyu and Momo were caught by the mad scientist.

'You freed them?' Nayeon asked, gripping onto the girl's arm.

'Yeah. Wasn't too difficult. Except for this dude that tried to kill me but I already killed him.' Jihyo shrugged as if it was nothing. 'Where to next?' 

'We should go help Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung, one of the mutants said they saw them surrounded by a group of rebels and I don't think they can hold their fort much longer.' Nayeon pursed her lips and held onto Jihyo's hand, taking her to the pair. 



Chaeyoung had found Jeongyeon injured in a multi-storey carpark. The healer had actually walked past but a small rock hit her on the back of her head then a slab of rock rose in front of her face and she covered her face. She peeked through her fingers after hearing the sound of carving and realized that a message was being written on the rock. 

'Chaeyoung, can you get your- stop covering your face! Get your up to the roof of this building! Help!' Chaeyoung read and she looked up at the seven story carpark. 

Being in track and field really helps her stamina and she bolted all the way up faster than Nayeon would have managed to.

'Jeongyeon unnie?' Chaeyoung called out. There were cars parked around and coated in dust. 

'Here!' A voice called out and Chaeyoung walked towards the source of the sound. 

'Well well. How can I help you?' Chaeyoung asked sarcastically as she looked down at Jeongyeon who was clutching her legs. 

'You can start by healing my bones.' She hissed. Chaeyoung bent down and poked at the legs, inciting a yell of pain from Jeongyeon. 

'Why the hell would you do that?' The girl covered her legs with her hands to prevent Chaeyoung from touching them.

'I'm just checking to make sure that your nerves aren't damaged! Stop being such a baby!' Chaeyoung smacked the hand away and glared back with as much intensity. She moved her hands over Jeongyeon's legs and a warm glow emitted from her hands. The geokinetic leaned her head back and relaxed as the pain was relieved. Suddenly she felt a arm slip below her knees but before she could stop it, the hand had pushed her knees up and there was a loud popping sound. 

'Why?' Jeongyeon screamed and patted her legs which seemed to be completely healed. 

'Relieving those old knee joints for you. Let's get moving.' Chaeyoung shot a cheeky grin and extended a hand to pull the older girl up. 

'Thanks.' Jeongyeon mumbled under her breath. 

'Where do you think you're going?' A voice asked and a boy stepped out from behind a pillar. 

'Going to break your face.' Jeongyeon spat as she covered her fists in a layer of rock, stepping in front of Chaeyoung. 

'I don’t think it will be happening today.' He tilted his head up in a cocky manner and cracked his knuckles. A few more figures appeared from behind the wall and surrounded them, multiplying like bacteria until the two were completely cornered with nowhere to escape.

'I wonder how you will fight your way out of here.' One of his images chortled.

'This would be interesting.' Another rubbed his hands,

An earthen bat popped out from the wall and a strip of metal was ripped out from one of the vents to curl around the top of the bat.

'Protect yourself.' Jeongyeon said to Chaeyoung as she carefully looked around at the clones. The clones would fade away if you hit them but they can't be defeated unless the original person is wounded or killed. This would be tough.

'Ready to die?' 

'Nope but I'm ready end your clone jutsu !' Jeongyeon knocked her fists together and two blocks of concrete smashed a clone together. She knocked down a couple of clones, binding their feet and hands before tossing them into the corner in a pile, squishing them with a foundation pillar like a hammer each time it piled up.

Chaeyoung was swinging the bat around, smashing clones in the head and they disintegrated but no matter how many she seemed to kill or how many Jeongyeon seemed to crush, they just kept multiplying. There was no way to sense which was the real one and the two were slowly losing their stamina. They had ducked an attack and Chaeyoung jumped over the ledge onto a vent. She could see a couple of wires and the exit at the end of the spiral ramp down. She heard a thud as a clone jumped onto the vent and swung a kick at her which she ducked and jumped onto the ledge on the opposite side. 

The clone lunged at her but she jumped away and tried to grab on to a wire to slide down but she missed, tips of her fingers narrowly grazing the cables and she fell only to be caught in mid-air by some sort of invisible net. The clone had jumped down straight for her but she was moved out of the way, letting it fall straight to the ground and exploding into dust. 

'You okay?' She heard Jihyo ask. 

'Yeah. Jeongyeon unnie! She's still upstairs! You got to save her!' Chaeyoung pointed upwards and Nayeon teleported them to the girl. 

Jeongyeon was about to collapse the whole building to crush the clones and the annoying duplicator when everything froze. 

'What?' She asked as she looked around. Some had their fists raised above their head and pulled back, ready to strike but it seemed almost as if they had turned into statues. 

'Jeongyeon!' Nayeon shouted and the girl turned to see her friends running through the clones towards her. 

'How is this happening?' Jeongyeon asked, punching one in the face, making him tip over and fall. 

'I binded them. Paralyzed them. That one is the real one.' Jihyo walked over to one of the figures.

'What are you? Medusa now?' Jeongyeon laughed as she kicked another clone, making him fall over as well. She gripped him by the collar and Jihyo released her hold over them. Jeongyeon tossed him into a wall and bounded him to the wall by his wrists and ankles with stone. The clones dematerialized as soon as his limbs were moulded to the wall.

'I wonder who's gonna save you now.' Jeongyeon laughed.

'Let me go!' He struggled but it was useless. 

'Someone will rescue you. If they know you're up here that is. Excuse us while we kick your boss's .' Jeongyeon patted his head in a mocking manner and walked through the portal.

‘What now?’ Jeongyeon asked the telekinetic.

‘Go find this giant python creature. It destroyed a building earlier but it disappeared. Kill it before it reappears and cause more destruction.’

‘Ay ay boss.’ Jeongyeon saluted and sped off.


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i read this on wp if I'm not wrong and boy this is my first love. ksksjsjsjksksksks i really love this also I'm gonna reread this again!❤️
Chapter 33: I love this ending!!!! I cried hard and laughed hard. This was such a rollercoaster ride. Thank you for writing and giving us such an awesome story!!!!
Chapter 32: i really love this story!
Chapter 23: the war is at its begining
Chapter 1: 2na feelings
neccar 146 streak #6
Chapter 1: Writing is really top notch in this book.
bangtanedd #7
Chapter 32: this is probs my fav 2na ff c: i came back to read it again cause iTS JUST THT GOOD
Chapter 32: Wow. Discovered this gem of a story way too late. Had to break the continuous reading for 2 days, couldnt wait to finish it. Finally did! Nail-bitting, so many feels, action-packed story. So good! THANK YOU FOR WRITING! I throughly enjoyed reading this. ♡♡