Chapter Three

Strictly Business
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Each day seemed to begin and end in the same way. Sohee woke up and went to work in the mornings and at night she waited for her husband to get home from his ‘in-home visits’ with his ‘clients’. It was becoming so tedious to Sohee that the only time she actually had the motivation to do anything was when she was with Sehun learning something new.


    For two months that was how it was. As soon as she would step into the doors of her boss’s main office she was greeted with that jolting cedarwood and orange scent and it seemed her day would begin to look up. Sehun started letting her come into work later on the condition that she stayed later, which she didn’t mind. It wasn’t like she had to get home to anyone.


    On the nights she did work late, Sehun was much more relaxed than Sohee had ever seen him. The man was usually stiff and sat with his back as straight as a board, but at night he slouched with his elbows on his desk and sometimes he’d let his chin rest on one palm as the other hand clicked things on his laptop or computer. And though he didn’t talk, it was nice to see him comfortable around Sohee; it made her feel warm inside.


    “Do you need anything?” She’d ask each night before she left.


    “No thank you, you’re free to go.” He’d reply. Sohee would grab her things and double check everything she’d have to check in the morning just to make it easier on herself. She’d ask Irene if there were any software updates she’d need for the programs on her laptop and Irene would inform her if there were. Working during the day was nice. It gave Sohee something to do other than stay home and let her thoughts torment her. But Mr. Kim continued to do as he pleased.


    It was nearly twelve when Sohee got home one night. It was the only night Sehun had asked her to do something for him before she left for the night. He wanted her to proofread a letter he was sending off to the CEO of YG, another big name in the business industry full of the latest technologies and one of the biggest money makers in Korea. Sohee was under the impression that the letter would be the length of a normal letter… boy was she wrong. The letter was nearly thirteen pages long containing words she didn’t quite understand and so she has another tab pulled up on her computer dedicated to searching for definitions of these words.


    It took her an extra two and a half hours to read through everything and tell Sehun of any changes he needed to make. It was one of the few times Sohee had ever seen her boss truly grateful. He gave her a small bow and nodded as he looked over the freshly printed papers in his hands, full of side comments written on the computer and words struck out and corrected grammar. Sohee pointed to one of the sentences on the fourth page Sehun had in his hand.


    “Ah!” She said. “This sentence right… here. I wasn’t so sure about it, so if it’s wrong, that’s my bad.” Sehun nodded and reached into his pocket, searching deep for something. He pulled out a wad of cash and flipped some bills out before handing them to Sohee.


    “Take this as payment,” Sehun said. Sohee looked at the three hundred dollars in front of her and her jaw dropped.

    “M-Mr. Oh! I can’t take that much from you. I-I mean you’re already paying me and I was just doing my job-” Sehun waved off her excuse and put the money on top of her head.


    “I’m telling you to take it. Boss’s orders. I don’t care what you do with it, so long as you don’t let that grubby fiance of yours get to it. It’s yours.” Sohee took a deep breath and grabbed the money from atop her head. She turned to see Sehun now sitting at his desk still reading papers.


    “Thank you, Mr. Oh.” Sohee began. “I don’t think you know how much this really means to me.” She offered up a smile as Sehun nodded to her.


    “You’re a better employee than I ever thought you’d be.”





    As soon as Sohee entered her apartment the smell of liquor hit her nose and she drew back. It smelled strongly of a woman’s perfume as well and Sohee wasn’t one to wear such lavish things. She turned the corner and seen Mr. Kim sitting at the dining room table, head in his hands much like Sohee was months ago. She walked over to her fiance and placed her hand on his back gently.


    “Honey, are you-” Mr. Kim violently smacked Sohee’s hand away before jumping out of his seat.


    “Where the hell have you been?” He shouted. Sohee’s eyes were wide and her blood was rushing all around her body.


    “I-I-I was at work! What are you-”


    “Don’t lie to me, woman! I’m sick of your lies! I’m sick of this !” Sohee tried to hush her fiance before the neighbors heard his yelling.


    “Dear, you’re drunk, you need to lay down.” The young woman tried to calm her fiance down, but it didn’t work. He was discursive and ornery.


    “Don’t tell me what to do! You don’t run this house, I do.” He spat out the last two words and Sohee bit her lip and held her tongue the best she could. ‘Sohee, gain control of the situation. He’s drunk and can be swayed.’ Sohee held her hands up as a sign of surrender.


    “Mr. Kim,” She said calmly. “I think it’s time for you to go to bed.” The man turned, grabbed the liquor bottle that was on the table, and slung it across the room. Sohee let out a shout when it busted against the wall. “Mr. Kim!” She screamed. “Stop it!”




    Then there was pain. Sohee thought back to the first time he had ever struck her in the face, and here he was doing it again. was open in shock and she could barely breathe. Her blood was boiling, but her adrenaline was taking over. She wanted nothing more than to run away from the apartment and be done with him. She’d rather be alone than be with him.


    “Enough of this Mr. Kim, Miss. Cho , Sohee! I’m sick of living like this!” He rambled on. “I want a wife, not some woman who sits her and looks pretty! What’s the point when I don’t even get anything out of you? You cook and clean and both of those things are fine and dandy,” his hand reached for her. “But I want something else-” Sohee slapped his hand away.


    “Do not touch me! Ever!” It was the only time she’d ever been so forward with her fiance and she was instantly regretting it.


    “Why? Is Sehun doing that, too? Tell me, what are CEO’s like? Any different from us businessmen? Oh wait, you wouldn’t know because you’re a prude!” Sohee was disgusted. She felt disgusting. She was angry at the fact that she was in this situation; she was angry she’d ever agreed to be with this man; she was angry she didn’t finish school and get a job and become successful; she was angry her life was beginning to become a series of unfortunate events.

    “I was working for Sehun! He’s my boss!” Sohee yelled and Mr. Kim laughed.

    “So you must give it up to him on a whim.” Her jaw dropped in shock. Her cheek hurt and she felt tears welling in her eyes. She looked away for only a second before Mr. Kim grabbed Sohee’s wrist. She tried to jerk away from him and felt a pop and screamed.

    “Ow! Get off of me!” She jerked again and finally he let go of her. She fell to the ground but scrambled to get up.


    “Get out you !” Mr. Kim shouted and Sohee froze. She turned to look at him, but she felt as if her whole world stopped spinning.


    “What? What did you just say?” She wanted to make sure she was hearing correctly.


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Chapter 5: Well done!!! Looking forward to more. Lolol Irene is such a biyach haha and I like sohees character
Chapter 5: Woah... can't believe I didn't find this sooner. Looking forward to more!
Chapter 5: Wow...i'm glad i found your story.. this plot is great and absolutely refreshing.. can't wait for the next chapter...
Chapter 5: I love this story so much!! I like how the storyline manages to flow in a really great pace especially the relationship between Sehun and Sohee. Looking forward for your updates!
Itscindy #5
Chapter 5: This is so good!! I wish more people would know about this storyㅠㅠ nonetheless, looking forward to more updates!
LilaPandas #6
Chapter 5: I saw some history with irene and sehun coming, didn't think it would be engagement tho. They're both in such ed up relationships. Can't wait for more
LilaPandas #7
Chapter 4: Wooooaahh. Just discovered this gem. I'm loving this story
Chapter 3: OMG I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING WHEB I SAW THAT YOU UPDATED!!!! HONESTLY, her fiance is such a piece of . I'm glad she got out of that mess! Although it must be hard. Sehuns character is starting to gleam! :) Good work
Chapter 2: THIS IS REMARKABLY GOOD. WHY ARE THERE NO COMMENTS!!?!?!?!!??!?! Wow!! I am really digging this story. You took a cliche concept and made it original, and I really cannot wait to see how this unfolds! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I cant wait for your next few chapters :)