

a twitter roleplay, established on 123016.
subscription to the thread is mandatory whereas upvotes are only optional, yet highly appreciated. all members must reach at least 70 tweets upon 24 hours of their arrival. if not, you will be unfortuanately kicked out. love whoever and wherever. the relationship ban, however, will be up to at least 4 days after your arrival and both parties must have obtained at least 500 tweets. this is our desperate attempt at preventing any sorts of facechasing, otp chasing, or anything along the lines of selective replies which we highly look down upon. this place will be rated pg-13, meaning cursing is allowed but please, do not over do it. any vulgar, triggering, or sensitive topics are strictly prohibited here at anthem. we do not want to see anything involving the areas of , offensive words such as the n word, rat, and etc. anything that could possibly offend someone is not allowed. we will be sure to be meticulous about this. anything ooc should be kept in brackets only but please try and refrain yourself from going ooc at all. it's a roleplay, after all. we want to avoid that area as best as possible. activity is very important here, and probably a basic 101 for most roleplays. we expect you to be tweeting at least everyday. 2 days of inactivity will lead to an automatic kick-out. ccs are unlimited but please do not over abuse it. password for applications is; what is the object you first see when you turn your head left? we will notify you if we feel that you are overwhelming this rule. temp-ccs, however, are not allowed. if unverifiying, going on hiatus, or if you just simply have any problems, please resort to base and base will help you all with that. 
check masterlist + wishlist for your desired muse, then comment below with the password in hand. once accepted, you will be given 24 hours to create your account. the username format should be (name)atm or atm(name) in all lowercases. we just feel it looks prettier that way. once finished, you must follow base and everyone base is following. make sure to mention base or you will not be accepted. no mention = no verification.  if you are not verified within 15 minutes of your mention, then you are free to interact with the rest of the roleplayers. also, please. make sure to enjoy your stay and have fun.
MASTERLIST  —  admin  taken

bangtan / jimin taehyung jeongguk yoongi
blackpink / jennie lisa rose
exo / sehun jongin
f(x) / krystal
gfriend / sowon eunha yuju
got7 / mark 
gugudan / mimi
ioi /  jieqiong 
nct / johnny doyoung winwin taeyong yuta
oh my girl / seunghee
pledis girlz / minkyung siyeon
red velvet / irene yerim seulgi
seventeen / dino vernon
sf9 / inseong chani 
twice / chaeyoung sana nayeon
victon / subin 
wjsn / luda 
ygk+ / haeun 

WISHLIST  —  urgent granted
taehyung / complete bangtan, ioi, monsta x, red velvet.
jimin / victon, taemin.
jennie / complete blackpink.
johnny / doyoung, ten.
lisa / blackpink, pledis girlz, bulldok, sonamoo, ioi, female yg trainees, wjsn, red velvet, twice & seventeen.
minkyung / wjsn, pledis girlz, girls.
rose / bap.
eunha / gfriend, bap, twice.
yeri / complete red velvet, nct u, nct 127.
lisa + jennie. / 311216
est ddmmyy ©


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huddyy #1
hi, exos jongin please.
+ bolster.
hello i'd like to ask... if me and my current rs will join, do we need to clean up our tweets because precious. if not, we'd love to apply as Twice's Momo and Exo's Lay. thank you ^^
cleeneroll #3
red velvet's seulgi, please & thanks.
oldyeller #4
twice's nayeon, please!
oh my girls seunghee please!
a book self
508208 #6
nct's yuta, please.

+ my phone.
tanqerineskin #7
twice's sana, please.

+ a pillow.
numerical #8
nct's taeyong, please.

+ a wall.
24sigan #9
may i reserve pledis girlz's siyeon? thanks!

my bag.