`〈 LET'S TALK ABOUT LOVE 〉  ღ  goin' courtin'


 in the year 1850, located in a hill not far from a small town called yeolrum, lived seven brothers. these brothers rarely visited the town unless they required necessities. they mostly kept to themselves - barely any interaction with the opposite gender, much less the same gender (except one another). one day, the eldest brother decided to get himself a wife. thus, begins the seven brothers' journey of love and women.

one. in order to court a girl, you should subscribe to magazines. they'll help you and give you tips.
two. to get her heart, be nice to her and her family. in fact, be nice to everyone. no violence!
three. if she chooses you, talk to her. comment your honest opinions if she ever asks. 


seven brother & seven wives, all in one house. this could only spell one thing: a house full of love and adoration (and also chaos).


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