ㅡ Day 2 ㅡ

Seven Days of Magic

"Taeyeon, for Christ's sake! You're embarrassing the hell out of me! Soon I'll have to get you to the hospital, and I'm not sure they'll know how to handle or treat a fairy on a sugar rush. Please, stop!" Tiffany hissed behind Taeyeon.

"What's a sugar rush?" Taeyeon asked, the chocolate-flavored ice cream scoop excitedly as the two headed towards a table in the demure ice cream parlor.

"It's what people are likely to get when they are on their fifth ice cream cone! You are going to kill yourself!" Tiffany exclaimed, trying to snatch the food away from the fairy's hand.

"Hey! Don't do that," Taeyeon said, and with a swing of her free hand, pinned both of Tiffany's hands down by the side of her body for a few seconds. "I like this thing. We don't have a thing like this in fairy world. Let me eat the thing."

"It's called an ice cream, and believe me, too much ice cream is bad for you. And you are making me spend a whole lot of money on you."

Taeyeon squinted, eyeing Tiffany with a dash of displeasure. "Fine, I'll stop." She the ice cream once more. "After I finish this one and the other two I'm planning on ordering."

"You are not ordering anything else!" Tiffany stated.

The blonde frowned. "I'm trying to help you find the love of your life. The least you could do in return is give me ice cream."

Tiffany banged her head on the table. "I should have never introduced you to human food. You are going to get diabetes."

"What's a diabete?" the fairy asked.

"Oh, nevermind. Just-- don't eat too much of that. You can have up to one more, and then we're done in here. I'm enrolling you in a gym."

"What's a gym?"

Tiffany face-palmed herself. "Just... finish the thing."

Taeyeon consented happily to Tiffany's demand, and resumed to eating her ice cream quietly. But simultaneously, the fairy observed Tiffany as she looked at the people around the place. Not a single spark of interest for anyone around them did Taeyeon notice on Tiffany. Countless handsome men passed by the human and even eyed her, but Tiffany was always unfazed. They were in the middle of the afternoon of the second day, and Tiffany's love seemed nowhere to be found.

"You know, I really think you should try a little harder," Taeyeon cooed. "To find your love, I mean."

"I'm trying. I swear I am. But it's so hard..."

Taeyeon smiled faintly. "I know. Take your time. I won't push you to do anything."

"But you need me to."

"I do, but I won't demand anything from you. Love cannot be forced. I'll be greateful to you if we achieve our goal, but I will understand if we don't."

Shortly after Taeyeon finished speaking, another sweet bell ring echoed in her head. Hopeful, she looked at Tiffany, and then right and left back and forth, but she saw nothing. She frowned.

"What is it now?"

Taeyeon shook her head. "Nothing."

Tiffany eyed the blonde suspiciously, but shook the topic off. "Whatever. Are you done with that?" she asked, pointing at Taeyeon's ice cream.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Good. Can't we just go back home? It's too cold, and I wasn't really planning on spending my days off outside."

"But how are we going to find your true love if we stay locked inside?"

Tiffany thought for a moment. "Well, there's always the internet."

"What's an internet?"

The brunette smiled.


"I really don't understand!" Taeyeon complained.

"Taeyeon, come on: it's like an invisible web through which people from the entire world can connect and communicate with each other and find stuff, such as information, films, music, photos, whatever. It's not that complicated. See, you just connect any device to a Wi-Fi facility, and you can have access to anything you want."

"What's Wi-Fi?"

Tiffany whined. "How come you know what a cell phone is, but you don't know Wi-Fi or the internet?"

"A cell phone is the most used device by human beings. I've worked with and through them before. Like, making a person send one of those little heart-shaped figures to another 'by mistake' through a text message. But I've never dealt with this internet before."

"Right. Those tiny figures are called emojis. Anyway, on the internet, there are these things called dating websites, where--"

"What's a website?" the fairy asked innocently.

"Oh, dear," Tiffany sighed and closed the laptop that lay on her thighs, then tossed it aside on the couch. "I give up."

"Oh, no! Don't!" pleaded Taeyeon, gently touching Tiffany's arm for a second, but rapidly withdrawing her hand afterward. "Please."

Tiffany eyed the blonde. "No, I'm not giving up on that. I mean, I give up trying to explain to you how the internet works."

"Oh." Taeyeon smiled sheepishly. "Well, to be frank, I don't care about it. I'll be satisfied if you just try to find someone on there by yourself. If you see someone that interests you, all you have to do is tell me. I'll take care of the rest."

"Right. I'll do that," Tiffany assented and leaned back onto the couch, sighing tiredly and closing her eyes.

The fairy watched her with a small smile on her lips and with avid eyes, as they beheld the brunette woman closely and attentively for the first time. Tiffany was very beautiful, Taeyeon thought. It shouldn't be hard to find for her to find someone. Then, why was it?

"May I ask you a question?" the blonde cooed. Tiffany's eyes popped open.

"Go ahead," responded Tiffany.

"Why none of your relationships ever worked out?"

Tiffany sighed and straightened her body up. "I don't know. I suppose they all expected too much from me."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. I can't explain it. I'm not... I'm not very good at letting people in, you know? Trusting people. For me it was all good until they started wishing for a more serious relationship with me. My life has always been such a terrible mess... I don't really want to bring anyone into that."

Taeyeon nodded and shot a comprehensive gaze at Tiffany, who just smiled faintly in return.

"But, you know," Tiffany continued, "I seem to be pretty okay with you here. I mean, you've completely invaded my life, my house, even my bed, but I'm not really... uncomfortable."

The fairy smiled playfully. "Isn't that because you know you'll get rid of me sooner or later?"

The brunette chuckle. "No. It must be because I can see you are genuinely good and you mean well."


Tiffany locked her eyes with Taeyeon, watching her for a while. Then, a small smile crept on her lips, and she chuckled faintly. "You're so innocent. That's how. You show through. I mean, your heart. Your intentions. They're just pure, and I can see that." She nodded. "When you're just an ordinary human being, dealing with other ordinary human beings, it's good to have someone like that by your side, for a change."

Upon hearing Tiffany's compliment while under the latter's gaze, Taeyeon felt her cheeks heat up, and she could nearly see the pink spots forming on the surface of her skin. But not only that:ㅡ​

"Taeyeon, what's going on?" Tiffany asked, eyebrows furrowed, when she noticed a faint glow emanating from Taeyeon's skin.

"Nothing," the fairy responded, and tried to cover her hands with the sleeves of the sweater Tiffany had lent her.

"No, wait a minute--" Tiffany insisted, and took Taeyeon's hand in her own, pushing the sleeve up. "You're... twinkling. Why are you twinkling?" she inquired, and began giggling amusedly.

"I'm not twinkling!" Taeyeon said, yanking her arm away. The heat on her face grew more intense... and so did the twinkle of her skin.

"Look at that! The more you deny it, the more you twinkle!" Tiffany remarked, delighted. "Why is that? Oh, wait... are you embarrassed, Taeyeon? Do you  by chance twinkle instead of blushing?"

"No!" Taeyeon exclaimed. "...I do both. Leave me alone," she said, covering her face with a cushion and curling into a fetal position on the couch. Tiffany just kept laughing, and could hear a muffled "Humans are annoying" coming from behind the cushion covering Taeyeon's flushed face.

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maemae08 #1
Chapter 9: Wow this is so cute and adorable story. It's rare to find something like this. I love it. Hope you make some more.
czankx #2
Chapter 9: Aww, author-nim, is there a way I can read the Sequel, Seven New Days of Magic? It's so good, I can't help but think that I need to finish the life of Taeny especially with their fairy love child heheh
czankx #3
Chapter 9: Aww,, that was so cute!! Gosh, even as a fairy, Taeyeon is still a byuntae hahahahaha and there goes Seohyun as their child hehe
Chapter 8: This a very nice short tale!
Reading this before going to bed makes me feel happy!
A fairy being born every time two people fall in love with each other is a very good idea! Now they have a daughter!
Taeyeon is right, Tiffany found love when she least expect it! A bit complicated, but hey! That's love, maybe? 😁
Chapter 2: This is really cute!
I like how Tiffany seems to lose patience when explaining everything to Taeyeon, yet she never fails to answer Taeyeon's question. She's so comfortable with her! 😁
Taeyeon's charm really is her innocence on everything on the human world. Also her blushing and twinkling seems cute! I can imagine it! 😁
Chapter 1: I was looking for something fluffy to brighten up my day, this is a perfect choice! 😁
maemae08 #7
Chapter 8: Your story is so cute I really love it. Hope to read some storues like this. You're a good author, the story is light and I love it.
This story is just amazing. I read this during Christmas season and it was the perfect combo. :)
Chapter 9: Beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this with us. Off to read the sequel ^^
Chapter 9: I love this. This is so fluffy