
A dose of JimJi ( Jimin + Umji )

         "Flower, check. Drinks, check. Food, check. Decorations? Wait. I think I got it now." Park Jimin muttering to himself. He look at his dongsaengs, Jungkook and Taehyung who are playing video games. He scratch his head. "Should I ask for their help?"
        He look at the clock on the cabinet. Its already 4 pm. He don't have that much time. "Ermmm, guys? I need your help." Taehyung stop playing the game and turns to focus on his hyung. He look at Jungkook who is also looking at Jimin with a puzzle look at his face. "Sure, what is it?" Taehyung ask.
       Suddenly a blush crept up to Jimin's cheek. Jungkook seems to catch up on something. His eyes widen and he let out a small gasp. "Don't tell me, you want us to help you with you date?" Jimin look at them with his best puppy eyes and nodded eagerly. Taehyung look at each other than look back at Jimin.
      "Oh, come on guys? Just help me decorate the place only. Please... I'm runnig out of time. The date is at 8. Please..." He said. Both Jungkook and Taehyung let out a sigh. "Fine..." Jimin feels like his heart leap up at their answer. "Come, lets go for some decoration shopping, while Jin hyung prepare the food." He said, dragging both of his dongsaeng to the car. "Oi! Don't forget to buy us ice cream, you know how hard it is for us to make you this cake." Jhope said from their dining room. He was incharge of baking and decorating cake with Suga. While Namjoon is busy helping Jin in the kitchen.
       "Arasseo, hyung." Jimin replied softly.
       After they done buying all the decoration, they head straight to Han River to decorate the place. Jungkook put a baby blue with little polka dots table mat and Taehyung place the flower chain on the bench. Jimin was busy pumping the balloons. After that, Jungkook and Taehyung cut some colourful tissue papers and hang in on the tree branches. Meanwhile Jimin was climbing the tree to put the fairy lights on it.
      They put some fake butterflies around the tree. Then Taehyung take 3 candles out of a plastic bag and put it on a candle stand before placing it on the table. The 3 of them observe their work. After feel satisfied with their work, they pick up the rubbish and clean up the mess. Jungkook look at his watch "hyung, its almost 7. You better hurry up. We'll stay here to look after this place." Jimin run as fast as he could to the car.
      Once the engine start, he speed up. He can't wait for the date later. He look at the ice cream parlour at the side of the road and pull up to buy the ice cream that he promised to buy for his hyung.
    After 10 minutes of driving, he arrive home. Once he step into the house, a very delicious smell greet his sense of smell. 'As expected from Jin hyung's cooking.' He thought. He give Jhope the ice cream and take a look at the cake while they are doing the finishing on the cake. Suga carefully write Jimin and Umji's name in the heart they mads out of white chocolate. The cake looks nice.
       Then Jimin proceed to the kitchen. Jin is packing the food into a tupperware before putting it into a basket. He smiles at Jimin and push Jimin out of the kitchen so that he can get ready. "Go shower, you stink!" Jin said while laughing.
       After Jimin done showering, he went to his room and look for the outfit he should wear. He took almlst 10 minutes trying to figure out what to wear before grabbing a white sweater that Umji got him for his birthday and a pair of black jeans. He styled his hair the way Umji like. After taking a good look of his reflection on the mirror, he reach for the drawer of his dresser and grab a small black box. He put it in the pocket of his jeans and head to the kitchen to get the food and cake. The guys are teasing the way his facd are beaming. Jin grab the car key and went to fetch Jungkook and Taehyung while Jimin heads to Umji's dorm.
             Ding Dong!
      "I'll get it." Eunha shout. She open the door to reveal a very excited looking Jimin. She smiles at Jimin. "Umji is still in the room. Yerin and Sowon eonnie are giving her a makeover. How about you come in and wait for her inside?" Eunha said and move to the other side, giving Jimin some space to get in. Eunha close the door and lead Jimin to the living room. "Have a seat first. I'll go check on her." With that, Eunha disappear into a room.
       Not long after, Eunha, Yerin and Sowon excitedly exited the room with SinB and Yuju trailing behind and Umji at the back. Jimin lost his breath seeing Umji in a very beautiful white sundress with lace at the hem of the dress. Her hair was curled in a beachy wave and tied up in a half updo style and bangs. Her makeup compliments her face very well, light and simple. She looks like an angel. Jimin feels as if he can stare at her all day. No, he means forever.
       "Ehem!" SinB cleared to stop the lovebirds from keep on staring at each other. Jimin get out of his trance. He give Umji a bright smile and offer his hand to her. Umji took his hand and bid the girls goodbye before the went out.
     Through the ride, Jimin can't stop himself from sneaking glances at Umji. Meanwhile Umji was oblivious of her boyfriend's action, just look outside while humming along the song playing on the radio. Sometimes she would move her head and hands to the rhythn of the song. Jimin smiles the whole time he stares at her. He just can't get over her cuteness.
      "Oppa, are we there yet?" Umji asked. Jimin was covering her eyes with his hands. "Not that far, honey." He grins as he he imagine Umji's reaction later. "Okag, here we are. Are you ready?" Umji nods excitedly. Jimin chuckles. "A little bit eager here, are you? Okay, I will say 1,2,3 then you can open your eyes, okay?" Umji nods again. Jimin remove his hands. "1....2....3!"
      Umji open her eyes and gasps at the sight before her. She feel so touch that she cry. Jimin saw her wiping her tears. He panicked. "Honeh, why are you crying? You don't like it?" Umji just keep on crying before giving Jimin a big hug. "No pabo-ya. I'm happy. I love it!"
      Hearing those words, Jimin let out a breath of relief. He smiles and hig Umji back, nuzzling into the crook of her neck, inhaling the smell of strawberry in her hair. No amount of words can describe how deep his love to the girl. He pulls away and lead her to the table. He help her get on the bench. Once Umji sits, Jimin kneels beside her, his hand holding a box. "Umji-ya, I have something for you."
         Umji took the box from his hand. "Thank you, oppa." She said. She look at the little box, wondering whay is inside, she look at Jimin who is looking at her with an excited look. "Oppa, you want me to open this box?" Jimin nods. "As in now?" She asked again. Jimin chuckled a bit. "Yes, honey. Now. Aigoo my little cutiepie." Umji blush at what Jimin said. With a slow motion, she open the box and she was lost at words. There, lie a beautiful silver infinity necklace with their name carved in either side of the symbol and some turquoise stones on it. Umji look at Jimin with teary eyes.
      "Aigoo, I know this would happen. Stop crying baby. Here, I put it on you." He said afted wiping off her tears. He took the necklace and went behind Umji. He put the necklace on her. "You look so beautiful honey. I love you so much." Jimin said, backhugging her.
      "Do you know why I pick this necklace?" Umji shakes her head. "No,why?"
     "Well, as you can see, I want out love to stay strong forever, thats why I pick infinity symbol, for eternal love. And those turquoise stones, it means friendship. To remind us how our friendship have turn into love. I want to be your best friend forever, to be the one who is always there for you, to give you shoulder to cry, to make you happy and smile everyday, to be the one you can trust, the one you can count on."
       Umji turns her head to the side as soon as Jimin finishes his words. She give Jimin her brightest smile. "Well, bestfriend can't do this." She give Jimin a kiss. "Well, then maybe I'm that special type of bestfriend." Jimin said before kissing her again, passionately.
     They kissed until the ran out of breath. They rest their forehead against each other. Jimin look into Umji's eyes lovingly. "I love you, Kim Yewon." Umji smiles. "Nado, Park Jimin."
     And the rest of the date went well, as they eat their dinner while watching the firework show.
       Meanwhile from behind a big tree, 2 guy were dancing crazily while one more guy filming the scene before them. "Assa!!! Their date went well." Jungkook and Taehyung said. "Come on,kids. Lets go home." Jin said after he put his camcorder in his bag. They walk toward their car before taking one last look at the happy couple with a smile on their face, hoping that the couple will never stop loving each other and will always be together forever.

A/N: I'm back! Sorry for the late update. I'm kinda busy with the intership thing at the hospital. 😔 I promise to update again soon. So what do you think of this? I used to plan a date for my friends so, I'm like Taekook in here. 😂😂 happy reading, lovelies...

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Chapter 3: This one is so cute!!!!!
My Umji baby shows that she grew up ^^ Imagination of other idols reaction for Umji's look tranformation makes me so happy ^^
Thank you so much <3
Chapter 9: Bittersweet.. just what I need right now
Chapter 6: Cute and outstanding.I love it.Please write this kind of stories more often!
Umin92 #4
Chapter 4: So cute
Umin92 #5
I love jimji
TWXCE17 #6
Chapter 3: This is so cute ><
And a bit of verji tho<3
Pls update soon!
TWXCE17 #7
Chapter 1: My feels :(
ForgotEvrything #8
Chapter 1: ;-; omg the feels I'm loving this so much already...
Please update soon!
Mikaelaa2016 #9
Chapter 1: Sudenly i remember all jimin pic with his "ex" huhu.
Btw your story is good, waiting for your update :D