KBBUnited Roleplay (2011-2016)



Hello everyone. I've been keeping this for a while and today, after seeing what I worked for stolen from me, I couldn't hold it in. As a lot of you know, I WTH_4MIN am the owner of KBBUnited Roleplay since early 2012 after the real owner got too busy to handle the roleplay. For everyone that has been with us since the very beginning or, was apart of our family once. I'm sure you know us, even if we're not closely acquainted. This particular roleplay is the hard work of a lot of people, admins, ex admins and also roleplayers we had over the years.

We spent our time, advertising, getting new subscribers, creating new ideas to make a good home for roleplayers and though we have so much mistakes, with tons of things we could improve and things we could have done better, I don't think having our thread stolen from us is fair. A few weeks ago, an admin of the roleplay tried logging in KBBUnited's thread to re-open the roleplay, as we did promise to comeback after a short break but to our disappointment, the account was stolen by someone we probably know, password and email changed,co author removed and now, the thread had been transfered under a new owner (-alphanumeric), I doubt is a main account btw. We couldn't do anything about it, despite being the rightful owner of the account and thread because we were blocked of all options to retrieve back the account. I couldn't think straight when I found out what happened. I was sad and devastated to know something I worked so hard for since I was like 18- get taken away just like that by someone who couldn't even ask me nicely if I could give them the thread.

I have no idea who that person is but I am requesting here with all my heart, if you are reading, please return back the thread to its rightful owner. It's really awful to have the thing we worked hard stolen from us and even if one day we don't intend to use it anymore, it's not yours to take and it is up to me to decide who to pass down the thread to when I retire from the roleplay scene. 

So please whoever you are, stop your wrong doings and return it back. :/
We know why you stole the thread. It's a thread with tons of subscribers and was once featured but it won't mean anything to you because it's not your hard work. Return it back, okay? 

That's all we (the roleplay admins and i) request from you. 


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Belle if this is you or not but you know me for sure...
Anyway I hope what hardwork we've done there should be not wasted (I was an admin of it before right?) and it's hard for me to see that someone stole it, you've put lots of hardwork in there and it is bad that someone just stole it... from old to new admins, the rp should be back to you, you're the owner and you deserve it
here was i thinking you (WTH_4MIN) where the one opening it again...
i sure hope you have the opportunity to receive your thread back.
unfortunately this rping world is not what it used to be back in 2011.
That someone is very "kind" :')
unodeuxvoyez #4
belle is this you-
but anyways me and sister were so hyped up when the thread updated not knowing your work was stolen
I just saw this and this is saddening. :/
Chapter 2: otl I just realized that you updated this story ;; but yeah, no matter which thread we will use in the future, the loyal members will comeback :')
Chapter 2: at first i thought KBBU's back i even applied for it!
i love u thanks for finally speaking up and fighting for what yours is
WTF--- so this has been a long issue...wtheck. Track that person now ;((
You, the rightful owner, doesnt deserve this u w u
Oh no! For what you worked so hard for! I was looking forward to rejoining but I guess some one was stupid enough to steal what they didn't earn?