One of the Boys


Reini Cruz X Namjoon




You mumbled, flipping over, completely ignoring the call. You had


late night last night and it felt like you were only sleep for a few hours.




“I'm not here remember! I'M DEAD!” You mumbled, putting your


pillow over your head. It was ripped off your head, making you groan loudly. You blinked a few times, rubbing your eyes. The image focused to show your older sister hovering over top of you with her arms crossed.


          “WHAT?!” You growl.


“Get your up! It’s boot camp time!” She shrieked. You rolled on to the floor and looked up at her. “I overheard your conversation last night about how you someone but they only see you as one of the guys. Well I am here to help!”


“You are absolutely crazy! I was talking about our ENGLISH BOOK!” You said, waving your textbook in front of her face. Truth is, you were lying. She was right, you did like one of your guy friends. Actually, you liked one of your BEST guy friend, Namjoon. You have known him since you were little and he always saw you as one of the guys. So what you dressed casually and wasn’t considered as classy as most females? That didn’t mean you weren’t still one who had feelings for other people, specifically feelings for him.


“Okay, what’s the book about then?” Your sister questioned.


“Uh…” You stalled. Quick, think on your feet. “A girl who is experiencing love for the first time. It’s a coming of age classic.”


“Wrong! That is Macbeth by Shakespeare. It’s a murder tragedy. Your lying and I know it. You have no say, you are doing this boot camp whether you like it or not!” She said, grabbing your arms. You try with all your power to keep your body on the bed but you give up, standing on the floor and stretching.


“Wh-what time is it?” You ask, yawing.


“IN THE MORNING?!” You nearly scream.
“NOOO! AT NIGHT! YES, SMARTY!” She sasses.
“Why are up so dang early?!” You groan, flopping back on the bed,


making her glare at you.


“To teach you how to get ready in the morning for school,” She smiled, clearly proud of herself. “Now get up and get dressed in these clothes! When you are done, come out so I can do your hair and make-up!”


“I'm fine with you doing my hair but make-up?! That's taking it too far!” You huffed.


“No, it’s not! Now hurry up! The faster we do today’s lesson, the faster you can go back to sleep!” She said, patting your back.


Ugh fine!” You groaned, giving up. You trudged into the bathroom and grimaced at the sight of it. It was a white crop top, pink tennis skirt and she threw in a lacy choker. After getting dressed, you gagged again. You opened the door to find your sister smiling in your face. She handed you heels making your eyes grow bigger.


You know I'm a flats kind of person!” You complained. She shrugged, pushing you back into the bathroom.


“Sit on the tub ledge,” She ordered, pushing you down.


She started pulling out her makeup and hair stuff. You knew she wasn’t going to leave you alone until she did this but she was going too far. You have become her doll. You sat there for more than an hour listening to an in-depth beauty tutorial. By the time she was done, it was past 8. The doorbell rang making you panic.


“WHO’S THAT?! IS THAT THE PAPERBOY?! HE GOES TO MY SCHOOL! HE CAN’T SEE ME LIKE THIS!” You panicked, pushing her out the bathroom and trying to close the door. She pushed it open and walked in, cracking the door behind her.


“Probably but he can wait. Try on your shoes!” She said, excitedly. You sighed, sliding the shoes on. “Stand up and try to walk!”


WHAT?! DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?!” You yelled.


They aren't even high heels! Their wedges! You'll be fine!” She assured you. You heard snickering making you raise an eyebrow.




“You are hearing things! Now seriously walk forward!” She said, holding her arms out. You sighed, trying to walk but as soon as your fit hit the ground again, you wobbled, grunting.


“I QUIT!” You groaned, flopping on the tub ledge and taking your shoes. Your sister exhaled, sitting next to you. You heard snickering you.


WHO’S OUT THERE?!” You yelled. The door crept open showing 7 goofy-grinning guys (BTS). “…”


You did good so far!” Jimin says, sticking his thumb up but also smirking. “Just actually need to try walking!”


They all start laughing. You searched the group to find Namjoon laughing as well. Your cheeks become a bright red color. This was SO embarrassing…


“So I thought maybe by inviting your friends over… They could give me their expertise!” Your sister smiled, showing guilt all over her face.


“EXPERTISE?! WHAT EXPERTISE?!” You yelled, not caring how stupid you looked at this point.


“You know… On what they like in a girl!” She said, turning her head and winking at you. You almost said something but then you stopped. It actually kind of did make sense to get their input on what they liked in girls. They never talked about them around you. If Namjoon says he thinks you look good like this then you know how to win him over.




You guys decided to go to the arcade at the mall. According to your sister, it’s plenty of guys to check you out. The more people who thought you were cute, the more you know how well the style fits with you. She was right, many people were hitting on you. You didn’t like it, though. The only person you wanted to hit on you was Namjoon.


          “Ooh, I’m hungry! We should take a break and get some food!” Your sister said, swooping into the food area.


          “You gonna treat me?” You cherped.


          “HA, not!” She laughed, walking up to the counter and placing her order.


          “It’s okay, Y/N, I will pay for you!” Taehyung said, smiling and grabbing your hand.


          “I’m pretty much sure she has money!” Namjoon sassed.


          “I… I actually don’t… I left my money at home…” You said, quietly. You honestly haven’t seen him like that, it kind of startled you.


          “See! Why don’t you just leave me and her alone?” Taehyung said, rolling his eyes and pushing Namjoon back. Jung Kook walked up wrapping his arm around your shoulders.


          “And me!” He said, smiling at you. Wow, they were so nice to you. This outfit was really working. You had been with them for two hours and none of them have punched you or started to playfully fight you.


          “You guys are ridiculous…” Namjoon mumbled, rolling his eyes and leaving. You pouted. You tried to go after you but Jung Kook and Taehyung were pulling you to the counter to order.


          After ordering. Jung Kook carried your tray while Taehyung carried your beverage. When you got to the table, Jimin, Seokjin, and Hoseok all jumped up to pull out your chair. They fought to pull your chair out but only Seokjin was the one who did it. You giggled, sitting down as they placed your stuff in front of you. You looked at your sister who was sitting across from your, smirking. You monitored Namjoon the whole time, he was picking at his French fries and would peek up at you every now and again. When your eyes met, he would look away. What was wrong with him?


          “Are you going to eat that?” Hoseok said to Namjoon, stuffing his mouth with food. Namjoon sighed, pushed his fries to him, and got up. All of you watched as he slowly went to get some napkins. He sat back in his chair and slid you some of the napkins then pulled out his phone.


          “Thanks for the napkins!” Jimin said, snatching one from his pile.


          “If you wanted one, you could have asked for it,” Namjoon mumbled, scrolling on his phone.


          “Y/N didn’t ask for it and you gave it to her!” Taehyung broke in.


          “Yeah because she has sauce on her nose. Just because you live like bigs, sauce over your cheeks doesn’t mean she does!” He snapped. He didn’t sound like he was joking. He was serious.


          “Bro, if you like her then make a move!” Hoseok said, food flying everywhere.


Namjoon made a face, cleaning up the crumbs and continued to talk, “I’m not the ones jumping all over her because her is hanging out of that skirt.”


“Excuse me?!” You said, breaking your silence. You may like him but his attitude was getting on your nerves.


“OKAY! I think I’m going to go back and play some games!” Your sister said, directly after you said that. She got up and threw her stuff away. She looked back at the table to see the boys engrossed into the action. “COME ON GUYS LETS GO PLAY SOME GAAAAAMES!” She smacked Taehyung’s head, signaling them to follow her.


“We’ll be back guys!” She said, waving. Oh great, the entire time you wanted a moment alone with him but now you wish you were gone.


“Yeah… I’m gonna…” You said, slowly sliding up and leaving.


“Y/N, come here,” Namjoon called out. You froze and turned around. You sat back at the table and folded your hands.


“What?” You said, dryly.


“I didn’t mean it like that. I’m sorry,” He apologized.


“Why are you like this? You are never like this!”


“I could say the same for everyone else in this group!” He protested.


“What are you talking about?”


“Nothing… Never mind. Go play with everyone else. I’m just going to sit here,” He pulled his phone back out.


“NO!” You said, placing your hand on top of his. “Seriously, Namjoon. What is wrong? I’m your best friend. You can tell me anything.”


“I could be saying the same thing to you,”


“Stop turning this around on me! This has nothing to do with me!” You yelled, yanking your hand off of his.


“You changed! Your completely different now! I can’t even recognize you!”


“Just because I dressed differently? My sister wanted to play dress up with her little sister. I can’t say no because my parents are going to say that I am denying sibling fun or whatever,”


“It’s not the stupid clothes or the hair or the makeup! It’s the fact that the minute you transformed, you became a completely different person!” 


“I’m the same person I was at 5 this morning except not sleep,” You joked, trying to break the stiff air.


“Yeah except you have become this helpless little doll that is waiting for someone to help her. The old you was strong-minded, funny and would rather help someone then be helpless,”


“So because I’m dressed like this, you think I’m playing damsel in distress?! You know I hate when people call females that!” You said, jumping up.


“I don’t care what you dress like! I want the old you back The girl who could out run all seven of us, beat us in basketball, play video games with, out fight us all and most importantly, the girl who stands up to her sister when she thinks that she needs to be someone she’s not in order to impress someone… I want the girl I fell in love with back…”


You froze. It didn’t occur to you how your attitude changed but looking back on it, you had become your sister. It probably was due to the fact that the boys were making it easy for you. That was no excuse though. Wait… Did he just-


“Did you just say ‘fell in love with’?” Your eyebrow raised, shocked you even heard that.


“Yes… Y/N, I love you. Well, the old you any way. I had been pushing up the courage to ask you out for so long. Today was going to be the day but this all happened. I doubt the new you wants to be with me. Probably Jimin, everyone wants to be with him.”


“NO!” You nearly screamed. Your cheeks reddened. You cleared your throat. “No, I-I love you too. The uh, the old me. I’m sorry if I started to act different… I loved you for a long time and it seemed like you never had an interest in me. My sister said this would help you to fall for me and I started to fall for it.”


“I only didn’t seem interested because I thought you weren’t. You always seem to be all over the guys way more then me,”


“Ew, I would never date them!” You laughed at even the thought of dating the other 6.


“Well good because… Y/N, would you be my girlfriend?” Namjoon asked, smiling nervously.


“Of course I will, Namjoon. I thought you would never ask!” You said, leaning over and pecking him on the lips.


“YES! THE PLAN WORKED!” Your sister shrieked, making you both dart your eyes to the walking figures coming towards you.


“Actually…” You said, standing up as they all go to the table. “Namjoon was going to ask me out today any way. He liked me the way I was. We all don’t have to play dumb in order to get a man!” You smirked. She gasped.


“Well guess who isn’t getting a ride back home!” She said, rolling her eyes and walking away.


“I’m glad the old you is back but uh… Can we keep the nice ?” Taehyung said, looking down at your and then biting his lip.


“HEY! That’s my girlfriend your talking about!” Namjoon protested, getting up and smacking him on the head.  


I'm so sorry this is late, my Christmas day was actually really busy but I hope you like it! I stole this idea from one of my old fanfics I liked with a twist! HAPPY HOLIDAYS LOVELY! Or if you don't celebrate anything then uh HAPPY MONDAY!




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