The Best Gift


Bri Jo X GD


You woke up with a beam of light shining in your face. You murmured random noises as you stretched and got up. You trudged to the bathroom, still feeling awful from the night before.

"Y/N!" A voice called you just as you got to the bathroom door. You assumed it was your best friend, Sariya, who had dragged you into a night of drinking and clubbing. You spun around slowly and saw Jiyong, your boyfriend.

"Jiyong?!" You asked, extremely shocked. Every bone in your body became alive again as you saw him in front of you, smiling. He was supposed to be gone for another month, touring.

"Okay so I know you are probably extremely confused right now considering how lit you were last night, " He chuckled, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you on the bed. You groaned, head pounding from hangover. “Sorry, babe…” He kissed you and smiled.

“I’m not so much confused but more of surprised. I thought you weren’t coming home for another month!” You shrieked, smiling widely.

“We got to stop back here for a few days so the first thing I did was come home. When I came here, you weren’t here so I texted you. You didn’t answer so I texted, Sariya, and she said you guys were out partying. I took a nap and I woke up to hear you stumbling into the room. I came to  greet you but had passed out on the couch so I cared you to bed and tucked you in.”

You took a minute to process everything he just said. The first thing that popped into your brain was how embarrassing this all was. You had never gotten blackout drunk in front of him and that was the first thing he was when he surprised you from tour. He did take care of you, though. Such a gentleman. Finally, you smiled.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me! I am so sorry you had to see me like that!" You said, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down to the bed. His hand slid to your , squeezing it making you gasp

“Baby, I’m too sick to right now and your teasing me!” You whined, pushing him off of you. He snickered, face very proud-like.

You peeled yourself up to head to the bathroom. When you had return into the room, Jiyong was gone. You flopped back on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You rolled to the other side of the bed and instantly smelled Jiyong's cologne. You covered your face in the blankets, embracing his smell.

"OH NO, Y/N, DID YOU PASS OUT AGAIN?!" You heard Jiyong yell.

You shot up and saw him standing right next to you. You smiled, embarrassed and he let out a laugh of relief.

“I... I was going back to sleep." You lied.

"Oh... I'm sorry you can go back to sleep then." He started walking out but you rolled to the end of the bed and grabbed his wrist.

"Did you want something?" You asked him.

"No no, just go back to sleep." He said, smiling warmly.

You didn't let go of his wrist and he didn't look away from you. He probably knew that you knew he was lying. 

"I made you pancakes." He said, softly.

"OOH BAAAAABE, THAT’S SO SWEET!" You said, letting go of his wrist and hopping of the bed. He smiled really wide and led the way to your kitchen.

He handed you a plate with 4 huge pancakes. He laughed, putting a few pancakes on another plate. You stopped immediately, searching for your phone. Jiyong looks at you, worringly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

As soon as he asked you that, you found your cell phone. It was on the coffee table.  

"I was looking for my cell phone but I found it." You sat back in your chair and started eating your pancakes. “I have to check up on Sariya and make sure she didn’t die.”

 Jiyong chuckled, as he sat next to you and you both sat there eating, very peacefully. It was silent but not awkward. You guys had been together long enough to appreciate the quiet. Your phone started to buzz of the hook, making you hurry and grab it.

“Of course, my phone is dying,” You groaned, pressing the home button. Actually, you were wrong. It was all text messages from Jiyong.

“Awwwwww, babe, you were so worried about me!” You cooed. He looked embarrassed.

“I’m… I’m sorry, you weren’t home and then you didn’t answer my calls so I freaked out… I’m sorry if I’m smothering you…” He said, quietly.

“No babe, it’s alright!” You said, leaning over to kiss him. “It’s really cute that you were worried about me!

He nodded, scarfing down his food and handing you his plate. You guys rushed into your living room and your tv to watch Weekly Idol. You guys never missed an episode. He wrapped his arms around you as you guys sat there watching it.

“So, you know it’s Christmas…” Jiyong interrupted the show.

“Yeah which I thought I wasn’t going to be able to spend with you!” You said, squeezing him. “This was the best gift ever!”

“Nah, I highly doubt that,” He said, slipping away from you and getting up.

“What are you doing?” You pondered.

“Shhhhhh, just wait!” He said, covering your mouth and then walking to the front door where a coat rack was. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small box with a bow on it.

“I was out in Japan and I thought this was a really nice gift,” He said, handing it over to you.

“Jiyooooong, you didn’t have to do this!” You whined, overwhelmed by how amazing he is.

“I know but I just wanted to let you know I love you while I’m touring. Now open iiiiiit!” He pleaded. You giggled as you ripped the wrapper open and saw a tiny ring box. You knew he was trolling you. A ring wouldn’t be in here.

“You troll! There’s nothing here!” You groaned, slapping his arm playfully.

“You didn’t even try to open it!” He said, hopping up.

“Where are you going now?” You whined. The doorbell rang, he pointed to the door, smiling. “What is going on?!”

“JUST OPEN THE BOX!” He said sounding agitated. He was even cuter, irritated.

You sighed and opened the box, preparing for the troll of a life time. You gasped. This was NOT what you were expecting. Jiyong pulled the door open, letting in his groupmates.

“What is it, babe?” He asked, smiling as they all walk towards you.

“A… A…. It’s a…” You stuttered, still uncertain about where this was going. “What is going on? Seriously, Jiyong! Are you trolling me?!”

He took the box from you and pulled out the ring that was inside. He knelt down on one knee in front of you. Taeyang started singing, “I Need A Girl”. You started tearing up.

“Y/N, I fell in love the moment I met you. Your personality lights up the room and every moment I have had with you has been the best moment. I’m devastated that I have to leave you to go out and tour. I wish I could spend every second of the rest of my life with you. I hope you feel the same way about me too.”

“That is if he doesn’t get on your nerves!” Seungri cut in, making everyone laugh.

“SHUT UP! LET HIM ASK!” Taeyang said, interrupting his song.

“Keep singing!” Jiyong order. Taeyang chuckled and continued to sing his song. “Will you marry me?

          You froze. You didn’t know if you were dreaming or not. You did drink A LOT last night. You pinched yourself. Okay, no you felt that. Everyone was staring at you.

          “OH YEAH!” You laughed, embarrassed. “YES I WILL MARRY YOU!”

          He smiled widely as he put the ring on your finger. The second it was on, you leaped down to him to embrace him with a kiss.

          “I told you me coming home wasn’t the best part.”


This really doesn't seem like GD like AT ALL but I still thought it was a cute, fluff story so I hope you look past that and enjoy it! HAPPY HOLIDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day! c:

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