A Day Of Rest

A Sudden Surprise

January 18th, 2017

I left the hospital. I thanked all the staff members for taking great care of me. BTS was waiting for me at the van.

"How do you feel right now?" V asked.

I started crying. "What's wrong?" they all asked and Jimin was comforting me. "My journal is gone too just like Rap Monster's song book. That journal had all my scripts for the drama show we are shooting four months from now. I written almost half of the scripts in Korean. The journal also has a lot of importance in my life. I wrote own my best memories of when I was younger. I wrote down all my problems and ideas in there. My heart is shattered right now. The best part about it was my whole journey living with you guys were in there. This journal just left my side." I said. "Awee we are sorry about that." they all said. We had a group hug and I settled down.

When we got home, we prepared dinner together. My plan was to have us make sushi with a lot vegetables, meat, and mostly rice. ​I told them not to do anything until I was done with washing the vegetables. Jin and Suga chopped up the vegetables and meat. Jimin and V scooped up the rice from the rice cooker into a large bucket. I taught Rap Monster, Jhope, and Jungkook how to roll up the sushi. After we finished using up all the rice. We kindly asked Suga and Jin to chopped up all the rolled up sushi.

"I will call our manager over for dinner." Rap Monster said.

"Sounds good!" we all replied back. The manager came 15 minutes later. I took some of the sushi and gave it to the children in the alley. I was forced to go with Suga, because they didn't want anything to happen to me again.

"We made some sushi for you guys!" I said.

"Awee thank you!" the children smiled and hugged me.

"Hope you guys enjoy and stay out of trouble." Suga said.

"Okay handsome guy!" the children said.

I could tell Suga blushed, and I was giggling at him.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked.

"I am laughing at you!" I said still giggling. We went back home, and the manager was already eating. The manager came over and wanted to talk to me.

"I am glad you are safe and feel a lot better. Starting from tomorrow you will be taking makeup classes. It's because a week from now you are going to be doing BTS's makeup." he said. I ate with them and listened to their interesting conversations about their childhood. I went to the kitchen to chop up the fruits. Suga rushed and grabbed the knife.

"Remember what I told you! Stay away from the knife." he said angrily.Then he tickled me as a punishment for not listening to him.

"I am sorry, and I will do as you commanded." I said laughing from his punishment. I left the kitchen thinking to myself why do I have to do their makeup. I hated everything about makeup, but I can't complain. Suga brought the refreshing desserts. We finished all the food and we cleaned up.

"Thank you for the wonderful meal! Good night!" the manager said.

"Good night!" we all said. I was the first one ready for bed. Jungkook and I had a race on who could get into the bed first. I won, because I was super tired.

"Dang you must be sleepy. Good night stupidhead!" Jungkook said.

"Meanie!" I said.

I was done with a week of makeup training classes. The whole experience was tedious. I was forced to have a notebook and take notes. I hated the whole lesson.

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