To New Beginnings

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 "Should I have really signed up for this?"  Chaeyoung huffs, dragging her luggage to the front door of a foreign building. "Y'know what, it's a new experience and maybe something good will happen." She thinks to herself, a sly smile forming on her lips.

 Knocking on the door, she waits patiently for a response. When waiting longer than it seemed appropriate, she began to get annoyed. "HELLO? IS ANYONE INSIDE?" Chaeyoung yells. "I know someone must be in there, I heard muffled voices."

 "SORRY, I'LL BE THERE IN A SECOND!" a voice rang out, gaining Chaeyoung's attention. "Finally someone answers."  Chaeyoung sighs. A few minutes Chaeyoung hears the door unlock and opens up to a girl with shoulder length brown hair.

"Hi new housemate!" she says sticking out her hand. "I'm Im Nayeon," she says with a smile. "Wow, when she smiles, her teeth look like a rabbit's. Cute."  Suppressing a giggle, Chaeyoung returns the handshake.

"I'm Son Chaeyoung and I'm very nervous, but I hope things work out."

"Awww, you're so cute." Nayeon replies, still smiling. And before Chaeyoung could say anything back, she was forcefully pulled through the door.

Losing her balance in the process, Chaeyoung was on her way to visit the floor when she was caught by a strong grip.

"Woah, are you okay?" The new voice asks.

Looking up, Chaeyoung finds herself looking at a girl with short blonde hair. "Wow. Girl crush material."

"Ah, yes I'm fine. Thank you." Chaeyoung responds snapping out of her trance.

"Nayeon, what's wrong with you? You can't just be that forceful. What if she actually got hurt?" The girl crush glares at Nayeon.

"I'm sorry Jeongyeon, I just got really excited." Nayeon begins, sincereity in her voice. "I'm also sorry to you Chaeyoung."

"Honestly I'm okay. No need to worry." Chaeyoung reassures. Eyeing the shorter girl, Jeongyeon lets out a sigh.

"Alright, anyways I'm Yoo Jeongyeon. I'm also in charge of being the girl crush." The shorter haired girl says. Out of the corner of her eye, Chaeyoung can see Nayeon roll her eyes.

"Anyways," Nayeon begins, clearing . "Why don't we show you your room and then go into the living room to get to know each other better." Both saying okay, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung follow Nayeon's lead.

After seeing her new room and putting her luggage away, Chaeyoung had followed the other girls to a couch, where she sees Nayeon up in Jeongyeon's face, messing with her hair. "So, have you two known each other prior to this?" Chaeyoung asks, startling the two girls.

"Yes we've known each other before this. I guess you could call us... childhood sweethearts?" Nayeon says with a smirk. Seeing how that could be interpreted another way, Jeongyeon hits Nayeon before explaining. "What she means, is that we've been good friends for awhile now and we applied to be here together." Jeongyeon sighs.

"Aw, you're no fun." Nayeon pouts. Chaeyoung can't help but let out a little laugh, which in turn, make Nayeon and Jeongyeon smile.

As Chaeyoung's laughter come to an end, Chaeyoung looks around the

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Chapter 2: This is actually interesting author nim(๑>◡<๑)

Ofc I'm hella excited about Mimo's stage and TwicexOmg switching songs, albeit probably not as hype as Nayeon♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪