Mission failed, but somehow it was a success (?)

Park's mission : To make Krystal Jung notice him [FAILED-- but somehow a success?]

'' Do you know the feeling when you feel like you're meant to be with this person.. But in the end, they are literally miles away from you?'' Jimin sighed after scrolling through his crush's instagram pictures. Jimin has been crushing on Krystal Jung, whom is the same age as him, drop-dead gorgeous and has a cool personality. However, she's studying in an all-girls' school. 

'' Krystal isn't miles away from you.'' His best friend, Jungkook who was sitting beside him, reading a book implied. '' Her school is near ours. It is just that you are too shy to even approach her.'' 

'' No, i'm not!'' Jimin crossed his arms and Jungkook rolled his eyes, putting his book down onto the table. '' Sure, says the person who didn't dare to even walk over to the sauce stand to get ketchup at the restuarant because Krystal was sitting by the table next to it.'' 

'' Her presence just makes me numb and tingly in the inside, okay?'' Jimin retorted back before focusing back into stalking Krystal's instagram and her other social media accounts, '' Oh my gosh, Kookie. Her photo-shoot pictures are damn perfect.''

Jungkook was relieved seeing the rest of their friends heading over to their table. '' Tae-tae hyung, Hobi hyung. Thank god you're here.'' 

The two sat down opposite each other and asked if it was about Jimin talking about Krystal again. '' Yes. Please ask him to stop before I personally ask Krystal out to stop him from day-dreaming about her.'' '' What? Jungkook don't you even dare--''

'' Jimin, just approach her in a friendly manner and ask her if she's free! It's more easier than learning math.'' Taehyung said simply and the other two nodded while Jimin replied, '' Taehyung. I can't.. just talk to her like that. I need more time.'' 

'' Psh, that's what you always say.'' Hoseok shook his head, '' You know what, i've got an idea for you.'' Jungkook then wiggled his eyebrows towards the nervous male brunette, '' Ideas from Hoseok-hyung always work out! Somehow..'' him and Taehyung started snickering and Hoseok told Jimin that he has nothing to worry about.

'' There is this dance workshop I usually attend and I met one of my friend, Victoria there. Fortunately, she's close to Krystal.'' Jimin's eyes lit up in happiness and he started moving a lot, making Taehyung move a seat-space away from him. '' Really hyung? Oh my gosh!''

'' Okay, don't accept my plan yet though.'' Hoseok grinned widely before continuing, '' Being a good friend, I did ask her if Krystal was interested in making friends with you and dating someone.'' Jimin was on the verge of embracing Hoseok with all his might but he resisted. '' However, Victoria said nope. Krystal ain't interested in being friends with guys and doesn't want to date anyone now. Hence, your dreams of being with her are screwed.'' Jimin's face darkened and he covered his face with his tiny hands while Taehyung laughed, '' Thanks for being such a supporter, Hoseok.''

Hoseok patted Jimin's back and told him not to be disappointed just yet. '' But Victoria and I thought of a plan for you since she kind of pitied on you-- For crushing on Krystal for who knows how long.'' Jimin wondered if he should feel embarrassed or grateful for hearing that. '' Anyways, we were thinking of dressing you up as one of their students for a day and Victoria will try and get you into their campus without anyone noticing. After that, she'll let you meet your crush and maybe talk to her for awhile and you'd have to leave after that.''


'' What an idiotic id--'' '' I accept the mission. I'll do it.'' Taehyung's eyes widened, including at his friend's response. '' Are you crazy Chim? Do you wanna get--'' '' Taehyung, this is an opportunity to talk to her. I know it's a crazy idea and all, but it's because I love her.'' He then stood up and walk over to Taehyung and leaned down, '' And when you love someone, you'll do anything for them.''

'' No no. When you love someone, you are willing to wait for them to love you back.'' Taehyung sighed as he massaged his temples while Jungkook nodded, '' I don't think you should do it either, Jimin. Who knows what will happen to you when you're in their school? The teachers might find out about you and even call our own school because of you trespassing into their school!''

Hoseok chuckled, '' Don't worry guys, Jimin will just be there for awhile. He's just gonna see her, talk and leave! Isn't it easy? That's more easier than learning math, English-- Actually every subject!'' He then looks at Jimin and asked, '' Now, which day do you wanna meet her? If I do remember, this friday is the day when we don't have school but they do.'' Jimin nodded, '' Friday it is.''

Taehyung and Jungkook both groaned and sighed in annoyance. '' Don't tell us that doing this is a bad idea and you regret doing it with all your life, Jimin-ah.'' Jimin smiled, '' Nah, I won't.''




'' Oh my gosh, I regret this completely.'' Jimin, whom was now inside Krystal's high school, was hiding himself in the males rest-room (He completely forgot he was still in their female student-uniform) regretting his life choices. 

Jimin had finally gotten the chance to meet Krystal, with Victoria's help. However, turns out Krystal was harder to talk to although he acted as a female student.  She had even hit towards him a couple insults and asked if he really is a girl because he had such toned muscles. Jimin was awed by her comment but at the same time he couldn't react like that because obviously, he was acting as a student there.

In the end, he didn't really get to introduce himself to Krystal and his whole existence was completely ignored by her. Hence, he decided to leave and head into the male rest-room to sulk about his failed efforts, and the whole female student outfit on him was making him uncomfortable and the long brown wig on his head is making his scalp itch a lot.

All these stressful and disappointing thoughts start building up in his mind and he couldn't take it anymore.

''  I'm so done with this shi--'' Jimin took off the long, brown wig off and slammed it onto the rest-room ground before stomping 
on it, his light brown hair damp from the warmth in that itchy wig. 

He then looks up to be greeted by a slim and pale black haired male who was observing him in amusement. His black hair was styled neatly, bangs swept to the side, wearing a long white-sleeved shirt with tight ripped jeans. The male looked at him up and down in confusion.

'' Hey.'' The guy then said in his deep and raspy voice, making Jimin smile sheepishly.

'' Uh, hello.''  The guy nodded off and walked over to their sink, examing his face while washing his hands. '' You should go back home, kid.'' 

Jimin chuckles softly, '' Is it that obvious that i'm a male?'' The latter smiled while lathering his hands with soap before washing his hands again, '' Not really. You look pretty as a female student.'' Jimin felt his cheeks burning and immediately covered his face.'' It's just because I don't see any female student in a males restroom.'' Jimin then realised where he was and he looked around to examine his surroudings before hitting himself with the palm of his hand, '' I'm so stupid.''

'' It's alright. At least you're smart enough to manage to get into our school.'' Jimin watches the guy wipe his hands with paper towels and threw them into the rubbish bin  perfectly despite the far distance. '' O-our school? Are you perhaps.. the principal?''  The guy laughed before shaking his head, '' Nah, i'm not. If I was, i'll probably have my own rest-room.'' 

'' A teacher then?'' 
'' Yup.'' Jimin gulped before apologising, '' I'm really sorry for entering your school, Mr...''
" Min Yoongi. What's your name?''
" Park Jimin, sir.''


 Jimin looked down in embarrassment while the other patted his back, '' It's alright. I'll let you go off this time since it's your first. Let's just get you out of here, okay?'' Jimin looked up to see Yoongi's hazel-coloured eyes and he felt so attacked because they were really close to each other. Yoongi stared back into his eyes for awhile before reaching his hand up to Jimin's face and the latter closed his eyes instinctively. 

Jimin then felt the long brown wig being put back onto his head and he fluttered his eyes open, seeing Yoongi show his gummy smile. '' Don't want to show others that you're a male, right?''  He nodded slowly, '' Y-yeah.''


Ignoring the weird looks of female students noticing the teacher and fe''male'' student heading out of the males restroom, Jimin and Yoongi headed out of the cafeteria and walked towards the hallways where many students were crowding around their lockers, either gossiping about the latest rumours going around in their school or discussing about the latest fashion trends. 

Before they could head out of the school's entrance doors, a familiar voice called out to Yoongi and the two turned around to see Krystal along with Victoria and a few other attractive female students walking towards them.

Jimin could hear Yoongi curse under his breath before replacing his dark expression with a fake smile and he raises his eyebrow in confusion at the latter's sudden behaviour.

'' Mr. Min... Can I head out--'' He then felt Yoongi's hand brush his and holds his wrist tightly and the latter whispered, '' Not yet.'' Making Jimin shiver nervously, but somehow in a good way. 

'' Yoongi-oppa! Where are you headed to?'' Krystal's voice was now chirpy and Jimin was surprised at how joyful she sounded. '' Who said you can call me oppa? Say my name formally, Krystal.'' Yoongi tried his best to stay calm, but he didn't realise he was actually tightening his grip on the long brown-haired boy's wrist. 

Krystal pouted and Jimin found that adorable but tried not to smile. Though at the corner of his eyes, he could see Victoria staring at him, probably thinking that he got found out by Yoongi.

'' Nah, I think yoongi-oppa sounds more.. cute.'' Krystal bit her lip as she stares at Yoongi who rolled his eyes at her, then releasing his grip on the younger male and crossed his arms. '' Girls, could you leave me and Krystal alone for awhile?'' Victoria and her other friends nodded and left the two alone, except for Jimin who was still standing beside them.

Krystal raised her eyebrow at Jimin and pointed at him, saying '' Isn't he suppose to leave too?''  Jimin nodded vigorously, agreeing to what she said and was about to open the door to get out of there but Yoongi blocked him with his arm before turning his focus back onto the tall, black haired female.

''  Krystal, you know i'm a teacher right?'' The female nodded, but her eyes was still staring dreamily at the black haired male. Jimin didn't like where this was going at all.

'' And you are my student.'' Krystal's dreamy face then turns sour and she said, '' But Yoongi-oppa, that doesn't stop me from liking you.''

Jimin's face fell and he looked down. Krystal likes...him.

Yoongi sighed in disbelief, '' Okay, sure. But I don't like you either.''  Jimin looked up and saw the look of disappointment in Krystal's face. '' That's why i'm going to make you like me!'' She shouted angrily towards the teacher, making Jimin jump back in surprise. '' W-why don't you like me? I'm pretty, I try to be nice.. I'm cool...''

'' Sorry, Krystal.'' Yoongi put his hand on the female's shoulder, '' But i'm just not right for you.. Wait, actually you're not right for me.'' Ignoring the hot, wet tears that was running down her face, Krystal then asked softly.

'' Then who is right for you? Tell me... Who it is.''

Jimin was just standing beside them like an awkward potato and didn't realise that Yoongi had pulled him closer to him and wrapped his arm around the said person. '' This kid.''

Both Krystal and Jimin's eyes widened in surprise. '' H-her?'' '' M-me? But wait did you just call me a kid?'' Jimin wondered if Yoongi was just saying that to make Krystal stay away from him, but when Yoongi flicks away the stupid itchy wig that was on his head and reveals Jimin's actual hairstyle, Krystal gasped loudly.

'' A.. guy?'' '' M-me?'' Jimin said the same thing earlier that made Yoongi chuckle, '' Yes, you Jimin.'' Krystal was still in disbelief of what Yoongi had confessed to her, '' Wow... And you let this guy in here? Wait till I tell the teachers!'' She then stormed out of their sight, running towards Victoria and the others whom were asking her what had happened.

'' Don't talk. Let's walk outside first.'' Yoongi told Jimin and he opened the doors for the latter and the two walked out, feeling the wind breeze through them. 

Yoongi then brought Jimin to the school gate and Jimin stopped walking, as well as the older. '' So.. What you did earlier was just to make her stop liking you.. right?'' Yoongi looked away and nodded, '' Yeah.'' Jimin's lips pursed into a thin line, '' Alright. Thank you by the way..'' He was about to leave when Yoongi held his wrist yet again, pulling him back to look at the older once more. 

'' There's also another reason.'' Yoongi stared into his eyes intensely before putting a hand on the other's shoulder, '' I want to get to know you better.'' 

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, '' What do you mean?''

Yoongi then leans in closer and Jimin's eyes softened and he closes his eyes, remembering the moment they had in the toilet earlier. But, he felt as if it was the right timing to close his eyes so he did.

He then felt soft plump lips against his right cheek, and he smiled.



[ two days after the incident]


'' Have you heard of a male teacher in Sejeong high rejecting Krystal Jung? What a blind jerk!'' Jimin heard one of his classmates yell behind him and he sighed, then resting his head against the table. They were now in class waiting for their new music teacher to arrive and Jimin couldn't take hearing the rumors-- or the facts about the incident that happened two days ago. 

Jimin wondered if the mission was a fail... or a success. Since he didn't really get to talk to Krystal and her true attitude was shown to him openly during the talk with her ultimate crush, Yoongi. However, it might be a success because Jimin did found someone who would love him more than how Jimin likes Krystal.

'' Did you hear that, hyung?'' Jungkook who was sitting beside him asked. '' Did you happen to be there and witness the rejection of Krystal? Oh how overjoyed you were hearing that, right?'' Jimin didn't reply back and closed his eyes, feeling annoyed with his classmates. He then heard Taehyung's voice from his right, saying '' I bet after that Krystal rejected Jimin's presence since she was upset about-- Oh, the new teacher arrived!'' 

Everyone, except for Jimin stood up and greeted the new teacher. Silence erupted the class as if the teacher didn't tell them to greet just yet because a certain brown haired male was still resting on his desk. Jimin's eyes fluttered open immediately after he heard that familiar, deep raspy voice.


'' Park Jimin.'' Jimin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He sat up properly and looked up to see Min Yoongi, dressed up neatly in his suit, smirking at him.

'' Hey.'' The guy then said in his deep and raspy voice, making Jimin smile sheepishly.

Jimin grinned widely and stood up, replying back.

'' Hey.''




And after that session of music, Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok was asking him why the black haired teacher kept picking on him and why Jimin kept smiling back at the latter even though he was being scolded because of playing the wrong notes on the piano. (It's because Yoongi kept caressing his hands over Jimin's when he taught him the right way to play the notes.)


Park Jimin's mission [ FAILED, BUT SOMEHOW A SUCCESS?]


The kissing scene was also inspired by SOTUS. So, i'd like to give credit for that. :)


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exoticsinspirits #1
Chimslunatic #2
Chapter 1: So cute
Chapter 1: I love this! maybe you should write a sequel.