
Hold Me Tight
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Double update! Make sure you read the previous chapter before you read this one! ^^



“Alright, alright, I’m coming down.”

                Jimin said to the phone. Namjoon can be a total sometimes. His cousin knew that Jimin didn’t really like the crowd, except when they went clubbing.  Namjoon already said he doesn’t have to meet any of the guests and that he can stay in Seokjin’s guestroom for the night. So why, why did his stupid cousin had to force him now?

 Jimin was watching a re-run of some fashion designer competition show when Namjoon called his cellphone and asked him to come down. He said he wanted Jimin to meet the wedding party organizer, so he could match the wedding concept with the outfit. Jimin looked at the mirror one last time to check how he looked. He smiled at his reflection, satisfied at what he saw in the mirror. Jimin had his hair cut today. Before, his hair was long with brownish color, and now he wanted to make a little extreme change, so he asked the hairstylist to dye his hair pink and curled it a bit so it looked fluffy, just like a cotton candy. He looked good. Even when he’s only wearing a low cut v-neck and a pair of baby blue pants, he looked pretty decent for an engagement party.

                The party was very merry. There’s a lot of guest coming. Jimin knew some of them, he and Namjoon was very close since Jimin didn’t have any other male cousins beside Namjoon. He knows Hoseok of course, since his cousin was so close to the latter. He also recognized a couple of Minji’s—Namjoon’s elder sister—friends, greeted some of Namjoon’s uncle and aunts from his father’s side (Namjoon was Jimin’s cousin from his mother’s side, their mothers are sisters), but most of the guest was Seokjin’s. And even though he knew Seokjin pretty well—since Namjoon and Jin had known each other for a long time—Jimin never knew any of Seokjin’s friends. He didn’t even knew any of Namjoon’s friends outside high school. He was trying to break through a group of young ladies he knew was Minji’s friend, flirting with him, when suddenly a couple of kids ran his way and bumped onto him. The kids didn’t even stop to see that Jimin had fell down first, and the crowd was too busy with themselves to realize his small figure was on the ground. He tried to stand up, but he fell back down when a pain shot through his tailbone. Damn, he thought, this is not good. Jimin was still trying to stand up when a hand appeared in front of his sight and a voice asked him, “Are you okay?”

                He lost his breath at the sight in front of him. Never did Jimin reacted this way when he sees another person. Hell, he worked with very beautiful and super handsome models all the time, but none of them made him reacted like this. His heart was beating so fast and he felt something warm crept from his neck to his cheek. He knew he was blushing. The man before him was just… beyond beautiful, or handsome. He had this pale milk skin, strong jaws, high cheek bone, perfect shaped eyebrows, unique shape of a lip (where have I seen this lips before? Jimin thought) a perfect sculptured nose and a pair of eyes Jimin just couldn’t describe. It was the most mesmerizing eyes he ever saw with the sharp gaze and smoky accent, even the man’s pale white hair did not outshine the power of his eyes. Jimin just stayed there in a daze, looking at the other male who also seemed a bit flushed, until someone had to ruin the moment by clearing .

                “So, you two have met already?” Jimin was brought out of his trance when he heard Namjoon’s baritone voice. He quickly put himself together and accept the white haired male’s hand who helped him stand up. There were no sparks when they touch like what Jimin has anticipated, but he liked how big and warm the other man’s hand was and how it fitted Jimin’s hand perfectly.

“Uhh, thanks. I guess,” Jimin finally said with a very small voice. He was now the center of attention; all the guest was looking at him who only pretend to clean his shirt, just so he had a reason not to look at the crowd and the man who just help him. Namjoon understood his cousin’s nervousness and told everybody that the younger one was okay, and that they can continue to enjoy the party.


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Litz12xx #1
Chapter 4: Oohh i want to know what happens next!!! Thanks for the double update btw
adol97 #2
Chapter 2: Can't wait for jungkook and jimin meet ^_^
Litz12xx #3
Chapter 2: Uwaaaa i really like the plot ><