
Hold Me Tight
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Jimin pulled out another paper from the big brown envelope, and laughed at it. It was a close up picture of his pen-buddy’s face. Well, it was supposed to be. Except, the picture had a lot of drawing on it. His pen-pal draw a big red full circle on its nose, flowers on one of his eyes and a star in his other eye, and a line as if he had joker’s smile on . He also stamped a big fat heart on his forehead with COOKIE MONSTER in bold and capital letters written on top of it. “And how do you think I can recognize you, babo?” Jimin mumbled and laughed again. The only thing that he can recognize as a part of a human being is the eyebrow and the mouth. The thick eyebrow and the pouted lips with a deep bow above them. What a kissable lips.

Well, a lot of guy has a kissable lips out there. It could be anybody, Jimin thought. He sighed, once again smiled, and put back the picture and the letter into the envelope. He took a couple more envelopes from the box and checked them before closing it. Opening a PO Box brought a lot of advantage to Jimin. Now he can easily have clients from all over Seoul, even the ones without internet access.

“Finally received what you’ve been waiting for years, boy?” suddenly a voice asked him when he was reading a letter from one of his friend who is serving in the army. He turned around to find an old man filling his bag with letters looked at him with a very mischievous grin.

“O-oh, Jaehun, Sir..” Jimin bowed at the old postman he knew since he regularly come to this post office. Jaehun was one of the older postman who has been working in this post-office for the past 52 years. His wife died a couple of years ago and his only child now lived with her husband in Japan. Her daughter asked him to move to Japan with her so that she could take care of him, but Jaehun refused, saying if he leave then the post office will definitely be closed down, and the people around that area won’t be able to communicate with others who doesn’t have phones or internet. He is the only one working in this post-office right now, sometimes being helped by young volunteers or friends, like Jimin. Jimin admired Jaehun’s noble self and since then he and Jaehun became close friend. He was like a son to Jaehun, while Jimin loked up at Jaehun like he looked up at his father. Jimin sometimes came to the post-office on his free days even when he didn’t receive any letter or package, just to eat or talk with this old man, or help him sort out mails.


“I see you smile a lot today, unlike the past few days.”

“I.. uh,” Jimin cannot find the right words to answer the old man. He ducked his head low, trying to hide his red face.

Jaehun laughed and patted the caramel-haired latter back. “Is he handsome?” he tried to peek inside the biggest envelope he had in his arms.

“I can’t even see his face,” Jimin showed Jaehun the picture. “He drew stuffs on his whole face, so I cannot recognize him. Tsk, what’s the point of sending a self-picture if he drew crap all over the face?”

Jaehun laughed when he took the picture from Jimin, but he looked carefully at the man’s feature. He’s old, but he’s quite experienced at reading a person’s face, even in a picture. And although Jimin cannot see the face behind those silly drawings, Jaehun can. He smiled and handed the picture back to him. “He’s a good guy, Jimin.”


“He’s a good guy. There’s a lot of obstacle waiting for the both of you, but I can see clearly that you both are meant to be,” Jaehun said in a serious voice.

“S-Sir, I haven’t even met this.. this Cookie Monster,” Jaehun laughed at this. Jimin told him about this man who he befriended with, and the first thing he found very funny was the nickname. Jimin didn’t laugh along though. He had no idea how his old friend could say that. He and this so called Cookie has known each other not more than 6 month, by a few piece of papers and writings, and they have never even met each other! What made Jaehun thinks that they were meant to be?

“You will soon. I know you will,” Jaehun smiled again. He returned the picture to Jimin who still looked annoyed because of the picture. “I have a lot of work waiting, son. Good luck at guessing that handsome face.”

Jimin laughed and bowed at Jaehun, “I need to go to, today is my cousin’s engagement day.”


“Oh, really? Well congratulations to your cousin. I hope his luck in love is contagious,” Jaehun patted Jimin’s shoulder who was making a face and saying ‘whaaaaat?’ in a cute way, and he went out to get ready to deliver mails.

Jimin watched Jaehun hopped on his bike before putting all the letters in his bags, and he smiled when he replayed what the old man said. He cannot wait for Sunday.





Dear Cookie Monster,

I would love to meet you. I’m working on Saturday, how about Sunday? We can meet on the park near my apartment. It’s a beautiful and quite park I used to visit whenever I needed inspiration for my new design. Oh, and have I told you yet? I’m taking music classes since last week. I really wanted to be a good song writer. Hey, maybe we can work together one day? We can collaborate and make a duo team. Monster Chimchim. Chimchim Cookie Mon. Doesn’t it sound cool? (Jimin laughed at himself when he read what he just wrote)

I’ll give you my phone number, and I’ll be expecting you to call me first. ^_^

But promise me, promise me we’ll still be sending letters to each other even if we exchange phone numbers. I won’t reply any of your text message, okay? I can’t wait for our meeting. I hope you are as excited as I am.

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Litz12xx #1
Chapter 4: Oohh i want to know what happens next!!! Thanks for the double update btw
adol97 #2
Chapter 2: Can't wait for jungkook and jimin meet ^_^
Litz12xx #3
Chapter 2: Uwaaaa i really like the plot ><