Museum Shenanigans

Museum Shenanigans

Taeyong reached home after a long day of practice to find Ten waiting for him at the living room, a suspicious white envelope in his hand. Taeyong’s sneakers were placed neatly in the shoe closet and he made his way over to his boyfriend. As he got closer, he could make out a full blown grin on Ten’s face.

Oh no, the only time he’s ever this happy is when—

“Tae baby!” Ten jumped up from the couch immediately when he saw Taeyong walking towards him. “Look at what Johnny got me!”

Ten ed the envelope in front of his surprised boyfriend’s face.

“Johnny is suuuuch a sweetheart oh my, he knew my birthday is coming up and he’s too kind to go and get us tickets to Dal-Dal’s art exhibition!” Ten spoke too fast and too happy.


“Dali! Salvador Dali!” Ten cried out in adoration. “He’s like, my most favourite person in the whole wide world!”

Taeyong could literally see hearts flying out from his excited boyfriend.

“I’m hurt.” Taeyong joked, placing a hand on his heart. “You place someone who doesn’t even know you exist, dead even, above your nearly perfect boyfriend who loves everything about you.”

“Don’t be mean towards Dal-Dal!” Ten shouted, a hurt expression replacing his once excited grin.

Taeyong could only sigh. Any other time he would have felt jealous over his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s best friend’s close relationship but the bond between his boyfriend and art is on a whole other level. Ten loves art, which means he loves going to the museum. Even the apartment they’re living at is located right in the middle of three different art museums which is very frequently visited by Ten even though there isn’t anything new on display.

A tight grin formed on Taeyong’s lips.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. Why don’t you go together with Youngho then? I think I’m going to be pretty busy tomorrow.” Taeyong said nonchalantly, hoping Ten wouldn’t press him too much about it.

“Don’t lie, tomorrow’s Saturday. You have nothing to do. And I already told Youngho I’m going with you!” Ten said, furrowing his brows.

“Well, tell him you’re going with him instead.” Taeyong waved him off, putting his legs on the coffee table and reaching out to the tv remote.

It’s not that Taeyong doesn’t like to hang out with his boyfriend, he loves it actually. But when Ten is in Art Ten mode, Taeyong isn’t sure whether he loves to be near him at all. It’s one thing that Taeyong doesn’t enjoy looking at art, but it’s another when your boyfriend becomes so excited he actually starts reciting the year the art was made, why it was painted, for whom it was painted for and analyses the littlest things. To Taeyong, art is simply just drawing on paper made to decorate.

It was then that Ten let out a cute whine and Taeyong felt his resolve wavering.

“Stop it. You know I won’t be able to refuse you when you do that.” Taeyong groaned.

Ten folded his arms, a smug look on his face. “That’s the whole point.”

Taeyong let out another sigh, pulling his boyfriend down and onto his lap and wrapping his arms around the younger’s smaller frame.

“Does this mean you’re coming with me?” Ten cranked his head up to look at his boyfriend, a thrilled glint in his dark brown eyes.

Taeyong gave him a sound of approval before ruffling Ten’s hair, earning himself an annoyed grumble.



“Tae-Tae wake up! Wake up! It’s time to wake up!”

Taeyong groaned, turning the other direction away from the source of noise disrupting his peaceful sleep. Before he could make a successful turn, a pair of hands stopped him, pulling him back to his original position.

“Taeyong! We’ll be late if you don’t hurry!” Ten yelled near Taeyong’s ear and Taeyong grumbled. He sat up lazily, sheets slipping to display his chest. Although he wasn’t looking, Taeyong somehow knew a slight blush formed on his cute boyfriend’s cheeks when he heard his breath hitch.

Taeyong leaned back on his pillow and ran a hand through his hair, causing his bangs to fall messily—and ily—over his forehead. His eyes were already hazy as he just woken up and had only love and adoration in them as he stared at his clearly distraught boyfriend.

“Say, why don’t you and I stay in bed all day and I’ll give you your best pre-birthday present, hmm?” Taeyong said, internally rejoicing as his voice came out deeper and ier than he expected.

Ten was caught off-guard for a moment, mouth wide and staring at Taeyong.

Wow, has he ever been this attractive and tempting before?

Ten realized he was falling into Taeyong’s trap and shook his head, quickly composing himself. He mustered his strength and pulled Taeyong up into a sitting position before pushing him off the bed.

“Stop playing around and get ready! If you’re not ready in ten minutes I’m leaving you all alone in the house!”



It is surprisingly crowded in the museum when they arrived. Taeyong couldn’t understand why so many people would want to personally go to a museum just to see some paintings when they could very well search it up online for free. And it’s not like the paintings in the museum are authentic anyway.

Taeyong placed his hands in his jean pocket and sighed. If there were lesser people, he could’ve gotten a little sneaky and give his lover some surprise kisses here and there to help relieve his boredom. Taeyong admits he has thought about risky, steamy museum —well, he imagined it in his head but he really didn’t have the guts to do it. Can you imagine the embarrassment if they got caught by some curator or worse, get caught on CCTV and be the source of entertainment for some old, -deprived guard? Taeyong sighed once again, following closely behind his ecstatic lover.

To say Ten is excited was an understatement. He was beyond ecstatic, he’s in a state of extreme euphoria. All around him hung masterpieces from his favourite artist and he felt as if he’s really in heaven.

Oh my, that’s The Meditative Rose!

Holy shizzles that’s The Persistence of Memory! I’ve been wanting to see this piece for the longest time ever!

Ten turns a bit and caught sight of one of his most favoured piece of Dali. It wasn’t the most famous, but Ten really liked the meaning behind the painting. Despite its provocative name that would put some people off, Ten simply admired this particular art and is also one of the main reasons why Dali is his favourite—

“What the—The Great or?”

A snort of laughter came from behind Ten and he was about to give that person a piece of his mind when he found out that it was his boyfriend. Taeyong was laughing so hard he was bending over and hitting his thigh and, oh my god, is that tear lining his eye?! How the other museum-goers weren’t affected by the offensive behaviour was beyond Ten as he glared at his lover.

“Tae, show my favourite painting some respect.” Ten said, it came out more like an order.

Taeyong’s laugh subsided a little as he dried the tear in his eye. “This is your favourite? Damn babe, if you ever needed relief you could’ve just tell—“

Ten hurriedly covered his boyfriend’s mouth before he revealed anything that would embarrass him further. Some people were already giving them weird looks and Ten swore his cheeks never got redder than it was now.

“Shut up!” Ten whispered harshly as he dragged a still chuckling Taeyong to a less crowded area. His annoyance quickly dissipated as he saw a few other pieces that caught his attention and his eyes lit up again.

Taeyong’s shoulder slump slightly when he realized his boyfriend’s attention was again snatched completely by other paintings. He pursed his lips and inserted both hands into his jean pocket, thinking up of ways—more like excuses—to get both him and his dear boyfriend out of the museum. A sudden realization of the greatest idea ever dawned on Taeyong and he felt as if a literal light bulb just came on above his head. The mischievous grin on Taeyong’s defined face grew as he glided his feet over to where Ten was standing, marvelling another painting about god-knows-what. Taeyong stood beside Ten, facing him and began staring at his cute lover with adoration.

Unaware of his boyfriend’s playful schemes, Ten continued his museum adventure, making a mental note to thank Youngho for his thoughtful gift—unlike someone who doesn’t give a about something he is so passionate about. Speaking about someone, Ten could feel a strong, intense gaze burning his face and turned to his side. He came eye to eye with Taeyong, and the cheeky grin on his face screamed bad news to Ten.

“What?” Ten said, slightly frowning.

“Nothing.” Taeyong replied, feigning innocence as he gave a little shrug.

Ten shot a look at him before going the other way, resuming his activities. A pair of footsteps quickly followed up and Taeyong took his place beside Ten again, continuing what he was doing before. Ten tried to ignore it this time, he really did, but the way Taeyong was behaving got on his nerve and he faced him again, like a mother would to a really naughty child.

“Will you stop staring at me and enjoy the artwork?” Ten snapped, scolding Taeyong in hushed whispers so as not to bring more unwanted attention to himself.

“I am.” Taeyong said smoothly, not forgetting his signature smirk.

His reply rendered Ten speechless and his face turned redder than a tomato. If Ten thought he couldn’t get any more embarrassed than he was earlier, he was certainly wrong because he literally wanted to crawl inside a hole and never come out. In an instant, Ten was dragging a very triumphant looking Taeyong out the museum.

“I hate you so much.” Ten said through gritted teeth, shooting his boyfriend a glare.

‘Love you too babe’ was the answer Ten got in return and Ten swore to himself never to again bring Taeyong out to anymore museum outings. Not that Taeyong was complaining anyway.

Taeyong 1, Ten 0.


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jongwoontrash #1
Chapter 1: adosjxks icb taeyong dislikes art kajdkwk and for him to be so meh abt something ten's passionate abt ??
Chapter 1: i love it
Chapter 1: Awwn this was soo cute haha
Chapter 1: I was blushing the whole time i was reading this. Soooo cuuuteeee <3
Chapter 1: this was so adorable and precious >.<
HimeAm #6
Chapter 1: Cuteness overload......
MinTen #7
Chapter 1: Omo! Cute! Hahahahaha. I can't blame Ten if he's distracted bcs of Taeyong's gaze. HELLO. THAT'S TAEYONG GIVING YOU LOOKS OF LOVE.