So, do you like chocolate?

Falling for a Flower Prince

Jeonghan’s maid had a small smirk on her face. Apparently no one else but Jeonghan and the flower boy could tell that he wasn’t in fact gawking at Amber, but instead the tall and dashing man slightly to the side of her.

“I knew you would like her…” His maid spoke sweetly. Her voice snapped Jeonghan out of his daze and he looked to his maid who was gently poking him in the back. The Hong-Liu’s butler and one of the Yoon’s butlers took the Hong-Liu parents to the main party area and left the kids to introduce themselves. Jeonghan stepped forward and hesitantly grabbed Amber’s hand, kneeling slightly and kissing the back of her hand. He noticed her lack of dress and rather she wore a suit similar to the man beside her.

“Good evening, you must be Amber Liu, and you are?” He directed his question to the sparkly-eyed boy.

“Joshua Hong. But call me Jisoo.” He replied. His voice was sweet like honey and smooth as milk. Jeonghan could die listening to the boy speak and he’d be a happy man.

“Welcome. My friend Seungcheol and I were sitting in the sun room, would you like to join us?” Jeonghan didn’t let his polite façade drop, remaining as formal as possible.

“Yeah, we’d love to.” Amber gave a wide smile.

“I don’t mind.” Jisoo replied in a soft smile. He linked arms with his older sister, and she gathered that he was feeling a bit nervous.

The group of four made it to the sunroom and Jeonghan instructed his maid to any of the others to the sunroom if they were to arrive. Jeonghan found himself watching Jisoo again, mesmerised by the softness of his features.

Jisoo could feel his palms getting sweaty and looked to Amber. “Why is he looking at me like that, Amber? Shouldn’t he look at you like that?” He asked in a quiet voice in English so the others wouldn’t understand.

“Shh, don’t be rude.” She whispered back in English. “Just start up conversation, he’s probably just as nervous.”

“So, uh. Do you two like chocolate..?” Jisoo asked.

Jeonghan shook his head. “I don’t really like sweets.”

“I think they’re okay.” Jisoo tried to reply as casually as he could.

“I’m sorry my brother is being so weird… He’s not normally like this… Well, he is, but not to this degree…” Amber covered her face in embarrassment. She removed her hand and looked to Seungcheol. “So, Seungcheol, are you the son of the massive gym franchise? We saw one pop up in L.A the last time we visited home.”

“Ah, yes! We just recently expanded into the U.S and are set to open another gym in New York end of fall next year. My cousin Hansol is from New York, so he gave us the idea.” Seungcheol rambled on.

Jisoo cleared his throat. “Hey, uh. Could I use your bathroom?” He asked timidly.

Jeonghan immediately stood up before a nearby maid answer. “I’ll show you.”

He left the room and Jisoo trailed after him. The tall, white walls were accented by golden trim and added flair and elegance, which would be two perfect words to describe the boys walking them.

“So, do you like what you’ve seen of my sister?” Jisoo asked timidly.

“Yeah… She’s pretty, I guess.” Jeonghan mumbled.

Jisoo feigned insult, but internally he felt quite relieved for reasons he couldn’t explain. “You guess? What do you mean by that?”

“Can I be truthful with you?” Jeonghan asked, followed by a sigh. “This isn’t something I should tell someone I’ve barely known, let alone a potential brother-in-law, but I just… I don’t want to get married. I haven’t even had a crush on a girl before. Your sister is no different.”

Jisoo nodded. He understood his pain. He went to a co-ed school and never found any of the girls particularly desirable. He could understand what Jeonghan was going through. “It’s okay.” He took in a deep breath. “I don’t think she’s interested either… Not to be rude. She’s not a big fan of this whole marriage thing. But at least you two could be friends, right?”

“I can try.” He replied. He stopped by a door and opened to the biggest bathroom Jisoo had ever seen. “Here we are, arrived safely at the bathroom. Take as long as you need. I’ll wait.”

“The bathroom is bigger than any bathroom in my house… Why is it so huge?” He thought out loud as he entered and locked the door.

Jisoo walked to the toilet and sat down. He pondered for a moment on the events that had occurred. When Amber explained her bride-to-be to him, Jeonghan was nothing like he expected. He had large, broad shoulders and eyes that could melt the iciest of hearts. He had dark hair that brushed his shoulders, with one half carefully shaved. The colour was a cool-toned black and Jisoo could almost feel mesmerised by the way it moved as he walked.

He held his chest, feeling a tightness he couldn’t explain. It almost hurt how thinking of Jeonghan made him feel. He had barely known him for half an hour, how could he already think this? He barely knew the dude. He shook his head and the more rational side kicked in. Jeonghan was a complete stranger. A handsome one at that, but still a stranger. There was also the case that Jeonghan continued to stare at him weirdly a lot. Did he have something on his face? He found it peculiar that he stared so intently.

He decided he had enough of working himself up over nothing and stood, standing from the toilet and washing his hands. He decided to splash his cheeks with a bit of water and hoped it didn’t ruin the makeup he put on earlier. He exited and almost scared the daylights out of Jeonghan. Apparently he wasn’t the only one deep in thought. By the time they reached the sunroom, Seungcheol and Amber were hysterically laughing. It seemed they got on like a house on fire, which made the awkwardness Jeonghan and Jisoo felt melt away.

i'm sorry if you wait ages for an update, im sorta just writing whenever i feel like it so i dont lose all my writing mojo ;-; thank you for all the subscribers, you guys are awesome! please let me know in the comments if you like it, it really means a lot to me. <3 p.s no theyre not actually princes but theyre as good as...... super rich intense families lololol sorry

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Chapter 2: Omg you updated!!
Chapter 1: Yassss i'm hyped for this!!!
Chapter 1: Jihan XD
Waiting for this~
YaalLl fuxal me up wirh thias im so excited for this story man