From Afar

Does he love me?


I woke up to the feeling of someone curled beside me, gripping my arm. Opening my tired eyes, I craned my neck to look down at the sight before me. Chan was peacefully sleeping, his small body lay in a fetal position against mine. He must've crawled into my bed last night while I was sleeping. Not that I minded... he needed companionship after what had happened to him.

Still tired, I lay my head back against my soft pillow, and my eyes began to close... but just as soon, they shot back open. Though my mind was still foggy from waking up, I immediately realized that it was Saturday. Saturday meant my part time job. I quickly sat up in my bed, and Chan unintentionally rolled over and moved to the edge. Startled awake, he gripped the sheets and pulled himself back in the middle.

"H-Hyung?" Chan said, his voice groggy and his eyes red. He sat up, wiped his eyes, and then looked at me with a confused expression.

"Sorry for waking you," I whispered as I pulled the covers away and got out of bed. "Go back to sleep." I his head, his soft hair felt strangely comforting to me.

He ignored me, and instead scooted accross the bed so he could be closer to me. "Where are you going?" He inquired, suddenly wide awake.

"Part time job," I replied. "I'll bring you a snack." I smiled and ruffled his hair once more.

"R-really?" He said, beaming with excitement. "T-thank you Hyung!"

I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Mister is probably too hung-over to do anything, but if something happens, you know that you can call me. And go to Jihoon, too. Okay? Promise me."

"Okay... I love you." He giggled, grinning up at me. I sighed, and wondered what such a beautiful kid did to deserve to live life in a filthy hole like this. I wish I could give him a better life. I just prayed, with all my heart, that he would end up with a family who would cherish him forever.

"I love you too," I replied, smiling at him.

After my interactions with Chan, I promptly got ready to go to my part time job. I changed into my uniform and tied my blonde hair back into a tight ponytail. After taking the time to make myself look presentable, I grabbed a bag containing my cellphone and schoolwork, and headed out of the orphanage. Although I was a bit worried for the children, I knew that as long as Mister still had alcohol in his system, there'd be no way he would have the energy to get out of bed or inflict any harm. Plus, I knew Jihoon would notify me almost immediately if something were to happen.

I shuffled out the door, making my way down the street. It certainly wasn't a long walk- the orphanage was conveniently located a few blocks away from my part time job. As I walked, I felt the sudden change in temperature from yesterday. Instead of the sun beating down on my tired shoulders, it was chilly and the slighest bit of wind brushed past my face. Christmas was coming soon- and that meant cold weather, snow, and wind chills. But on the bright side, Christmas meant winter break. I knew there wouldn't be any presents waiting for me back at the orphanage, but I'd use the break as an opportunity to find a job that paid a lot more then the one I was currently at. And it wouldn't hurt to have better hours.

When I arrived at the convenience store, it was still bright and early. 6 AM on the dot. I strode into the store and looked around- of course, nobody was here yet. I put my stuff behind the counter and started unpacking my bag. Since nobody was here, I'd take the opportunity to finish some schoolwork that was due the week back from winter break.

The moment I began writing on the paper, the back doors abruptly slammed open. Startled, I rapidly turned my head to look behind me. There stood the manager of the store- a small, plump man. Somehow, he always knew how to make his presence known.

"G-Good morning, sir," I murmured.

Before he could respond, a plghem filled cough filled the room. I winced. The manager finally stopped the filthy, thick coughing and groggily cleared his throat.

"I'm going to head out, now. Watch the store until I get back!" Without another word, the manager waddled out of the store, off to enjoy his weekend while I filled in for him completely. I rolled my eyes. This wasn't any different from the norm. I was one of his best workers, so he left me to watch over things and take care of the customers. Any spills? I cleaned them up. Any complaints? I had to address them. But thankfully, not many customers came in during the weekend... not to mention it was almost Christmas time. People were out at bigger stores, buying decorations and presents. The only ones who came here were the ones who wanted alcohol or snacks.

Time passed, and before I knew it, it was early afternoon. I'd finished all my homework, so I sat behind the counter, hands holding up my chin, bored out of my mind. I twirled my pencil in my hand, finding no amusement in the task, but not knowing what else to do. All I COULD do was wait for any customers. Letting out a heavy sigh, I laid down on the counter. There was nothing for me to do but wait.



"Good morning." My mothers straight-forward voice resonated through the house as I walked down our fancy spiral staircase.

"Morning," I mumbled back, knowing that it was going to be anything but a "Good morning" having to deal with my family so early. I put my hands in my jacket pockets and walked into the Kitchen. "Any breakfast?" I asked, feeling a slight emptiness in my stomach.

My mother chuckled. "Am I a slave? Learn how to cook yourself."

I scoffed at her snotty remark, but decided to ignore it. I opened the fridge, and was dissappointed to find out that there was barely anything there. The old maid who would cook and clean for us had quit a while ago- I didn't blame them. I wouldn't want to deal with my stuck up family either.

Plus, my parents never relied on food for pleasure, but only to live. So whenever I was hungry, I had to fend for myself. 

"There's not anything I can eat." I grumbled, closing the fridge and walking away.

"You're such a spoiled little brat," My mother called to me as I was walking away. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Why can't you be more like Mingyu? He never complained about food or let the smallest things bother him. And look where he is now!" She declared, a hostile tone in her voice.

I turned around slightly to glare at my mom, but completely disregarded what she had said. It's not like I wasn't used to it.

I continued walking to the door, jacket on, phone in hand. "I'm going out," I called to my mother, and slammed the front door on my way out. I was sick and tired of my mother comparing me to Mingyu. Each and every day, she found something wrong with what I said or did. I was ready to burst with anger every time she even mentioned his name.

I shook my head. Don't think of Mingyu, I told myself. Walking down the road, I felt the cool chill of the air brush against my face. It felt nice... I needed some fresh air to calm myself down.

Without warning, I heard a sharp growl down below my torso. I held my stomach and realized that I was extremely hungry. I had been distracted, but now the empty feeling in my stomach was stronger then ever. I let out a heavy sigh and began walking down the road. I'd have to make a short trip to the convenience store to pick something up. It's not like anyone was going to cook for me back home.

Pulling my jacket up so it covered my chin, I walked a couple blocks to the convenience store, feeling the wind brush my hair side to side. I usually never went to the convenience store, having been taught by my parents that it was a cheap and disgusting place meant for the low-lives of the world. But that didn't stop the hunger from eating at my stomach. There was no other option but this. I kept walking, feeling my leg muscles tense with every step, and finally arrived at my destination. I made my way to the front and reached my arm out to open the door.

But I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a flicker of blonde hair through the window. Was... that who I thought it was? Moving to the side of the store to get a better look, I peered through the window. Sure enough, Jeonghan was sitting there, his blonde hair tied back, looking bored behind the counter.

I felt my heart beat faster as I saw him in his shop uniform. The way it fit tightly around his torso, showing off his lean body and fitting him just right. Moving closer to the window, I looked down at his lips. They were slightly open, and I saw his tongue move around his lips to wet them. I gulped, desire flooding my body.

I went back to the front of the door and smirked, pulling the door open. A little bell above me jingled as I stepped into the store.

Looks like my morning wasn't going to be so bad after all.



Time ticked by, slowly. I leaned back in my chair and my lips. I was about to close my eyes,  when suddenly, the little bell at the door of the convenience store rung, notifying me that a customer had come in. Finally, I thought. I stood up.

"Welc-" I began to speak, but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who had entered the store, I froze. Every muscle in my body tensed up. My eyes widened. There he was, Choi Seungcheol, in all his glory. He stared straight at me, with the infamous smirk of his. I didn't say a word... just stood there, shocked by his presence. He didn't seem fazed at all. He just kept looking at me, not once breaking eye contact as he slowly made his way to the back of the store. He didn't stop to look at anything- no, he just kept walking until he reached the back wall.

My breathing was heavy and I tried not to shake. What were the chances that my bully would come in right at the moment there was nobody else in the store? I nervously looked away, trying to avoid eye contact. I simply stood there... my hands began to tremble, and a bump arose in my throat. I gulped hard, but the bump wouldn't go away. My throat felt completely dry. I kept making the effort to swallow down my fears, but couldn't help but feel anxiety flood my mind.

"Don't try anything. T-there's cameras," I whispered, still not looking at him. At this point, there was nothing else that would stop Choi Seungcheol other then the fact that he was being watched by recording devices. He didn't say a word- just simply leaned against the back wall, smirked, and kept staring at me.

Feeling embarrased at his lack of response, I began to clumsily organize the items around the counter, trying to find something, anything to do that would keep me distracted from him. I could feel his eyes on me- looking me up and down, scanning every inch of my body. Shakily, I breathed in and out and tried not to look at him. His eyes bore into my soul, my body, my eyes. He wouldn't stop staring.

Suddenly, the little bell at the front of the store rang again. Thank goodness, I thought to myself, relieved that there was another customer to break the ice. I thought I was going to die of nervousness from Seungcheol's insistent staring- he seemed like a tiger, stalking his prey before he lunged. 

"W-welcome," I said to the customer. He was tall, with light brown hair gelled up so his forehead was on display. He looked as if he could be Chinese, but I wasn't entirely sure. He just grinned at me before making his way to the alcohol section.

I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. It was all okay now. There was someone else here... there was nothing to be afraid of.

Though the customer definitely took his time. I watched as he scanned every alochol bottle there was in the store, as if he needed to find the perfect one to satisfy his taste. He also muttered to himself... when he realized I was watching him, he looked up towards me. My eyes widened and I looked down immediately. Feeling awkward, I took a seat in the chair behind the counter and hid myself behind the cash register.

A couple minutes passed, and the customer finally made his way to the front of the store where I shyly sat behind the counter. Upon his arrival, I stood up to greet him.

"Hello, sir." I said, putting on a fake smile.

He smirked at me. "What's up you pretty thing," he replied, leaning closer to me as he unloaded his alcohol bottles on the counter.

I blushed and looked down, feeling too embarrassed to reply. I avoided his eyes and began to scan his items. As the customer inched even closer to me, I felt Seungcheol's eyes on me and the customer from all the way at the back of the store.

Out of nowhere, the customers hand reached out and touched the bangs that were resting on the side of my face. I gasped, not expecting the sudden contact.

"You have pretty hair," The customer purred, twirling my hair around his finger and smirking at me. "To match your pretty face." I smacked his hand away.

"Please don't touch me," I said dryly, clearly feeling uncomfortable. But it seemed like he didn't care whether I was comfortable or not. "Can I see your ID? It's store protocal."

He chuckled and moved his hand away from my hair. "Whatever you want, babe." Slowly, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. After a bit of searching, he pulled out his ID and handed it to me.

As I reached out to take his ID, I felt his fingers intentionally caress my hand as he passed it towards me. I pulled my hand away as quickly as possible, and looked down at his ID.

Wen Junhui the ID read. So he was Chinese... I knew my instinct hadn't failed me. I checked to make sure he was of age, which he clearly was, and returned his ID.

"Your total is 100,000 Won," I said, reading out the numbers on the cash register as I double bagged all the glass alcohol bottles that he'd bought. He handed me 200,000.

I put the money in the cash register and began to collect his change. Once I had gotten the right amount, I put it neatly in a stack with his receipt and handed it over to him.

"I'll let you keep the change," He smirked. "If you come outside with me and do me a little favor." He winked at me. Blushing furiously, I kept my arm extended with the change in my hand.

"No thanks. Please take your change, sir."

At my response, his face contorted into an angry grimance. He hit my hand, making the money and coins fall onto the floor. I gasped and looked at my hand and the money on the floor in bewliderment.

"Screw the change," He growled, and gripped my arm tightly. "Come outside with me, right now. I'm not in a good mood so I hope you'll listen now, or there'll be trouble later."

"Take your hand off me," I grimanced. He ignored me, grabbing my arm and aggressively pulled me out from behind the counter, his grip etching into my skin. He pulled my arm, trying to lead me towards the exit.

"Stop!" I cried, pushing against his chest in an attempt to get away from him. "There's cameras in here!"

He finally let go, and turned towards me. I was about to let out a sigh of relief, until I saw him raise his hand. With no warning, I felt the stinging impact of the back of his hand as he smacked me across the face. The force was so strong that I tumbled to the floor, and tears welled up in my eyes at the pain and shock. 

Suddenly, I noticed someone rush forward, and saw a blur of black hair and a strong fist knock Junhui to the floor. I looked up, tears lightly blurring my vision. It was Seungcheol. His face was red with rage. "You wanna ing die?" he said to Junhui, and began kicking him in the stomach with no mercy. I heard a whimper and a gasping cough of pain coming from the ground. He kept kicking him, again and again...

I shakily stood up and grabbed Seungcheol's arm. "Stop it," I said to him. "I'm going to be in trouble."

Seungcheol stopped kicking him and looked down at my hand gripping his arm. His vision slowly rose from my arm, to me. He faced me completely. Still in a rage, he growled and roughly shoved me up against the nearest wall in the convenience store. I held my breath and he held me firm against the wall, his narrowed eyes staring into mine.

"I'm the only one that can hurt you," He said, his voice raspy and deep. "Do you understand?"

Feeling my heart begin to beat faster, I forgot the situation I was in. I forgot that Junhui was on the ground, holding his stomach in immense pain. I forgot that Seungcheol had just beat him up after he had tried to bring me outside against his will. All I could think of was how Seungcheol's big hands were holding my shoulders, pinning me against the wall. How he was so close to me, his legs were entangled in mine. How his narrowed eyes stared at me with a feeling of lust and possession. Forgetting anything else, I let go of my morals. All I had to do was submit to him. Why the hell was I feeling like this? Was I really so weak to his dominance? I didn't know. But without more hesitation, I nodded at him.


A/N: So... how did you like this chapter? Jeonghan may not enjoy being bullied, but he can't help his lustful feelings for someone as hot as Seungcheol :p

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Kjquave #1
I know it's been a while and I am not even sure if you even like Seventeen anymore, but I wanted to tell you how much I miss and appreciated this story. I hope you're doing well and if you ever decide to make a comeback, I will be here!
WeiXiu #2
Chapter 3: I’m obsessed ~~~
alexandraalona20 #3
Chapter 3: It's a good story, i love it..
Looking forward for ur next update~~~
Akahaka_Scarlet #4
Chapter 3: I really loved it!! Why aren't you updating?! *starts whining* waaaaaeeeee????!!! T^T
Chapter 3: this is really good!
Caratlovr #6
Chapter 3: This is a god job autornim
Update plisss T-T
CStilinski #7
nurhusnamustafa #8
Chapter 3: Jeonghan live Chan so much. At least Chan adopted by good couple. Can't wait for next chapter
Chapter 3: Awww channie is st least with good parents (hoshi and dk)
Chapter 2: Jun as a bad guy hehe :)