The fight for a friend

Is love dangerous ?

Time was going on, as well as school, as well as friendships and- No, not quite.


« I don't understand, it seems that Chung-Ae is avoiding me » whined Myung-Hee as she sat with her tray at the table where Sun-Hi was reading a book.


The tall girl looked up and her eyes met with her friend's. She sighed, closed her book and took off her glasses. Myung-Hee was pouting while munching on her raw carrot and Sun-Hi giggled.


« What's so funny ? » she asked the girl.


« Nothing » answered Sun-Hi. « You just look like a grumpy cute rabbit » she smiled.


At the comment, Myung-Hee smiled, a bit embarrassed though.


« But really, I am worried about Chung-Ae. It's been a week now ! She avoids to look at me in class or purposely sit next to someone else than me, she doesn't respond to my messages and she doesn't eat with us any more. And when I ask her why she doesn't come, she blurts lame excuses ! I don't want to be pushy so I didn't say anything the first few days, but now it's been so long since I spend time with her ! » Myung-Hee said while looking at her friend.


She then lower her head and said softly « I miss her ».


After a silent, Sun-Hi added « Yeah, I miss her too ».


« What do you think about having a real conversation with her after school today ? » Myung-Hee asked the tall girl.


« That's a good idea ! » Sun-Hi smiled. « We would know what is going on with her ».


Myung-Hee smiled as well.


« Now eat your food or it's going to be cold » Sun-Hi said to the small girl who nodded vigorously and started to dig in.


Sun-Hi chuckled softly and put her glasses back on to keep reading.





Myung-Hee looked at her watch.


Cool, she thought, I still have some time to fill my water bottle in the bathroom before my next class.


She couldn't be late though, because her next class (which was English) was taught by Mr.Park Yoochun who absolutely hated when students were being late.


She happily skipped to the bathroom, but stopped when she spotted Chung-Ae in front of her locker, talking with a girl. Wait, were they really talking ? It didn't seem like it. It was more like the girl was threatening her friend who stood there, looking afraid.

Without even thinking, Myung-Hee approached the two females.


« Hey girls ! Watcha' doing ? » she asked happily as she stood next to Chung-Ae, opposite of the girl. She looked at her disparagingly and the pretty girl with light brown hair scoffed.


« What are you doing here dwarf ? Coming to save your fat friend ? » she smirked.


The smile on Myung-Hee's face slowly disappeared.


« Hey, that's not very nice. Why are you harassing Chung-Ae ? » she asked. « Is this why you don't hang with us these days ? » she turned towards her friend.


Chung-Ae avoided her gaze and stuttered « I-I..I- »


« Oh, I'm just helping her to lose weight » the girl smirked. « You see, this ball here like Kikwang oppa who is in the sewing club with her. But how can the whale get the prince ? » she added sarcastically.


Myung-Hee was now frowning and getting annoyed. It was hard to make her angry, but this girl seemed to be quite good.


« And how is that related to you ? » Myung-Hee stepped closer to the girl.


People in the corridor were starting to glance in their direction and some were even stopping to watch.


« You don't get it dwarf ? Kikwang is mine. And besides, he is way too good for that » she said, looking at Chung-Ae. « And you know what ? Kikwang told me he hated fat girl because they were ugly » she added.


At this moment, Chung-Ae burst into tears. Myung-Hee immediately hugged her friend and whispered kind things into her ear.


« We all know that reality can be hurtful ! » the pretty girl laughed.


Myung-Hee glared at her. More students were starting to gather around the group of girls, and she spotted Sun-Hi, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, as well as Namjoon and Yoongi. Her friends throw her inquiring looks, but she didn't pay attention.


« Listen here » Myung-Hee said, her voice filled with anger. « Let's not talk about this here, but I think you should apologise because your attitude towards Chung-Ae was very mean and you hurt her feelings. Besides, you put your nose in a business that wasn't even yours and I think that you're just jealous that Kikwang pays more attention to Chung-Ae than to you. » Myung-Hee said.


She was just going to start leaving, but the girl yelled before she could move an inch.


« Excuse me ?! Since when should I take lessons from a brat ?! When you can't even take care of your own body you can't take care of anybody ! She's just going to bring troubles and stress to Kikwang oppa ! Hell, even to everybody on this planet ! »


She then glared at Chung-Ae who was standing behind her friend with red eyes from crying, and said.


« You should just jump from the roof or something ».

That was it for Myung-Hee and at this moment all she saw was red. She tightened her hand into a fist and with an incredible speed she smashed it with all her strength on the girl's left cheek.


The girl violently encountered the floor (well hello) before slowly looking at Myung-Hee with teary eyes, her hand holding her cheek. She was looking shocked, but most of all very afraid.


Myung-Hee totally lost it and was about to strike her again when someone suddenly wrapped their arms under hers, trying to prevent the small girl to kill the other one.


« Myung-Hee stop ! » yelled Jimin, trying with great difficulty to retain her.


Why is she so strong ?, he thought.


« Listen to me you  ! The do you think you are to talk like that ?! Because of you, Chung-Ae is crying ! » Myung-Hee was now yelling as well, her face red and anger burning in her eyes. « If you hurt any of my friends again, I'll smash that pretty face of yours so hard that you wouldn't even recognise yourself in a mirror ! ».


The girl on the floor nodded, still looking very afraid and even started to cry.


Namjoon was helping Jimin to retain Myung-Hee by placing himself in front of her and currently pushing her with his hands on her shoulders. It was a real mess. Some students were whispering things to each other, others were looking shocked and some were even taking pictures of the scene.


« WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ?! » someone suddenly yelled.


The circle of students broke for the passage of Mister Jung, Mister Kim, and Mister Park who stopped opposite of the « war zone », looking furious.


The boys released Myung-Hee who suddenly felt like trouble was coming ahead.


« Where are we here ?! In high school ?! » yelled Mister Jung. « You are adults, not children ! »


Nobody dared to cross his gaze and unexpectedly the floor became quite interesting to look at.


Mister Park sighed. « I don't want to know now what happened, but I think to know who was involved » he said and Myung-Hee felt three strong gaze on her which made her lower her head even more than before.


« Fine ! You ! » Mister Jung pointed to two boys in the circle « Take Younjae to the infirmary ! The others, go in class right now ! ». Everyone quickly started to move.

« And you ! » the teacher walked towards Myung-Hee who didn't have enough time to escape. Mister Jung towered over her as she looked into his eyes, gulping.

« You're coming with me. I think we need to have a little conversation with you » he said. And with that he grabbed her right ear and started to drag her to his office.


« Ouch teacher, it hurts ! I'll behave ! Please let me go ! Pllleeeeaaaassseeeee » the small girl whined as she was almost running next to her teacher to match his pace, followed by mister Kim.


Jimin, Sun-Hi, Chung-Ae, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon watched them leave.

Sun-Hi and Taehyung were hugging a still crying Chung-Ae.


« Is the kid going to be okay ? » Yoongi asked a little little little bit worried.

« I think she will » answered Jimin.


The first years all knew that the math teacher was having a soft spot for the new Swiss student.

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Chapter 9: They're so adorable.... Gosh!!!
Mary24106 #2
Chapter 8: I want what happen next pleseeeeeee dont stop righting??????
Chanbeakhunhan #3
Chapter 5: Awwww they're so cute !!! Pls update soon!!!!
Chapter 4: Aigoo taetae myunghee found his alien pulsh