Something Beautiful

21st Century
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Just want to say, before you read this, this is the final chapter and I double updated today so please read chapter 19 first if you haven't read it :D


















When Namjoon got home that night, Taehyung had already left the place with all his belongings. Namjoon had immediately called Taehyung but his phone was switched off. Yoongi and Jungkook were there with him. They had come to reached their friend and the two were sitting on the couch, waiting for Namjoon to fall asleep because he had it rough tonight.

“You shouldn’t have stopped me!”, Yoongi yelled at Jungkook. He had also been calling Taehyung.

“It was the best thing we could have done for him. He needed space.”, Jungkook told the older man. Yoongi had went after Taehyung but Jungkook had not let him.

Yoongi tried calling again but it always said switched off.

“Where are you, Taehyung?”, Yoongi said, worried.

‘I hope you are safe’, Jungkook prayed.




It had been more than 2 weeks now and nobody had seen or heard about Taehyung. The men would always go to his college and check if he was coming or not but the students there told them that they have never seen him either.

Yoongi called Taehyung’s number everyday but it always said switched off. He had decided to send him text messages so that when he turns his phone on, he would be able to read it.


Taehyung had left for his sister’s place after that night. His sister was working in town and was living alone and she had a spare room. When she had opened the door for Taehyung, she was reminded of the time when her little brother had lost his dog. He was crying so hard and his sister immediately hugged him.

“Taetae, what is it?”, She gently patted the boy on his back. “There, there. It’s ok.”

Taehyung cried out. For someone who did not show much emotions, all the feelings he had been locking down now came out bursting and it was never stopping. His sister was very worried and even after 2 hrs of consoling, his tears were still not stopping.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Taehyung finally stopped crying and had fallen asleep on his sister’s lap. She knew that he was hurt deep inside.




“KIM TAEHYUNG! Wake up, you lazy pig!”, his sister shouted at him. “It has already been 2 weeks now and you still don’t want to go back to university?!”

“I want to stay here with you.”, he said waking up. “And you were the one who always nagged me to come here.”

“I did tell you to come here love but I thought you would only stay here for like a day or 2. Not this long!”

Taehyung sighed. “But I am your brother. You have to let me stay here.”

“Listen kid, if you don’t get your back to school, I will call mom and dad and tell them you are skipping classes!”.

“Fine, fine! You win!”, The two were arguing like when they were younger. “But can I stay here with you? Uni isn’t that far from here.”

“Unless you promise you will start going back.”, she said.

“I promise!”, Taehyung flopped back in his bed. His sister sighed and gave him a soft peck on his forehead.

“Make dinner for me”, she closed the door and went to work.

Taehyung sighed again looking out from the window. He hasn’t gone outside at all. He looked at his phone that he had switched off ever since that night. He turned it on and within minutes, so many messages came in flooding.

There were some from Namjoon. It mostly said that he was missing him and that he wanted to meet him. There was also one where he had written that he been going to the hospital with Jennie and the baby was doing fine.

Taehyung smiled when he read that message. He knew from the text itself that Namjoon was happy and he also felt happy for him.

Just as he was about to check Yoongi’s messages that filled the whole screen, he got another text from him.



I am not sure when you will turn on your phone but I hope you do it soon.

The Universities Basketball season is starting soon and I hope you come to see one of my matches. I haven’t been able to concentrate that much for the past weeks because I have been worrying about you so much. So, if you ever read this, please just come and watch one of my matches.

I still love you so much! I am sorry for always scaring you. It’s just how I am.

I miss you!


Taehyung blushed and a smile formed on his face as he read that. He did not reply to the text. He went back to the message screen and started reading every messages Yoongi had sent him from that night. It was like he was reading a book.

At first Yoongi was asking him where he was and how he was doing, after a while, it came to him writing stuffs about what was happening in his life and now it was mostly about basketball but at the end of every messages, he always wrote that he missed him and he loved him.

Taehyung went through his contacts and called someone.


“Taehyung!”, He yelled from the other side of the phone.

“Hi”, Taehyung smiled as he talked to him.

“How have you been, Taehyung? I miss you!”

“I am good. How are you and how is Jennie?”, Taehyung didn’t feel any pain talking to Namjoon. He had accepted it and he knew that if Namjoon was happy, he was too.

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MizuMizuki #1
Chapter 20: Wont u make a sequel author-nim? ?
BlackBrownPearl #2
Chapter 20: Jeon jeongkook how could you be so nice and cute :(
Chapter 20: Jeon Jungkook, you selfless bastard.
dreamingsyi99 #4
Chapter 20: I am sorry but i was crying for Jungkook TT
cpayan #5
Chapter 20: I loved the ending it was beautiful, amazing and just an great piece of art great job author-min
Janely167 #6
Chapter 20: Loved the ending ( ^ω^ ) TaeTae is finding his own happiness with Yoongi
It would be great to have a sequel of Taegi being a couple author-nim
.... But I think we need a sequel
Chapter 20: its beautiful but not gonna lie i miss chimchim..
mobina #9
Chapter 20: Thank u for your perfect fic!!! I really enjoyed reading it! Hwaiting and one more thing
Can u please write another bottom tae story? Sure if it's possible for u^^
Chapter 20: I really want to see more taegi just a bit anyways I'm so sad this is finished though