Not So Punishing

Not So Punishing

Jongdae blinks one eye open, yawning and then stretching his arms over his head. He feels the empty spot beside him on the bed. "Daddy must have left, " not too long ago he notes, as the area still felt slightly warm.

The man had always been busy, working hard, the whole day until the of a night, Minseok was a busy man. He could not really take a day off work, unless it was an important matter or an emergency. But of course, Jongdae works too, but not too often. He's usually at home, cleaning, arranging and doing many other home chores the world had named and plastered into a dictionary.

Well, he gets tired, most of the time. But not as tired his husband could be.

There wasn't a time this year that Jongdae had felt so tired and had fallen sick with a cold.


He sneezes, then sneezes again. "A- am I sick?" Jongdae feels the both of his eyes get heavy, and he feels warm, too warm. "I was fine... Just a moment ago," he says, sneezing again.

He noticed he'd been covered in a thin layer of sweat, but Jongdae didn't think much about it, since the weather was quite hot and the blankets were fluffy and thick. But slowly, as he starts to awaken more, he feels even more tired than yesterday, which had been a day of work and endless cleaning until bedtime arrived. Jongdae feels the energy in him run away, leaving his body. His eyes were not focusing well, the room blurring and spinning.

Jongdae whimpers, he needed to get up and wash himself and get ready to do his chores. It was his turn to clean the house after all. Jongdae tries to get up, he manages to get into a sitting position, standing up shakily, he falls backwards and lands on the bed, too weak to move.

Jongdae whines, frustrated, and angry. He wishes he had enough strength.

"Minseok will be mad," Jongdae shivers, thinking about what would happen if he didn't do his job.

He whines again, softly kicking his legs out. His whining then dissolves into a fit of coughing, Jongdae's head started to hurt.


About 5 to 10 minutes later, (though it felt like 2 whole hours for the poor man), Jongdae finds himself in front of the sink. He sighs to himself, questioning why he had not clean the dishes the night before.

Oh right, Minseok had swept him off his feet, only to distract his protesting lips with sinfully good kisses before kicking their bedroom door shut. There's no use complaining now, Jongdae thought, he did enjoyed it... Hearing Minseok's groans, letting the older bite his thighs, trail hot kisses from his neck down and down and down---

Jongdae slaps his forehead, dragging the hand down his pale face, "not the time Jongdae."

With a heavy sigh, he starts washing the dishes, starting with the forks and spoons. Whislt he was putting a very cleaned and shiny fork back to its place, Jongdae had somehow managed to get the washing soap into his eyes.

Groaning loudly, Jongdae washes his eyes, carefully, and mentally notes to fix his clumsy action, though he'll use the sick card as an excuse.

Tick, tick, the sound catches Jongdae's attention. He averts his eyes toward the clock hanging on the wall and his eyes, (the very same eyes that had seen so many things that tainted their innocence), widened. Minseok would be coming home soon, Jongdae still had not even washed two forks, had not even finished the list of chores--- and his ears, (the very same ears that had heard many s and groans from his husband), catches the sound of keys.

And the door clicks open, there's a sound of a jacket being shrugged off. Oh good, Minseok's home.

Jongdae panics.

"He...he's gonna be so mad!" He bites his lip, eyes trained on his two small feet, shivering. Looks like the cold's finally coming back, he feels his body warm up quickly, maybe because of the cold or just from being nervous, Jongdae thinks it's the latter.

"Jongdae, I'm home!" Minseok calls out, his voice loud and rich.

As much as Jongdae would like to melt at the voice calling out for him, he couldn't help but be scared and sweating even more from the cold and sick feeling churning in his stomach.


Minseok walks into the kitchen, questioning as to why his husband was standing frozen in front of the sink.

"W-welcome back... Minnie..."

"What's the matter?" He asks, raising one of his perfectly arched and groomed eyebrow.

Jongdae just can't look Minseok in the eye, keeping his head down.

"I'm sorry, I- I didn't finish the chores."

"I see," he pauses for a brief moment before he asks, "why?"

But the older didn't wait for an answer, feeling concerned, he places a hand on Jongdae's forehead, realizing the problem.

His baby caught a fever, and maybe a cough or flu, he notes. His features soften and he steps closer.


"Oh Dae, don't bite your lips that hard." Minseok says, pulling Jongdae's bottom lip down with his thumb.

And Jongdae knows that tone of Minseok's voice, comforting and caring, he loves it. Minseok's daddy tone.

"B- but, I'm scared," he says, whimpering slightly, with a slight whine at the end.

"Scared of what?" Minseok asks, voice soothing, velvety and deep.

"I-- scared that you're angry at me, daddy." Jongdae says, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh baby, I'm not angry," Minseok smiles, "but I'll still have to punish you."

The older gently pushes Jongdae back, against the kitchen counter and carrying him up to sit. The cool surface of the countertop makes the younger shiver.

Jongdae nods, face already tainted with a soft flush of pink, as Minseok runs his hand up and down his thigh.

Minseok trails his index finger along the insides of his baby's smooth, skinny yet plush thigh, moving dangerously close to his crotch area. He lightly bites the shell of Jongdae's ear, not too hard, but just enough to send the younger trembling and breath hitching in anticipation. Minseok continues to trail small kisses, all over and down Jongdae's sensitive neck.

"Though, your punishment won't be now."

"W- what?" Jongdae looks up at Minseok from under his thick eyelashes, eyes already dazed and half lidded.

"My baby doesn't feel well," Minseok sports a small and handsome grin, running his fingers through Jongdae's silky black hair, smoothing it down before ruffling it. "I'll have to take care of you first."

"But what about work?"

"Oh that can wait, I'll take the week off." Minseok says, cupping Jongdae's cheeks and pecking his lips, "my adorable sunshine's health is much more important after all."

And that, is one of the many endless reasons of why Jongdae loves Minseok.



Well, that's it! Sorry if you were expecting more. I'm not sure how to feel bout this one, but I do hope you enjoyed reading it! Remember to always take care of yourself, until next time!

- Daeminylne


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Chapter 1: Jongdae is so adorable
Chapter 1: xiuchen is so adorable ;''')))) *dies*

congratulations author-nim, you killed me, im dead now, wake me up when xiuchen gets married irl.
bubble1765 #3
Chapter 1: That was adorable!!! So adorable!!!

Oh m god I loved it.
Chapter 1: Soooo cute <33333
*in panic mode* Noooooo~~!!!! What should I do now?!! I think i'm slipping into whole new FF world despite trying to protect my little left innocence!!!
*mental breakdown* *looks at Author-nim* *realises i'm being creepy* *gives you weird smile* ooh, don't worry about me.. Everything's great~ XD