Chapter 2

Our Honeymoon Day

Hani saw Hye Ra fuming mad. Hani is scared because she thought that Hye Ra come here to kill her knowing that Hye Ra had threat her before the wedding that Hani doesn't deserve Seng Jo. 

Seung Jo: What do you want? Isn't it clear just now that I want a break up with you?

Hye Ra: Never! Have you know how long I've been waiting for you to propose me? You have catch my eyes the first time we met but we lost it after 5 years because of your wife, the B-ache(B!+cH).

Seung Jo: Whatever! She's my wife no matter what. Now, GET OUT!

Hye Ra: You'll regret it. I'll swear to you.

After Hye Ra left, Hani hug Seung Jo.

Hani: Seung Jo, relax. You have much on your mind already. 

Seung Jo: Thanks. Anyway, can you help me with my work while I go to the meeting?

Hani: Yeah, sure. Pay attention towards it okay.

It's already been 2 hours and Hani had done all the paper that Seung Jo gave it to her. Her stomach growled and she quickly went to the toilet to vomit what her stomach doesn't accept. She was just about to rest when she heard a familiar voice.

Seung Jo: Let's go to Doctor Ahn. Maybe she knows why you're like this? Come get to my back.

Hani: Thanks.

After that, they went to Doctor Ahn office which is 2 doors away and Seung Jo pu Hani down softly at the bed. Doc. Ahn took her time examine Hani.

Doc. Ahn: Congrats! Your wife is pregnant. Be sure to pay all your attention to her and keep her away from stress.

Hani: Oh!! We will get going now. Thank you. Do you want to inform our parents?

Seung Jo: About that we don't inform them early. We inform them when you're 5 months pregnant.

Hani: Because you don't want them to create a ruckus right? Yeah, let's go back to office. Maybe you want to check what I've done?\

Seung Jo nodded his head only. Of course, he doesn't talk to much but his temper is very scary. Hani walk with him when suddenly he stopped. Hani looked at Seung Jo confuse when suddenly she felt his lips on hers.


Author's note: Cliffhanger again!! What happen? Thanks for subscribing!

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baek_hani #1
Chapter 8: T_T .... sad ending.
poor hani.. she died :(
Thanks for the story ^__^
waaaahhh hani died =.=
hyojungah #4
It's true!! I know, you guys were hoping a happy ending. It just applies to some stories. Check out my new stories if you want to. I have update it so please read the Chapter 7 again.
heerania #5
What?? Hani's dead?? Ohh noo... (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)
raxelle #6
weh? hani died? is this true? oh no please.. no...
hyojungah #7
@JulianKevin heyy!! An arranged marriage is based on something else not love. Most people have arranged marriage because their parents are bestfriends and want their daughter or son to have the best husband or wife. But sometimes people have arranged marriage because they have debts to settle. Hope this fill in your question! Thanks for your comment!
CONFUSING!!!!! WHY HANI SAID "I'm sorry. I have to marry Seung Jo. I just have too."? YES IT'S ARRANGED MARRIED BUT THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, RIGHT?

Update soon.
sorry for the late comment :(( just wondering why Hani still doubt about their married??? plsss update soon,,,,i want to know the reason why....