Good News or Bad News

Peter Pan

Zaynah/Reader POV.

You woke up the next morning, stomach grumbling slightly, "seems like you're hungry, aye bubba?". You started to notice that you were talking to your stomach since the day your pregnancy was told to you. You smiled, happy to have a new person ready to join the family-- your own little family, with just the two of you...but what about Sehun? He deserves to know about what has happened.

You told yourself that this was what he had to know since he had every right to, as the baby's father.

You finished up your breakfast and picked up your phone, hesitant about what you were going to do. You went through your contacts until you came across his name, finger pausing and hovering over the touch screen. You finally brought yourself some courage and tapped the number.

"Hello?", his voice sounded ragged and he sounded as if he had a cold. "Hey Sehun, this is Zaynah, I'd like to give you some news", you were shaking slightly, since you were nervous about what was to come. "I'm pregnant~", you announced happily, "I thought you should know since you were the father".

Then he hung up, without saying anything in return. Did it shock him that much? You stared at the picture beside his contact number--I loved this man, but now what do I do? After a good 10 minutes you decided that it was a good time to make lunch and end the day early, you didn't know how to deal with Sehun. He now knows, I'm just wondering if he'll come around and look after this blessing with me.

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Chapter 11: FLUFFF. MY HEART