Love on The Ice

Love on the Ice(One Shot)
Onew watched his chicken fry in the pan with hungry eyes. Oh how he loved his chicken~ but he frowned when he saw that no one else was in the room with him. Was he that weird with his chicken? The leader shrugged and went back to frying the food.

"Hyyuungggg~!" the Maknae of their group, Taemin, yelled. Onew turned down the stovetop and went to see what was wrong with the boy.

"Taemin? What's up?" Onew asked as he leaned against the doorway. He smiled slightly at the Maknae.

Taemin grinned, "Good, you're still here. I thought that everyone had gone." he sighed.

Onew was confused, "Where is everyone? I didn't hear anyone leave." Onew backed up and rocked on his heels, not realizing that his balance wasn't the greatest in the world. He slipped and caught himself before he crashed onto the ground. "Why didn't they say anything to me?"

Taemin shrugged, looking positively adorable, and Onew knew why Minho had such an unbelievable crush on him now. It's just unnatural to be so cute. "They went to the market. And I guess they thought that I would tell you."

Onew nodded and watched as Taemin strode past him and into the kitchen, right to the refrigerator. He chuckled, "We should have some banana milk in there, unless someone else drank it all." Taemin grinned at the leader before rummaging for his favorite drink. A soft 'ah hah' reached Onew's ears and he went back to his simmering food. Thank god he made a lot, Taemin could have some. He was feeling incredibly generous when it came to chicken, maybe it was because how unintentionally cute Taemin was being.

Taemin appeared next to the stove, his mouth wrapped around the straw of the milk, "Making chicken, hyung?"

Onew chuckled, "How could you tell?"

Taemin laughed, "Eh, I'm guessing cause I can see it." he blinked, "Who called earlier? Was it Manager Hyung?" he put the milk container onto the countertop.

Onew nodded, "He was calling to say how we're free from schedule today. For once." he took the pan off the burner and placed onto a cool space, and he turned off the stove. "I wanted to ask Kibum if there was anything that we could do together today, but he's out with Minho and Jonghyun." he looked at the younger with interest, "What do you think we should do, Taeminnie?"

Taemin hummed and thought about this, then he grinned. Onew knew that smile, Taemin used it many a time to get what he wanted. "Hyyyuuunggg... Can we go ice skating?"

Onew just stared at the boy, he didn't just ask that did he? Please, say that he didn't! "Did I hear you right?" Onew chuckled slightly, to cover up the fact that he was freaking out inside.

Taemin bounced up and down, "Yeah! I havn't gone in forever! Please?!" he begged and pouted, along with that he used puppy eyes. (A/N: no one could resist the triple threat! :D) "Can we?" his eyes were shining.

Onew sighed, he nodded before looking at his chicken, suddenly not very hungry anymore. Which was weird, he noted. Onew shrugged and put the chicken onto a plate and plastic wrapped it. And he wrote a note in bold letters 'ONEW'S CHICKEN! DO NOT EAT!' Onew chuckled and put the plate into the fridge. He looked back at Taemin, "We'll ask the others what they think when they get home." he promised. Taemin just grinned with joy. And the leader couldn't help but smile back.


Onew and Taemin sat in the living room and waited for the others to get back. They were just laughing at the variety show that was on. Apparently, Leetuk decided to be funny and make fun of one of his other members. That was when the door opened and the two heard a slight commotion.

"Jjong, why do you have to be so difficult?" Key complained as he entered the room, he saw the two sitting on the couch and grinned, "Hey, how was sitting at home?" Key walked past the two and they saw Jonghyun run after the diva without saying a word. Minho came last, with the grocery bags in either hand, and Taemin jumped up to help his hyung.

Onew smiled a little; oh how drama liked to appear around their group. He got to his feet and went to the kitchen, "How was shopping?" he asked.

Jonghyun looked at the leader with a bemused expression, "Just fine, right yeobo?" he put his arms around the blushing diva's waist. He went to whisper something into his ear and Onew saw Key gulp. But he knew it wasn't his place to say anything, so he turned his attention to Minho and Taemin. They were just chatting up a storm, well Taemin was anyway and Minho just stood there, grinning and nodding, Onew put his hands into his pockets. And Taemin's eyes met Onew's.

"Oh guys! How would feel about ice skating for our day off?" the Maknae suggested. He was bouncing again and everyone had the same expression, 'how cute! Aigooo!' expression. "Onew hyung said to ask when you guys got back! What do you think?"

Jonghyun and Onew locked gazes for an instant, both knew how this was going to end. With Taemin getting his way. And only because of Key and Minho. Key looked thoughtful for a minute, Minho just nodded at the boy, grinning.

"Why not? We should enjoy the fresh air." Key agreed. "Plus I'd like to see how my Jjong skates." he grinned devilishly, " I don't think I've seen you skate before." Jonghyun just blinked in surprise, but then he looked away.

"You haven't. We hadn't skated together, and we lived together for almost four years." Jonghyun replied honestly.

Taemin smiled and ran to get ready, Minho not too far behind. Key dragged Jonghyun to the room they shared and left Onew alone in the kitchen. The dubu sighed and walked to the room that he shared with nobody, to get his coat and anything else he might need.


The leader followed his Dongsaengs into the arena, and watched as the three most capable got onto the ice, without a problem. Jonghyun was a little hesitant but he managed to get on anyway. He struggled with the slick frozen arena under his feet, but Jjong straightened out and glided over to the diva. Onew's gaze caught onto the maknae twirling around and looking energetic. Even Minho had no problem out there.

He sighed and hefted himself onto the ice, he slipped and held onto the wall for dear life. If anyone asked if he had skated before. Onew would reply with an honest 'no'. This was honestly his first time on the ice, but his younger friends all looked they could really hold their own. And even if they couldn't, like Jonghyun was doing now, at least they had someone. Onew felt his feet slip out from under him and he fell onto the abused ice, getting shavings on his coat and pants. He huffed and got to his feet.

 It was cold, Onew knew that much. He watched in the corner as his friends broke off into couples. His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Key all over Jonghyun. And separately in the other corner, was Minho and Taemin.

 Onew looked down slightly, why did he have to be the fifth wheel? He spun around, not thinking clearly, and started to fall.. And fell once again. Onew had enough. He saw Jonghyun pull Key into a passionate kiss, away from the people who crowded the ice. But he no longer saw Taemin and Minho.

Onew tried to move his feet so he wouldn't embarrass himself again. But his ankles failed him and he started to fall backwards, but someone caught him. He looked to see both Taemin and Minho holding both of his arms. Taemin smiled at his hyung.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Taemin asked, "I would have told everyone to stick together." he grinned.

Minho smiled, "I didn't know that you couldn't skate. But it doesn't matter, 'cause we're friends, so we'll always have your back." the tall boy said, and Onew wondered where the heck that came from. Minho wasn't one to express himself.

"You guys dont have to do this." Onew said, just go have fun. I'll go and get some hot chocolate." he said, "Just help me to the entrance." Minho looked at him.

"Are you sure?" The rapper asked, and Onew smiled, nodding. Minho smiled back and the two got the dubu back so he felt solid ground beneath his feet once again.

"I'll call you when I got the hot chocolate." Onew called.

"Okay!" Taemin grinned. He and Minho held hands again as they skated off together. And Onew saw Key skating away from Jonghyun, laughing when the older fell onto his .

"Kibum! You're gonna pay for laughing at me!" Jonghyun yelled, and started to chase the diva again. This time he caught the other in an embrace and Onew watched as they just stood there, comfortable in the position they were in. Key turned around and placed another kiss on the singer's lips.

Onew felt like he was intruding on the jongkey couple, and he went to take his skates off and get the warm drinks. He waited for the drinks and thought how he needs to find someone, just so he wouldn't be awkward around them. He could say he did develop a crush on both Taemin and Key, but that would just hurt him more if he said anything.

"Lee Jinki! Your five hot chocolates are ready!" the server called. Onew got to his feet and received the drinks, placing them down at the table. He went back outside and called for his Dongsaengs. First came Minho and Taemin, holding hands and rushing to the table. Key was pushing a shivering Jonghyun onto the solid ground, and they made their way there.

Onew smiled, and saw how happy they looked. Maybe he really wasn't alone. After all, they were his best friends, and no one could ruin that. He put his hands into his coat pockets and joined his laughing friends.


A/N: OMG!!!! I'm sorry for the lame ending. This was really more centered around Onew, than anyone else. But he's not alone, even though he isn't dating anyone. But that wouldn't be forever.

Plus, I had a wayyyyy better version of this fic, but my computer decided it wanted to delete it >.<. Needless to say I was pissed. But this was my first fix, of many, and I hope you guys liked it, but if you didn't, oh well. Not that I care. lololololz xD

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: awww it was cute!!! but poor onew!!! he's the best leader!!! please find him someone!! hahaha ^_^
GaemChau #2
Aww~ Poor Onew!
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE~!!!!!!! You should do a sequel about Onew finding someone. *cough* LunafromF(x) *cough*
phiiee #4
Naww poor Onew D: How about an Ontae fic? *super Ontae fan* xD
Lolz I knw right. XD
emptypuppet21 #6
HA. This was inspired by our trip to the ice rink! ;D Yay for our SHINee outings! ;D
Dreamscape #7
Oh yeah, if you make any one shots, then I'll definitely read them....I'm looking forward to them now. [:
I like all the Onew pairings. Like onkey, Ontae, and JongYu. I'll try some one shots with them. ^^
Dreamscape #9
Except for my chaptered fic right now...because the only couple is 2min.<br />
I'm one of those weird people that can't stand Jongkey.<br />
@-@<br />
Like...if I was to add another couple to my fic then it would would Jonghyun and Onew (odd pair O-o).<br />
<br />
But I like your writing...I'll watch out for your stories. c:
Dreamscape #10
Poor Onew. :(<br />
I wish he had a significant other...<br />
<br />
Whenever I write an Onew centric's always with Taemin.<br />
I love Ontae.<br />