Another Chance


What if life gave you another chance to love again, would you take it?


"Dear Hakyeon,

I didn’t know what I was thinking when I signed the agreement. In my mind all I wanted was to see you healthy again. You are my everything, and I missed your amazingly warm hugs and your lovely smiles.

I decided that on that day I saw you on that bed too weak to stand, and your cheeks sunken that I would do anything to make you better. They offered me a place in their cryogenic cell for you, a place where they will store your body and prevent you from aging and decaying. They told me that they will revive you when they’ve got a cure, that you would come back to me as good as new. I had to make the decision fast, you only had three months left and I really can’t bare to see you die.

I hope I made the right decision, I really enjoyed the 2 years we dated and the one month I got to call you my husband. I just didn’t expect them to take this long to find the cure. I finished paying for the apartment, our apartment.  I kept it the same after that day, your favourite scented candles are still by the bedside, and your pressed flowers are framed up in the living room.  Leaving this house behind was the last thing I could do for you. I visited the cell every day in hopes of them reviving you. Now that I am in the last lap of my life, my only regret is not being able to spend more time with you. Funny how 60 years flew past and I am filled with wrinkles yet you are still as beautiful as the day I first met you. I really love you a lot, pity I couldn’t live till they revived you. I wrote a journal, jotting down my daily life after that day in hopes that maybe one day we would be able to try doing these things together. I left these journals in the house for you to read if you want to, I wrote each page as if I was talking to you and that helped me carry hope and strength to continue.

I guess all I want to say is, I only wanted the best for you my love, but my journey ends today. Aging really destroys the body and I’m afraid I might not be able to visit you anymore, I don’t think I have much time left. When you do see this letter, please forget me and move on. Please continue the rest of your life in happiness and find love again. The key to our house is still where we hid it when we first received it, under your favourite pot of azaleas.

Thank you for being a part of my life.

Love, Byul"

He clutched on tight to the last letter his wife left him and wept, his tears soaking into the letter he held so dearly to his heart. He wanted to see her one last time, he wanted to hold her hand, they haven’t even went for their honey moon. So he crumbled onto the floor, having lost the only reason that kept him alive through the therapy. He did wake up, but he woke up seventy years too late.

"I'm sorry, Byul told me to pass you this letter after you recovered. Take care Hakyeon-ssi" was on the post it left with the letter, written by the caretaker of the cell.



This is the preamble into the story, I got this idea one day while reading some scientific articles about cryogenic cells and at that point of time I was reading some angst stories on aff. So I kinda combined the two and this happened. So yep, thanks for stopping by and enjoy. Comments are loved. Also, I didn’t know what to name the wife and Byul means star in Korean and since Starlights are Byulbit in Korean…I thought why not…hahahaha


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