
Did It Hurt

To be honest, Junmyeon should've expected things to happen when he sent Baekhyun down to Earth as a time out for self reflection as a consequence of all his antics up there on heaven. As an Archangel, he should've known better that putting the most curious angel on heaven on Earth under his ditzy friend Yixing's care is a disaster waiting to happen. Of course, other angels sent on Earth wouldn't stray far away from their care taker, not when his smiles are enough to convince you to always be on your best behavior.


But Baekhyun is Baekhyun. He's the most curious one out of them all, the pretty one with eye smiles that charms everyone off of their wings. He's always been an adventuruous one that may or may not need more supervision than others.


So when Baekhyun sneaks away from Yixing's watchful eyes, he sends an apologetic look up into the heavens before running off to anywhere his feet would take him.


Baekhyun knows the basic knowledge about Earth but he's been itching to learn more. It's night time and he's been told as an angel that it's when they should be on their guard the most since majority of humans tend to more stupid decisions in life during these hours. It's funny to him, because all he can see are the wonders of the lights decorating the building he sees along with the trees. How can one be stupid when everything looks so magical and beautiful around him.


Another thing to note about Baekhyun is his love for music. Jinki is the most favored angel in heaven for his voice and smiles, but the chrished angel doted on Baekhyun the most among others who sang along with him. The pretty being loved to sing, so naturally, music instantly draws him in.


(Somewhere in heaven, Junmyeon is crying over the stupidity of his angel and considers resigning from his post while Jongdae laughs at his friend's misery.)


The music is loud as always at Freal.Luv with people looking for a good night queuing up outside to get in the popular club. Chanyeol smiles as he walks up to the entrance and at Kyungsoo who's wearing his usual scowl as he tries to control the crowd outside along with the two bouncers. It's comical that the short brunet was tasked for the job, but for some reason, his stares intimidate normal citizens so it was a good enough reason to put him out for crowd control. The short man acknowledges his presence with a nod and moves out of the way to let him in, being the owner of the establishment does have its perks.


His club is crazy packed as usual with the youthful and energetic crowd, powered by Xiumin's flawless remixes and Kai's alcoholic conconctions for the night. He sees a messy mop of blonde hair in the middle of the dance floor and shakes his head. His cousin never listens.


"Hey Boss. What can I get you?" Kai asks the pouty gray haired man when he reaches an empty seat by the bar.


"Can I have a peace of mind please?" He ruefully asks his friend who only chuckles at him as he starts to prepare a light drink to start off the night.


"If this is about Sehun, don't worry, I told the other bartenders not to give him more drinks than necessary or they'll have to look for a new job tomorrow morning," the young bartender assures him and hands him a glass of mint vodka.


"I'm not that heartless Jongin," the taller almost mumbles as he accepts the drink, eyes darting back to the crowd to look for his cousin just in case he's up to doing no good again. Seriously, he should be strict when it comes to age limit in his damn club because that tall bean of a 17 year old should not be around booze and allowed to dance with that much girls grinding on the dance floor.


As if sensing eyes on him, the tall blonde looks up in time to see his cousin frowning at him and sends a cheeky smile before leaving his girls behind.


"Hyung! You're here!" he greets.


"Of course I will be. This is my damn club Oh Sehun."


"Yeah..but I don't see you having fun~" the younger singsongs as he lays his thin arms on his cousin's shoulders.


"I mean business here Sehun and responsibilities. Something you should learn soon or Auntie will kill the both of us."


"Tell you what Chanyeol hyung. If you can just get a cutie's number tonight, I'll do well on my finals. Is that a deal?"


Chanyeol eyes his cousin warily, because he has learnt that the kid was devious and this simple dare could end up badly for him. But damn if he doesn't do it and the kid does fail his finals, his Aunt and own mother will come looking for his head.


"Fine. Deal. Any cutie?" he exasperatedly asks in defeat and hears a jovial laugh even from Jongin who has heard the deal between the two cousins.


"Not just any cutie. I need to find the perfect one just in case they do end up liking you. You seriously need a love life too hyung, someone to take care of your manly needs," the younger winks at him as he scans the crowd.


And as if Heaven itself heard the younger's wish, because an ethereal vision enters the scene and time seem to have stopped. The music slows down to match the pounding of Chanyeol's heart and he definitely did not pay those light guys to put a spotlight on the beauty that parts the crowd as he smiles at each face gawking at his face.


"Hi! Can I have something to drink please?" the black haired vision asks Jongin when he reaches the bar and stands just beside Chanyeol who couldn't stop staring.


"Anything you have in mind, beautiful?" Kai asks smoothly as possible with a quick run through of his fingers through his dark locks, the natural charmer coming out from him.


The petite male bites on his lower lip as if thinking before shyly shaking his head. "I actually have no idea what to drink. But can I have something sweet please?" he politely asks with a heart breaking eye smile that could melt even the strongest glaciers.


"Hyung," Sehun whispers, or at least tries to. "Hyung, that's the one. He's the one. He's absolutely perfect! Don't let Jongin hyung take him away from you."


Chanyeol swats a hand at his annoying cousin because the guy is just right there and Sehun isn't exactly trying to be subtle with what he wants to happen.


"Just a number hyung and I'll be out of your hair and a passing grade that will make my Mom proud," the younger tries again.


But Chanyeol didn't need anymore convincing because his heart already knew that this guy is the one, if only his brain could cooperate for a minute for him to speak eloquently and not like some cave man. So he takes a deep breath. Hoping that the extra oxygen would make him think clearly.


"Hi," he says and successfully gains the attention of the pretty male. Although that bright smile might cause some heart problems, he decides to plow on.


"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Chanyeol asks with a cute tilt of his head. "Because I'm feeling a little bit sore myself," he finishes his pick up line with a charming smile and waits for the other's reaction.


An eternity passes and all he could see is a confused frown. Oh gods, just kill him now. Even Jongin and Sehun are laughing at his misery.


A nervous laugh. A nervous laugh is good as Chanyeol tries to awkwardly cover up his failed attempt of wooing the beautiful male in front of him.


"I'm sorry. My cousin dared me to do it. I'm sorry, please forget what I said, forget this even happened and your drink is on me," he apologizes profusely, misinterpreting the silence from the male as something akin to disgust and offense and starts to leave.


"You fell from Heaven? What did you do?" Baekhyun suddenly reaches out a hand as the tall male tries to get away. "I mean Junmyeon made me use my wings to go down here. But you fell! You poor thing!" he says, eyes full of worry for Chanyeol who supposedly fell from heaven.




"I'm sure Yixing can do something about this. Oh gosh! You don't know where Yixing's house is do you? Since you fell? Did you hurt your wings along the way?" the cute male asks once again as he leads Chanyeol to sit down on a chair.


"How long ago was it when it happened?"


Then suddenly small warm hands envelope Chanyeol's and it honestly made his breath hitch with nervousness, because is this what meeting your soulmate feels like?


"I know you're hurt, but don't worry. I'll make sure to take care of you until you heal completely," Baekhyun reassures the taller male with a comforting squeeze of his hand and another heart stopping smile. "I'll tell Yixing all about it and we'll figure out a way to get you back. I promise!"


"I'm sorry, but I think you made a mistake?" Chanyeol says meekly, cheeks burning in shame and probably at how fast his heart is beating. "I don't know who Yixing is? Or even a Junmyeon? I really am sorry," he says and expects an indignant huff or anything that would show the small male's irritation with him.


But all he got is a shocked gasp and a facefull of the beauty just centimeters away, his small hands now framing his heated face.


"Did you forget everything?" Baekhyun almost shouts in panic, because the case was much worse than he originally thought. An angel falling by accident from heaven is unheard of and then losing all of his memories too? This is a catastrophe.


But Chanyeol could not answer because he is pretty sure his brain short circuited at the proximity of their faces. He forgets to breathe too as the other's scent is highly intoxicating and he didn't need any more reason to fall in love harder.


"I didn't forget anything. I can't forget a face like yours even if I wanted to," Chanyeol almost mumbles the last part of his words out. Another confused puppy-like tilt of a pretty head is the only answer he gets.


"I'm not what you think I am," he clarifies, feeling shy for using such a lame pick up line. "But I could be your guardian angel if you want me to," he gives wooing the pretty male another try, his eyes earnest and pure adoration for the strange male it makes the other smile.


"You're funny human," Baekhyun laughs at the blushing tall guy in front of him. "How could you be my guardian angel when you don't have wings?" he teasingly asks. Of course. Baekhyun is so stupid to think that the good looking male actually is a fallen angel. He would've remembered him.


"My car has a wing decal? Does that count?" Chanyeol asks unsurely, unbelieving that the pretty male is not leaving his sorry behind. He might be a little loose on the screws on his head, but he's a pretty little thing that Chanyeol wouldn't mind shielding him from the world.


"Maybe, but I need to know your name first?" Baekhyun asks shyly, after deciding that his stay on Earth might not be too bad if he stayed beside this gentle human after all.


"Chanyeol. Park Chanyeol," the taller introduces himself with what he hopes is a killer smile, his right hand reaching out for a feel of those soft hand against his once again. He smiles in triumph when a pink blush blooms on the flawless face when he gives the back of his hand a gentle kiss, much like a perfect gentleman.


"Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun," the angel smiles at the human, somehow feeling like his wings would not be of use anytime soon.



Long overdue upload of the actual fic. I wanted to make it longer but I just don't know how anymore.

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Chapter 1: This was suuuper cute! I really enjoyed it! So cute how Chanyeol tries his pick up lines and thinks he failed and gets embarrassed only to have Baekhyun being so worried about him and wanting to help him out! So cute! Thanks for writing and sharing!
Iyesss #2
Chapter 1: Awwww this is co cute.. innocent Baek is so fluffy No wonder Chanyeol want to shield him
Chapter 1: Oh my Jondae, I actual screamed while reading this! It was simply adorable and God it reminded me how I met my ex boyfriend! So so freaking cute ♡
Chapter 1: why cant this be a chaptered fic? TT
it's too good
yehet_pcy #5
the au is so cute the whole situation is so cute baek is an actual angel and it just so happened that yeol used that one pick up line and baek was so freaking worried about yeol being hurt this is just too cUTE
I hope there isnt an actual rule about angels not supposed to be falling for humans or vise versa because to be honest theres no way this would lead to anything else but that???? It's really too cute omfg and yeol saying hed be baeks guardian angel and baek thinking hes silly because he doesnt have wings....
Ahhhh what a pretty au it has so much potential!!!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing~!
Hollafloqa #6
Chapter 1: this is so cute TT
Chapter 1: Holy mother of fudgesicles. I think I just died.

And you need about 1000+ comments and upvotes wtf how are u not famous? You're literally killing my insides.
Chapter 1: This is so cute. You made my day.