Just Because

Just Because


"Jaebum is back."

If it's two years ago, Baek Ayeon no doubt will jump and strangle Sungjin until she gets any information about Jaebum's whereabouts. But it's not 2014 and now she had Younghyun's head on her lap. So, all she could do is waiting and listening to whatever Sungjin had to say.

"And from where you get that? You know Jaebum is not particularly keep in contact with any of us," said Younghyun, head still on Ayeon's lap but looking at Sungjin right on his eyes.

"Youngjae told me this morning," Sungjin replied. And when he saw the curious look in his friends face, he quickly added,"not our Youngjae. Apparently he was being asked to pick Jaebum up at the airport."

"He'll stay with us--no, scratch that--with you, hyung?"

"And take a risk met Ayeon? I don't think so." This is not from Sungjin, but from Jae who suddenly appeared from nowhere. Ayeon, hearing this, just smiled nervously, could not keep eye contact with anyone else. Sensed this, Younghyun straightened his posture and looked closely at Ayeon's face.

"You alright?"

Ayeon smiled again. This time not to everyone, but to Younghyun.

"I have you. Do I have any reason to not be?"
Ayeon knew why Jaebum chose to stay with Yoo Youngjae instead of another of his Gundae clan. Sungjin or Jinyoung, Ayeon meant.

It was because Sungjin lived together with his bandmates and Ayeon often visited them in her spare times. Jinyoung is not another option since he lived in the same building and Ayeon sometimes ended up visited him too. If Jaebum was smart enough, he'll choose not to be near those two (Wonpil included too, since he was one of Sungjin's bandmates) or he'll meet Ayeon oftenly and that was not good.

Apparently, he was smart.

It was already a week since his arrival news and he nowhere to be found. Or at least, Ayeon couldn't find him anywhere. Not in studio, not in coffee shop across the studio, and not in minimarket near Yoo Youngjae's dorm (Ayeon didn't even know why she went to Youngjae neighborhood)

So, she concluded, she and Jaebum will not meet again. Ever. Until the day he went back to wherever-he-stayed-for-the-last-two-years.

Or that was what she thought.
Her bad luck started at Wednesday afternoon, approximately two weeks after Jaebum's arrival. Ayeon, as usual, went to studio after her class, wanted to watch Younghyun's band practice today. Her left hand was full with snacks and drinks, a necessity if you wanted to be on their right side.

But, as she pushed the studio door with her petite body, her eyes caught the man whose presence was not particularly welcomed by Ayeon at this moment.

Im Jaebum.

He just sat there, in Sungjin usual space, playing with the latter man's guitar. Ayeon didn't even know Jaebum could play one--but they were apart for two years and lot could be happened in those times. He looked like he didn't know about Ayeon's presence until he spoke otherwise.

"Long time no see, Ayeon-ah."

There was his special way to say her name. The sweet way that didn't match with his looks and personality at all. But it still do the magic for Ayeon--she barely felt her knees now.

"Where's the others?" asked Ayeon, tried to appear nonchalantly. Even then, she herself could hear that her voice was shaking.

"Out for quick meal. They'll be back again in no time, it's been awhile."

Ayeon nodded and made her way to sofa on the corner of the room. Tried really hard to not be affected by the other man on this room.

"Ah, I'm only buying six. I didn't know you'll be here today."

Jaebum had the nerve to look directly at Ayeon eyes. No words spoken but Ayeob knew what he meant.

"The drinks," said Ayeon."You can drink mine if you want."

"No, no, I'm fine. And you know I'm not really like coffee."

Of course she knew. And imagine how many things that Ayeon knew from the man in front of her.

"So, why'd you come back?"

Ayeon thought maybe it was better to have a decent conversation with Jaebum than to wait for Younghyun in silence. And then maybe she could know Jaebum's reason for his act two years ago.

"I have enough money to afford place in Seoul now. I'll move in next week," replied Jaebum. And after some thought, he added,"maybe you could come to the homecoming party."

"You sure it won't be packed with people? Heaven knows how many people you are close with, Im Jaebum."

"But only you knows how many people that I'm considered friends, Ayeon-ah."

An awkward silence was coming and Ayeon already regretted this conversation.

"So, it's only yours and Sungjin's group then? Or is there the others?" Ayeon only realized that she acknowledged to know many things about Jaebum when she finished that sentence.

"Maybe the Gundae clan. Also Jimin and Yerin. I don't know if any of my guest will bring their partners too."

"Of course we will!"

This familiar voice was barked in almost suddenly, and the next thing Ayeon knew was Jae already rummaged into her shopping bag, looked for some snacks. She didn't realize that Younghyun already sat beside her until he place a peck on her left cheek.

"What do you mean you will? You doesn't have one, hyung!" Well, if it wasn't Wonpil, the savage king."Among us, it'll probably only Dowoon."

While the childish debate was going on, Ayeon forced herself to look at Younghyun and ignored Jaebum who still looked at her intensely. It was not really worked, but still better than not.

"Are you fine?"

"Well, I'm not murdering him nor shouting at him. I'm fine, Kang Younghyun."

"Will you go to his house?"

Ayeon could sense worriness on his voice. And judged by his eyes, Ayeon knew she's right.

"He's still my friend after all."
Ayeon already regretted her decision the second she entered Im Jaebum's flat.

It wasn't a big one, only had two bedrooms and one bathroom, Jaebum said maybe he'll look for housemate later. But Ayeon already felt the awkwardness when she left behind in the living room with Jackson and Jinyoung.

Jinyoung she didn't mind, but Jackson was one of the people who knew her history with Jaebum and he wasn't particularly a quiet person.

"If you say one words about me and Jaebum, I swear I'll make you suffer," said Ayeon threatening, despite her petite body and Jackson's past as an athlete."Let's forget the past, shall we?"

"But you know the saying, Ayeon nuna, the country who doesn't know it's history will break."

Oh, she totally neglected Jinyoung this time.

"Shut up, you two." And with that she walked to the kitchen, hoped to find peace with Jaebum instead.

"Are those two bothering you?"

"To the point I rather be with you than them. What can I do to help?" she asked. Jaebum already ordered some foods for tonight's event, but it looked like he still had to prepares some snacks for them.

"Prepare some bowls for us, will you? The fruit salads will ready in no time," replied Jaebum. His hands was busy stirred the big bowl."My placement is still the same."

That was unnecessary. Ayeon already reached for the cabinet on top of sink when Jaebum said that. Ironic, to think that Ayeon still remember many things after all this time.

"And you still put it in the back end," Ayeon mumbled, struggled to reach the bowls in the cabinet. She wasn't that tall so she couldn't reach them without struggle.

"I forget you still so small."

Out of nowhere, Ayeon could feel Jaebum's breath on her neck. His front was pressed lightly to her back, created some sensation that were so familiar to Ayeon.

However, after he placed the bowls on the counter, he didn't back off. Instead, he turned her around so they looked at each other.


Her voice was shaking and Ayeon knew it.

He didn't answered, only moved closer to her. His head was turned so lightly while he descended on her, as if ready to kiss her anytime. It might be the case, but when Ayeon could feel his breathe on her lips, she stopped his movement.

"This could be considered as cheating for me."

Jaebum was still so close yet he chose to speak now. His lips dangerously hovering above Ayeon lips as he spoke.

"Only if you has a boyfriend and you like me."

Ayeon sure Jaebum could hear her beating heart now.

"Younghyun is not your boyfriend, right?"

"Not yet."

"You still like me, then?"

This one was a hard question.


"Then don't."

With that, Jaebum landed his lips on top of hers. Moved gently like what he did on the past. Attacked the spot which he knew will reduce Ayeon into unrecognizable mess.

Ayeon gripped Jaebum's shirt like her life depended on it. Never questioned this kiss as if she missed this so much for the last two years. Kept kissing back, ignored all that happened in the living room. Forgot about his friend there, who also hers, and most importantly, forgot about Younghyun.

Younghyun was the one who made Ayeon stopped.

She stopped kissing Jaebum so suddenly. Made the man who kissed her did the same, lips all red and swollen.

"This is wrong."

"Yet you kissed me back."

"I just miss you, I supposed."

"As a friend or as your lover?"
That question was haunting Ayeon for the next week. It so obvious that Jaebum wanted a second chance with her, and a small corner of her heart also thought the same way. A part of herself missed Jaebum as a lover, not just as a friend.

But there was Younghyun. With all of his kindness, sweetness, maturity, and another bunch of specs that made him so perfect.

"Why I must meet you here when all I want is avoiding you?"

It was Friday night and Ayeon need some me-time to think about her love life. So she chose a club which never been visited by any of her friend--especially Jaebum and Younghyun. However, she still had some bad luck, as Jaebum already sat on the bar with a glass of beer in front of him.

"You realize that you going around my neighborhood, don't you?" he replied before gulped his beer down."My flat just around the corner, if you remember well."

Ayeon chose to ignore him and ordered a glass of beer as well. She wanted to get drunk tonight, but with Jaebum here it was totally impossible. She didn't want to imagine what could happen if both of them ended up drunk.

"You broke up with Hyejeong."

"You heard it."

"It's hard not to when you're surrounded by chatterboxes like Jae and Jackson."

Jaebum laughed. Knew too well about the traits of two person mentioned by Ayeon.

"Why you broke up with her? She's nice and pretty."

"It just doesn't feel right after a while."

"So, it's not the same I-don't-deserve-you crap?"

Maybe Ayeon sounded too harsh, maybe she sounded so bitter, but she didn't care. She couldn't accept that that girl didn't receive the same treatment from Jaebum when they broke up.

"If you ask me, I'm still don't deserve you."

"And why you act like you wanted us to try again?"

"Because my heart still feel the same," he said, this time with a lower voice than before, almost like a whisper."What about you?"

"Younghyun and me both know we like each other. But then you came, and now I'm not so sure anymore."

Silence was what came next. Both of them kept quiet, nursing their own drink. Too absorbed into their own thought.

"You think we have another chance?"

"I don't think so," replied Ayeon quickly."You didn't deserve me back then yet two years later you still feel the same way. You'll end up left me behind again."

"It's a no, then?"

Ayeon took a deep breathe.

"We still can be friend."
Maybe it was not a best decision. Maybe Ayeon would regret it later. But, if she was given another chance, she would still chose Younghyun. Even though her heart hurt when she saw a hurt look in Jaebum's eyes.

So, when Younghyun finally made what happened between them official, she didn't hesitated and said yes right after. However, when Younghyun kissed her right in front of their friends, Ayeon pretend to not notice the hurt expression in Jaebum's face.




Gundae Clan: Group of elite trainee of JYP Entertainment. Consist of BAP Youngjae, GOT7 JB & Jinyoung, DAY6 Sungjin & Wonpil, Boys Republic Sungjun, and Im Junhyuk (former DAY6 member) #cmiiw

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missynizzy #1
Chapter 1: this is cute..and i am glad that Ayeon didn't choose Jaebum back because he might hurt her again, though jaebum still likes her..and because i ship Brian and Ayeon toether.