Everything's Not Lost

Everything's Not Lost

It's 10 am on a Saturday morning when Jungkook gets the call. He's not really sure if he's dreaming or not. He thinks he might be when he smells that cinnamon again, hears that throaty laugh and then he jerks. Pinches himself to make it stop.

But the call is real. And Jungkook is definitely freaking out.



"What do you mean they called? What they are we even talking about? Dr. Phil? Jeremy Kyle Show?"

Jungkook's grabbing his chocolate frappe, frowning down at Yoongi. He knows the older hates it when he takes advantage of their height difference but he keeps doing it anyway. Especially during moments like these when he has no idea what's going on.

"What are you talking about?"

His expression must be even more bewildered than he thought, Yoongi hiding his quiet laughter in his sleeve. Jungkook makes sure to put an unwanted dash of sugar in his black coffee.

Yoongi kicks him under the table for it.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter. But anyway, was it Seokjin himself or his assistant, that cheerful dude?"

Jungkook's digging into his pancakes, raising his brows to question Yoongi's riddle talk ever so often.

"You know the one I mean. The carrot top. Or is it blonde now?"

Jungkook almost chokes on his frappe and scowls towards his hyung. Yoongi just smirks into his sleeve again. Jungkook takes the moment to start complaining.

"You mean Jimin. And no, it was some other guy. Besides it doesn't matter! You need to understand that I'm so not ready. I'm not ready!! And they called! And-"

Jungkook feels his stomach twist at the thought of going in there on Monday. Facing Seokjin himself as he scrutinizes his cooking. Laughs at his cake mix and cries over how he doesn't know how to make his own frosting yet. Quite yet. He's working on it.

"It's going to be fine Jungkookie," Yoongi's hand finds his own from across the table, the smell of his coffee, with a sprint of cinnamon, stuck in his nostrils. Mingling with the scent of him that's always there. "You're gonna do great and they're going to love you."

And somehow Jungkook relaxes. He doesn't know if it's the warm look in Yoongi's eyes, the one that makes his toes tingle. Or the way his voice sounds, barely audible to anyone else but him.

He thinks it might be his words though. And the fact that he means them.


He meets Yoongi again on Monday morning. Sits in their usual booth and waits for his warmth to envelop him. For his gummy smile to swallow him whole. 
Jungkook's too busy biting into his bottom lip to notice a small figure trying to make their way towards his booth. It's Yoongi, placing down his coffee, a platter of pancakes and two plates of waffles.

Jungkook's eyes widen at the amount as Yoongi shrugs his shoulders, the snowflakes stuck on his coat falling down. Jungkook tries not to notice the ones stuck in his eyelashes. On the bridge of his nose. On the tip of his tongue as it dives into the whipped cream.

"What's all this about?"

He tries his hardest not to smile but can't resist it when Yoongi's upper lip disappears under a mountain of foam.

"Well, I remembered it's the day and thought I'd spend a little bit more. Bought myself a peppermint cocoa with whipped cream and-" Yoongi makes a terrible attempt at a drum roll and Jungkook can't help but giggle. Yoongi smiles even wider and when did that happen? "- a dash of cinnamon. Never could've guessed it, am I right?"

Jungkook fails terribly at holding back his laughter, knuckles turning white from how hard he's gripping the seat. Yoongi kicks him from under the table and the laughter subsides, the both of them eagerly digging into their food.

It isn't until Jungkook takes the first sip of his drink that he acknowledges the foam still stuck on Yoongi's lip. He wonders if the elder hasn't noticed and calculates that, no, it would be highly unlikely considering his attention for detail and hatred for anything sticky.

So Jungkook does what any good friend would do in a situation like this. He leans forward enough so his hand could touch the other's face yet not enough so his clean shirt would come in contact with the syrup.

Yoongi doesn't flinch at his proximity, not even when Jungkook's hand reaches his face, index finger landing on his lips. He does flinch however when Jungkook looks him in the eye and all of a sudden it feels far too intimate for a Monday morning. Feels like a particular Friday night in late April. Feels like breaths that smell like soju and skin that tastes like home.

Jungkook sits back down and wonders when the snowstorm outside located into the pit of his stomach. Wonders if it'll ever stop.


"So," Yoongi's stuffed his face with waffles and Jungkook tries his best not to comment on how adorable it looks. "Are you sure about not meeting afterwards? I'm kinda certain you're gonna freak out no matter how well you do and then you'll stay up 'til 3 am crying into the phone while I'm trying to have my beauty sleep and--It's just not gonna work out."

Jungkook snorts, finishing the last of his pancakes and wishing he didn't have to go to classes. Hoping that they'd be cancelled because of the snow and he'd get to crawl between his arms and underneath his skin.

"I'm sure. You're gonna want to drink and you know how me and nerves and alcohol mix. Don't you?"

Yoongi lets out a strangled laugh at Jungkooks strained smirk. They both take a sip before continuing.

"Fine. Whatever. Do what you want. Just don't call me at 3 am crying over it. Deal?"

Jungkook swallows the last of his coffee and the lump in his throat.



"Yoongi-hyung. Pick uuuppp!"

Jungkook's left him fifteen voicemails and seventeen texts. The last one was quoting a Seventeen song because if Yoongi doesn't want to talk to him then he's forced to be cheesy as a punishment.

"I'm here. Stop. Calling. Just. Come. Over. Ugh."

Yoongi finally picks up just when Jungkook's singing him a verse from Mansae. He thinks the 'ugh' was meant for that and wishes that the blush he's suddenly wearing had nothing to do with the way Yoongi's voice sounded. Low and rumbly.

Jungkook doesn't think of how there's a full blown snowstorm inside his tummy and outside his window.


"I thought you'd never open. What took you so long?"

Jungkook's pushing through the front door, Yoongi's grumbling stuck somewhere in his throat. Jungkook turns around with raised brows, brushing off the snow and shivering a little from the sudden warmth of the apartment. Of Yoongi's body.

Yoongi looks at him for a second too long before he falls back into his natural state, eyes hooded and body slouching forwards.

"Just.. make yourself a tea or something and tell me what happened. I'm giving you thirty minutes tops. Forty five if you rub my shoulders. An hour if you leave entirely and let me block you from my contact list."

Jungkook throws his coat on the chair down the hall, turning around with a loud 'hey!'. Yoongi snickers before settling down on the couch, his (Jungkook has to take a double take because pink) robe pulled tightly around him.

He goes to make a tea but decides not to when Yoongi's eyes are barely open. So instead he sits down right in front of him, legs tucked underneath and waits for Yoongi to nod his approval.

The other yawns for a whole minute, stretches his arms and then it comes. Jungkook almost misses it though, focused on the sounds Yoongi makes and struggling to drown them out in favor of not being the same shade as Yoongis robe.

"I'm waiting. Tick ing tock."

Jungkook clears his throat before training his gaze on the black TV screen. His eyes follow the dimmed lines of Yoongi's body. Jungkook swallows once more.

"Umm.. I... so basically I went there and I almost got stuck in the elevator with some annoying guy who called himself V for Vendetta and then when I reached the right office Seokjin-hyung wasn't even present? I mean he.. you could sense it was his office and everything but instead there was this guy who seemed to have no idea how cakes and baking even work. But I saw a picture of him with Seokjin-hyung while he was out trying to find the recipe for freaking cake mix and they were together and so I guess he's.. they're close?"

Jungkook doesn't really notice the dimmed figure of Yoongi on the screen changing position. Doesn't really notice the change in his own voice. The pitch higher than usual. The crack that's about to come.

"And anyway that's how he got the job, right? So I was kind of furious by then because, the dude didn't even know anything about this and he was there, judging me? Right? So I wondered if like--like what if I get the job but they find someone else to replace me just because they're Seokjins' counsins' cousin or whatever. And then Jimin came in-"

"You mean carrot top."

Yoongi takes the time to interrupt but Jungkook doesn't raise his gaze. He still takes note of the strain of Yoongis voice. How he sounds distant but somehow so very present. Around him, inside him. Everywhere.

Jungkook takes the moment to swallow, his mouth too dry to continue.

"Carrot top came in and told me that's it. That's ing it. It was done with. Over. I had auditioned and I had to leave. He smiled at me and sent me to the elevators. Gave me some business card too I think but that was ing it. And the--the worst part is I didn't even get to take a picture for Hoseok-hyung. I couldn't even do that."

Jungkook can tell Yoongi's surprised at the cursing. Surprised at how upset he is. He wishes he could tell him that that's not it. Wonders what's stopping him.

"Jungkook...Kookie.. I-"

He takes the chance to look at him then. Yoongi is sitting straight up, turned towards him now and Jungkook takes notice of the pillow creases on his cheek, of the impressive bed hair he's sporting. Of how his eyes remind him of roasted chesnuts and the way it felt to be underneath them.

"It was the worst day of my life Hyung. I mean it."

He doesn't say how it wasn't nearly as bad as the day he had to walk home alone. The day he left the arms he thought were suddenly his.

"Umm..I really don't think it was the worst day of your life Kookie. The worst will probably be when Hoseok gets back from the military and bounds you to his kitchen."

Jungkook snorts but it doesn't sound genuine. Doesn't sound like him at all. Yoongi scoots closer.

"I know it might feel bad but trust me Kookie, it really isn't. Think about the worst day you've had until this one."

Yoongi gives him five seconds before he continues and Jungkook snorts again. He notices how Yoongi's even closer now, arm around his shoulders. He feels like melting under the touch, especially so when Yoongi's cinnamony scent washes over him and makes his lungs burn by the warmth of it.

"You done? Now think about how that wasn't bad at all. It was probably better than someone's 'best' day. See?"

Yoongi looks at him expectantly and Jungkook wants to nod. His stomach protests though, flutters hard enough that all Jungkook can think about are snowballs and the weight of Yoongi's much too warm hand.

"Yoongi-hyung...This isn't really the worst day I've ever had."

Yoongi quirks his brow and Jungkook swallows the last ounces of his pride and hopes that he hasn't swallowed the last of their friendship.

"The worst day I ever had was after..after you know. After that night."

And so Yoongi's eyes widen, arm tensing and then falling slack on his shoulder as Jungkook waits for his judgement day.

A moment passes before he dares to look up. Dares to test the waters that he belongs to.

"Jungkook I--I thought we agreed it was a one time thing. You were drunk I was drunk you-" Yoongi takes a deep shuddering breath before continuing and Jungkook wonders if his lungs are on fire too. "-You told me you didn't want anything else."

Jungkook feels his eyebrows crash into his hairline and sees the slightest of smirks trying to form on Yoongi's face but being caught by his doubt instead.

"I never said that? Yoongi-hyung I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but I--The moment you told me that it'd be better to get dressed and leave, I knew it was going to be the worst day of my life. And I'm sorry if you don't.. if you didn't feel the way I did but I just.. I can't pretend that it doesn't hurt anymore. I can't."

Yoongi's face is expresionless. Unreadable. Jungkook bites the inside of his mouth not to ruin their friendship even further.

"Jungkook, Kookie, I..you said you didn't want to stay?"

And now Jungkook's extremely confused, Yoongi's arm on his shoulders feeling heavier than led.

"Yoongi-hyung. I tried to tell you something important that morning but you went to fetch my clothes and I thought you didn't want me over anymore? I thought that was it?"

Jungkook notices the glint in Yoongi's eyes. The snowstorm in his stomach grows to a hault.

"Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me we've been misunderstanding each other all this time? Because honestly, Kookie, If I could've kissed you all these months ago without-"

But Jungkook doesn't wait for Yoongi's answer. Doesn't wait to see what the snowstorm is up to next. Because he's spent months repeating it in his head. Repeating the way he kissed him on his doorstep. The way they stumbled to his room. The way his breath hitched and the way his knees hurt the morning after. The way he kissed his nape and the way he made him coffee, that stupid cinnamon and that stupid boy stuck on his tongue. In his head. YoongiYoongiYoongi.

Jungkook kisses him first this time. And Yoongi opens his mouth to let him in.


He gets a call the next day. He got the job.

Yoongi congratulates him with a kiss that makes his toes curl and Jungkook feels his insides flutter with snowflakes again. And as Yoongi's arms go around him, Jungkook thinks his warmth might be enough to melt the snow that's been buried deep in the pit of his stomach since the day they met.






umm so... i discovered sugakookie for myself and im kinda obsessed?? but also ive never written bts before so i hope its okay enough!! and if it isnt clear - seokjin is kind of a baking god and jimin is his well known assistant and jungkook is highly intimidated.

Also Im kind of extremely drunk right now so i'll check for mistakes later!! i just really wanted to post this lmao

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CrystalShadows #1
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