Last Night

I Can't Breathe

Last night at Min's

Kikwang hangs up the phone when Min starts tearing up trying to figure out what was really going on. She called him over and over again, but there was no answer. She then called Yoobin.

"Unnie.." Min started talking, but she soon started tearing up more.
"What's wrong Minnie?" Yoobin asked over the phone.
"Unnie... Kikwang said he wants to break up.." Min said as she cried quietly.
"What?!" Yoobin was shocked.
"I don't know.. he just hung up after...I..." Min starts crying out loud for Yoobin to hear.
"I'm gonna come over right now!" Yoobin hung up and rushed over there.
Min hid under her covers, bawling.

"Minnie..." Yoobin came walking in her room. "Why would Kikwang do that? Did you guys get into a fight?" Min hugged Yoobin crying over her shoulder nonstop while Yoobin patted her back, trying to comfort her with every possible word. "It's okay. He's out of his mind right now. He doesn't know what he's doing. Call him back tomorrow and ask him what's wrong." Min let go of Yoobin and nodded, not knowing nor thinking of what to say. Yoobin grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears for her. "Get some sleep, just call me if you need me." Yoobin left Min alone in her room so she can get some rest.

Of course Min couldn't sleep. She was still sobbbing throughout the night.

What did I do wrong? Did I forget something? Am I not good enough for him?

Min couldn't stop thinking about every reason that she could have done that would've made Kikwang want to break up with her. She wanted to call Kikwang again or send him a text. Not wanting to hear or see a negative reply, she decided to not do anything. Waiting for tomorrow to come, this was the longest night she had ever spent. Alone.

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:'( Update soon! <3
2pmhottest4eva #2
oh~~~ min..yah!!! how could you kwangie!! update soon~~~ <3
fani_19 #3
i like it.. please update soon i'm waiting for it..
i am a new reader!!<3
ter_dj #5
i don't understand kikwang :(<br />
he makes min sad and said min not loves him?
minnieee>< <br />
update soon
Vrisbogh #7
update soon please..
Awww... Poor min:(
djgirl #9
Interesting story, I want to see what happens next! :)