2011: June

The Daughter


The once hated subject which I am interested in now.

June 8, 2011.

"Happy Birthday, Mirae!!" I woke up to loud cheers and water splashing on my face. As much as I love birthday mornings in our household, I also hate the idea of spalshing water on the birthday person's sleeping face. It's really anoying. I groaned and wipped my face. I think some water even went inside my nose.

"Happi Bwathday, Miwae!" my six year old brother screamed and threw some more water at my groggy face. I scrunched my nose and quickly hid my face behind the blanket.

"Jae, stop it," I said. My brother seemed to have been enjoying my vulnerable state because he was giggling like a mad-man and splashing more water.

"Okay, okay. That's enough, Jaehyun," I finally heard my mom say and Jaehyun groans. "You can come out of your safe haven now, sweetie."

"I'm sorry but I have trust issues." I honestly do. I have a very unpredicatable family. They say something but do the entire opposite stuff.

I heard dad chuckle and pull off the blanket from me. I groaned but nonethless opened my eyes to see a beautiful pink cake in front of my face. I unknowingly smiled. I hate the colour pink and my parents know that but this cake looked so goddamn delicious. Immediately I sat up to blow the candles.

"Happy Birthday again, cupcake. Now quickly blow the candles and make a wish. My strong arms aren't that strong to hold the heavy plate for so long," Dad said as he grunted. It is true. Mom's ceramics are astonishly very heavy to handle.

I nodded and closed my eyes. "Please let me rise to popularity this time and let Sehun notice how cute and beautiful I am. Also make sure that I shine like a diamond because I am sixteen now and I deserve some sweetness in my life. Again, please please please make sure dad takes me to Hawaii this time. Please!! I heard it's a very exotic place. Thanks!" I wished and blew out the candles.

"Oh, thank god!" dad sighed and put down the plate on the bed, "I thought I was going to die right there!"

Mom rolled her eyes and picked up the plate herself. "You're over-reacting, Hoseok. Now, quickly freshen up! We need to enjoy some cake and unwrap birthday presents!" My dad and brother yelled following my mom out of the room, as if it was their birthday and not mine. Smiling, I shook my head and headed towards the washroom.


"And this is from me!" Mom said, smiling and handed me a small box wrapped in a very shiny wrapper. I assumed it to be a wristwatch because last month my cousin accidentally stepped on mine. However, I was extremely surprised to find that it was no wrist watch but box of three gift cards.

"THREE GIFT CARDS!! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER SO FAR!" I screamed loudly, much to my dad's dismay because he wanted his gift to be the best (he got me a Pandora bracelet). Mum shot dad a victory look and then turned to me saying how she was once a teenager and enjoyed shopping too.

"So, that's why I got you this. Each card is three hundred dollars worth. Spend as much as you want."

Dad grumbled for the second time and said how I also need to value money and that there are many kids my age who pray for my lifestyle and blah blah blah. Well, whatever it's their bad luck that they weren't born in a wealthy  family.


My parents dropped me off at school and went to their workplace. Mom and dad work in the same media company and they are both really renowned documentary directors/writers. Their documents are very diverse and rebellious. It not only represents social injustice but also makes us question our beliefs. Although, my parents receive alot of criticism from some certain people, they still thrive in their field and continue making films and addressing world/social problems. And that's why I respect them from the bottom of my heart.

I entered my classroom and saw my bestfriend Saeyeon sitting in a corner, reading a book. What a nerd.

"Morning, Sae. What book are you reading now?" I asked as I plopped down in the chair next to her.

She greeted me back and told that it was about someone killing a mockingbird and I just grunted in response, because the books Saeyeon reads are my enemies. Here's the thing: I enjoy books too. Mainly romance and supernatural-romance but she likes classic books like Little Women or Adventures of Robin Hood.

"Oh, that's cool. I heard about it."

She nodded and went on to read her book. Usually she is very talkative but when she comes across a book, she just becomes mute.

"Everyone get to your seats now!" our Biology teacher Mr. Cho yelled, entering the classroom and all the students scurried to their seats. Saeyeon looked at me confused and I too had the same expression. Class doesn't start before 8 and there's still ten minutes left till the bell rings.

Mr. Cho casually opened what was our attendance book and started roll-calling. He didn't even bother explaining where our homeroom teacher was.

"Uh, Mr. Cho," the class president spoke, "where is Mrs. Jang?"

"Joonmyun, you very well know that I don't like being bothered when I'm working."

Joonmyun muttered an apology but for some reason Mr. Cho could only tolerate him and thus answered. "Mrs. Jang's mother passed away this morning. So, she didn't come today. Hopefully, by tomorrow she will join us." Then he continued with the roll-calling.

"That's a shame," Saeyeon whispered and I looked at her, confused. "I met Mrs. Jang's mother last week and she seemed perfectly healthy."

"Oh." Apparently, Mrs. Jang's mother and Saeyeon's family are neighbours. Our homeroom teacher had known Saeyeon since she was ten years old and that's why, I guess, Mrs. Jang dotes over Saeyeon more. I know I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help envious towards their sisterly relationship.

"Number 11?"

"Present!" I yelled.

After the roll-call, Mr. Cho started teaching us genetics. My fatal flaw. The very reason why I fail to score high marks in Biology.

"It is nearly impossible for blue eyed parents to have brown eyed offsprings. Now, if any of you have a different eye color from your parents, just know that you are adopted," he said, jokingly and some students laughed, including me. I don't know why but then I raised my hand without my conscious.

"Ah, Ms. Jung I see that you are finally showing some interest in Biology. What can I help you with?"

"My parents both have brown eyes and I have green. Does it mean I have proved science wrong?"

Mr. Cho stared at me confused and opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. "No, Mirae. You didn't prove science wrong. Probably one of your ancestors had green eyes. I did mention nearly impossible. Nearly, if you all hear me correctly."


"So, what if you are adopted? I mean, I'm just asking," Hyemi asked me during lunch break and laughed. I really dislike her but I have to act all nice or else my social life and popularity is going down the drain.

I, too, copied her laugh and brushed it off by saying that some people says I resemble my mom. To that she replied, "Actually, your mom is prettier." I just smiled at her and Saeyeon rolled her eyes. Lunch felt like eternity whenever we were with Hyemi and her gang. Even though we all shared the same interest, there was a certain aura around her which I loathed.

"Why do we need to always hang out with her? She annoys the hell out of me," Saeyeon complained and I could only nod.

"I can't stand her either. It's just that-"

"Your popularity is important," she finished it for me.

"What? No!" I declined quickly. It is true what she said but I never agreed to it infront of anyone. "My dad and her dad are college friends, so yeah."

"Oh well. for you then."

As we were walking down the corridor, I spotted Mr. Cho. He was looking at me with an expression which I quite couldn't catch. Was it pity or realization or I don't know, fear? I decided to ignore it and continued talking with Saeyeon.

"Ignore what Hyemi said. You're pretty in your own way."

"Yeah," is all that I could say and moved on.


It felt like a decade passed by the time school ended and I was sprinting my way towards the school gate. I spotted Mr. Heo, our driver, waiting for me outside and I quickly went inside the car. It was hot today and I was sweating like a madman.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Jung."

"Mr. Heo, you're even older than my dad. Don't use formalities with me." I told him the nth time and he just smiled, nodding his head. I know damn well he will continue calling me "Miss".

We picked up Jaehyun from school and he started talking as soon ase he entered the car. Mostly, he was bothering Mr. Heo asking why do we need to use a steering wheel to drive a car and what-not. However I was just glad that he wasn't after m-

"NOONAA!!" I talk too much.

"Yes, Jae?"

"I'm hungry!!"

"You're always hungry. Okay, Mr. Heo please stop at a cafe."

It didn't take much long to find a decent cafe and I lead Jaehyun out of the car. We were greeted by a cheerful teenage girl as we entered the cafe. It was smelling of freshly baked out-of-oven bread and delicious coffee. It was a small modern looking cafe and there were a few people.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked Jaehyun as I ran my eyes over the displayed foods. He, too, was checking. Finally, he pointed at a pink looking doughnut, designed with a lot of cream and colorful srpinkles. Anything aesthetic will catch his eyes.

"Four doughnuts please. The pink ones with cream and sprinkles and three others of any flavour." I said to the cashier and she pulled the pink doughnut out along with a vanilla, chocolate and a orange doughnut.

"Anything else?"

"No, tha-"

"Cashier unnie is pretty!!" Jaehyun suddenly yelped, blushing. Told you? Anything aesthetic will catch my brother's eyes and the cashier girl named-I looked at her name tag- Helmi was gorgeous. She had blue eyes and I think she's just wearing lenses but they could be her natural eyes. I mean, people always think I'm wearing green lenses. I'm having a thought she's mixed.

"Aww, thank you," she said with a bright smile and looked at me. "Is he your little brother?"

"Yeah," I said, looking down at Jaehyun who was now busy looking at a Blackforest Pastry.

"You two don't look alike at all. You look... mixed," she finished and went back to typing in the register. I wasn't shocked. I've been hearing this since the day I was born.

"Well, indeed. I hear that a lot. My brother resembles more to my dad and I look like my mom."

"Your mom must be absolutely gorgeous then," she comments with a smile and I nod proudly. You bet she is.


"Did you buy anything today?" mom asked me as we all sat down for dinner. I sadly looked at her. I had a plan on going shopping with my cousin but she became sick and then the weather turned gloomy for a reason and I couldn't go. It was a sad day. But I'm glad to know that I have tomorrow to shop.

"It's okay. The last day for the voucher is tomorrow."

Dinner was going on well. Dad kept cracking up jokes and always exagerrated how he met mom, making mom glare at him. But at the end she would end up smiling.

"... she was a nerd, you know. Wore these big specs like Harry Potter," he said, copying mom's glasses way back during their high school days. Jaehyun and I cracked up because dad looked hilarious. He made rabbit like teeth and big big eyes.

"That's a lie. I never looked like that," mom protested.

"I'm not lying, Mirae. She looked like a rabbit. Even your grandparents look like cute old rabbits."

"Dad, I think you are exagerrating," I said, trying to hold in my laughter.

"Okay, I take it back," he said, looking away from mom's glare, "Your grandparents look human.. except your mom." Then he ended up cracking.

Mom looked abely pissed and I knew she would come up with a savage comeback. "I bet your dad is not even his parent's real son. Your grandparents are so serious and look at him..."

I ended up laughing harder than usual and just brought up the topic casually about how my Biology teacher was explaining about recessive and dominant genes. "He said that blue eyed parents can never have brown eyed children. I think we beat science!"

For some odd reason my parents'smile faded and they looked baffled. As if I said something that wasn't meant to be brought up. They glanced at each other and dad gave me a forceful smile. 

"That's interesting..."

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Nothing... it's just that... nothing. Eat your dinner quick."

"Are you guys hiding something from me?"

"No, Mirae. We are not."

"There is clearly something that you guys are hiding from me," I said, a bit outraged. I hate the fact that someone is hiding something from me. I'm not a kid anymore. I understand situations.

"It's nothing, Mirae. Finish your dinner and go to bed," mom said, "You too Jaehyun."

"Guys please tell me!" I kind of yelled.

"Mirae, please understand and go to bed. Now." Dad said sternly and it was that moment I understood how unsettling the situation was. Dad never gets angry easily and I still had time to quitely end the conversation but my sixteen year old pride wouldn't let go.

"Why won't you guys tell me anything?! I'm a big girl now, okay. You two always hide things from me!"

"It's not th-"

Angrily, I stood up and bailed on them. I went to my room and shut the door harshly. It's so weird; just five minutes ago we were laughing and enjoying our dinner like we usually did. However, I was still upset at them for hiding whatever they were hiding from me and I took an oath that I will know the secret no matter what. Fifteen minutes hadn't even passed and someone knocked on my door.

"Mirae?" dad said, "We, uh, we need to tell you something. Please come downstairs, okay?" Then I heard him walk away.

I should be overjoyed about the fact that they were going to tell me whatever they were hiding from me but there was a feeling that I shouldn't know. Like, I was making a mistake wanting to know that. However, I ignored the feeling and went downstairs. My parents were sitting in the living room and the atmosphere was very odd. It was as if they were preparing to say that someone in our family died. But I hope that's not the case. I sat down on the couch, opposite to them. I noticed mom's eyes were a bit red and dad seemed distant. He looked... sad?

"So, what is it that you wanna tell me?"

My parents shifted on their seat and dad looked at mom.

"M-Mirae, listen what we tell you... don't hate on us. We love you. Always have and always will. It's that y-"

"It's okay guys... if you don't wanna tell me."

Suddenly mom started weeping and I looked at her, worried. "I'm sorry I yelled. Mo-"

"No, Mirae. You need to know," Mom said quietly, "We.. we were thinking of a w-way to tell you earlier."

"In fact, we never wanted you to know," dad said sadly, "We... we're sorry, Mirae."

"Mom, dad. It's fine. I don't wanna kn-"

"You're adopted."


Hey there guys! I uploaded my first chapter. Yaaay!! Actually, I wanted to upload earlier but I travelled from one country to another and I didn't have wifi, so yeah... I couldn't. And I deeply apologize for that. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and please leave comments^^

Have a great day!!



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krissica15 #1
Normally I don't really comment but, your story sounds really interesting. Especially since my bias from BTS is Suga and my second bias from EXO is Kai. Best wishes for the story!! :)