셋 | third visit

cinnamon tea and macaroons ↠ showhyuk

third visit
word count : 1, 136 words

A long week passed since the small blonde male had been able to see Hyunwoo, the male who had made quick to become Minhyuk's every single thought. The blonde had worried endlessly for the first couple days until Hoseok showed up looking extremely apologetic and slightly sick, a black mask covered his mouth and black gloves covered his hands that had been holding a warm travel-mug of cinnamon tea. Both Changkyun and Hyungwon were still soundly asleep upstairs which left the two males completely to themselves, although all Minhyuk wanted to do was wrap the male in many blankets. "I'm really sorry but Hyunwoo is sick because of me" the brunette muffled out, not lowering his mask just in case he ended up infecting the blonde male also. "He wanted to come today but Kihyun wouldn't let him leave, so I promised I'd bring your tea. He said cinnamon is your favourite?" He continued and Minhyuk had to spend a moment trying to understand him, the mask and Hoseok's slight lisp was making it hard for him. "It is, thank you so much. Tell Kihyun to try Ginseng porridge if he hasn't already, it seems to work for me all the time" Minhyuk thanked, bowing low before accepting the steaming cup that was being held out towards him. "He hasn't yet, I'll make sure to tell him. Goodbye!" Hoseok replied, bowing in return and his sentence becoming really excited towards the end, despite the large cough that exited his mouth shortly afterwards. Hoseok seemed to disappear after that, pulling his hood over his brown hair and walking out of the patisserie, only to be immediately engulfed by the snow whirling around crazily outside.

Five days later and Minhyuk was missing Hyunwoo like crazy, something he claimed to his best friends was completely normal but the two younger males knew it wasn't, seeds of a different plant were blooming inside the blonde's chest and it would only take time before the vines wrapped themselves around Minhyuk's heart forever. Both Hyungwon and Changkyun had pratically insisted that the blonde male stay in the back room until Hyunwoo returned, the male's mouth and hands constantly moving to distract himself from the missing presence that had taken merely two visits to form. Even from behind the swinging doors to the kitchen however, Minhyuk shocked the customers with his beautiful voice as he sung along to any and every song that played through the patisserie.

Hyunwoo re a day when the patisserie was quiet, and the taller male noticed how their customers seemed almost saddened by the peaceful atmosphere. Minhyuk's back was towards him as he attempted to speak to one of the other males across the counter, failing however when only a scratchy noise came out instead, the blonde had finally reached his peak after singing for five days straight. He walked slowly towards the trio, a mask covering his face much like Hoseok had done days earlier since he was also still slightly sick, barely recovered from his bad cold. Both of the other males had noticed him, smiles lighting up their faces. Bringing his hands up, Hyunwoo covered up both of his eyes, until blackness was the only thing Minhyuk could see. Letting out a dry gasp, his slender fingers reached up and pressed against Hyunwoo's fingers, he was shocked at the sudden gesture but the blonde male wasn't scared. The heat emitting from the large palms that cupped themselves gently across his eyes was familiar and comforting. Letting the tips of his fingers curl around the familiar hand's index fingers, Minhyuk pressed the hands closer to his face as he tried to speak Hyunwoo's name. The 'Hyun' came out raspy but the 'Woo' half was non-existing as his voice gave out on him.

Hyunwoo slowly went to move his hands and but so did Minhyuk, encasing the older's entire index finger with his hands, showing how small his hands were in comparison to the taller's as some of Hyunwoo's index finger still peeked out from small pale fists made around them. His throat was vibrating really hard to create any sort of noise, but Minhyuk had managed to spend all his energy saying half of his name. When Minhyuk finally released one of his fingers, the hand went to the blonde's throat to rub soothing circles into the skin, which was really rare for the male that was shy towards any form of skinship even with his best friends which he had known half his life. The pair were in their own bubble currently however, and both Minhyuk's friends and the customers watched in awe as they interacted. "Stop" Hyunwoo murmured the command into Minhyuk's ear and the vibrating against the pads of the taller's fingers immediately stopped. He didn't stop drawing the patterns into the column of his throat however, since it seemed to sooth the smaller male who relaxed back against Hyunwoo's chest. Minhyuk turned very slowly to face the taller, his face lighting up considerably when their eyes connected, the emotion was so strong in his eyes that Hyunwoo didn't need words to know what the smaller wanted to say.

I missed you

"I missed you too. Your suggestion of the ginseng porridge helped me recover faster, so thank you" Hyunwoo said softly, his voice dropping an octave or two, rising goosebumps to the smaller's skin as he shivered, something he felt on the pads of his fingers as they were still connected to the soft skin of his throat where his heartbeat was pounding both really hard and fast. Minhyuk couldn't believe the affection he was recieving, the hands over his eyes and the words whispered into his ear and the calming patterns drawn on his throat. The blonde pushed away the thrumming of his heart and the warning signals inside his head, warning him that he was getting too close, that he was walking on dangerous ground and could only get hurt in the end. The taller noticed how the smaller's dark brown eyes became unfocused, lost in thoughts that seemed to have his heart beating like a hummingbird's against his fingers.

Hyunwoo's fingers softly gripped the side of Minhyuk's throat, gently pulling him closer as he did the only thing he could think of at the current moment. He pressed their foreheads together which always seemed to work when Hoseok was self-degrading himself inside his head. "Focus on me" Hyunwoo said, only loud enough for the both of them to hear. The blonde's eyes focused again and stared intently into the taller's own.

"I'm here. Not in your head. So focus on me, alright?"


For the first time ever, Minhyuk unknowingly let go of his barriers and let himself fall

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Chapter 3: i literally squealed with the "FOCUS ON ME".... ♥ ♥ ♥
Chapter 1: Thanks for publishing this... love showhyuk very much... =)
Waiting for this to happen.... =)