My answer

The one i've always been looking for

5 years ago

"Baeko---" Taeyeon stops running and freeze as she saw what is infront of her own bare eyes.

"Tae-taeyeon ah that is not what you think" Baekhyun push the girl infront of him away and tried to walk towards Taeyeon.

"A-ani. Don't come closer. Y-you, Eunhwa, I trusted you b-but this is what you gave in return" Taeyeon said with her shivering voice and tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably.

"Who ask you to trust me? I didn't beg you to trust me" Eunhwa said in a cruel way and act as if nothing happened.

"S-so i guess i trust people too much then" Taeyeon looked at Eunhwa and smiled fakely.

"T-taeyeon ah you know i love you" Baekhyun said as he tried to come closer.

"I said don't come closer! Please" Taeyeon said in a loud voice that turn into soft few seconds later.

"Taeyeon ah, let's go. No use for you to stand infront of this two humans with no freaking feelings" Jessica said and hug Taeyeon as they began to walk along the hallway.

All of the students witness what had happened. Baekhyun stared at Taeyeon's back view that is disappearing each second. Baekhyun turn to face Eunhwa.

"Are you happy now?" Baekhyun said as his voice cracked.
"Of course i am happy" Eunhwa said and smiled.

"I got a present for you though" Baekhyun said and smiled fakely.
"Mwo?" Eunhwa said excitedly as she is looking forward what is the present.

Baekhyun threw his hand forward as hard as he could, whipping it across her face. Everyone was shocked but was expecting that because of her attitude.

"B-baek" Eunhwa tears started rolling down.

"Now, do you feel the hurt that I'm feeling? That slap dosen't hurt at all actually. My heart hurt 20 times than how you are feeling right now. Are you happy now? Are you happy!? The girl that I freaking love left me just because of a like you! You, Im hoping for a karma to slap you real hard" Baekhyun said as loud as possible to Eunhwa as his voice shiver.

Kris went near Baekhyun and tried to make him walk away from everyone.


It's been a week since that incident happened but Taeyeon is still in her room, crying all day. They have been together ever since their freshman year till now and sure, they have gone through a lot but this time around, they really seperated.

*knock knock*

"Taengoo ah~It's me, sica" Jessica knocked on Taeyeon's room door.

Taeyeon would only open the door if its Jessica because Jessica is the only and one best friend she do really trust ever since their childhood days. Taeyeon slowly walks towards the door and open it.

"Y-you're here" Taeyeon said with her cracked voice and smiled.

Jessica smiled and hug Taeyeon as soon as she closed the door back.

"You looked like a panda now" Jessica said and both of them chuckled.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon with concern.

"Yah, you never eat right?" Jessica said and sighed after Taeyeon nodded.

"Are you craving for anything?" Jessica asked Taeyeon.

"Iceucream" Taeyeon said cutely without her noticing it.

"Aigoo.. Are you okay about eating ice cream?" Jessica asked cause she knows Taeyeon will always eat ice cream with Baekhyun.

"Ne" Taeyeon replied with a smile plastered on her face.

"Do you have any ice cream inside your fridge?" Jessica asked.

"I think i do have" Taeyeon said.

"Alright wait here, I'm going to take it for you" Jessica said and smiled.

Jessica went out from Taeyeon's room and went down.

"Stubborn Taeyeon has always been stubborn. Why would she even eat something that would remind her of Baekhyun" Jessica mumble to herself while searching for the ice cream.

At the right timing, Taeyeon's mom went to the kitchen and found Jessica.

"Ah sica yah, what are you searching for?" Mrs.Kim asked Jessica.

"Ah omma, Taeyeon wanted an ice cream and she said there's ice cream here" Jessica said and smiled.

Taeyeon's and Jessica's family are close with each other so they would call each other parents's like their own parents. Taeyeon's mom is searching for Jessica the ice cream and she finally found it.

"Gomawo omma" Jessica said and smiled.

"Sica ah, how's Taeyeon?" Mrs.Kim asked with full concerned.

"She's fine omma so don't worry. I will talked to her and make sure she will open the door for you omma" Jessica said and hugged Mrs.Kim.

Jessica knows that Taeyeon's mom has been worrying about Taeyeon ever since the incident happened. But she also do understand her daughter's feelings so she just let it be. Jessica went up to her best friend's room back.

"Taengoo, I've gotten for you an ice cream" Jessica walked in with a smile.

"Gomawo sica" Taeyeon open the wrapper as soon as she got it.

"I have think of this carefully and a lot of times.. I will go to Los Angeles to study" Taeyeon said with a heavy heart because she dosen't want to leave Jessica and her family behind.

"I'm happy for you that you've finally made the right choices.. Going there maybe will make you forget about him slowly" Jessica said and hugged Taeyeon.

"Will you be okay here?I will be gone for mostly 5 years" Taeyeon said as her tears slowly gather together.

"I will be fine here babe..I have Hyoyeon and Sooyoung so don't worry about me..Just worry about youself" Jessica said as she looked at Taeyeon sincerely.

The next day, Jessica went to the airport together with Taeyeon and her family to send her off.

"Taeyeon ah, please take care of yourself there. Uncle Hyungwoo and Auntie Jinnie will be there for you so don't worry to much. Do contact omma and appa or either sica whenever you are free" Mrs.Kim said and hugged Taeyeon tightly.

"Appa will fetch you in Korea once you've arrived. I love you my precious daughter" Mr.Kim said and hugged Taeyeon too.

After the Kim family had enough of hugging Taeyeon, she stand infront of Jessica like a kid.

"Kiddo..You haven't changed ever since last time don't you" Jessica said and both of them chuckled.

"Your mom and dad has said everything that i wanted to said so have a save flight and don't forget me you kiddo" Jessica said playfully and hugged Taeyeon.

Jessica and Taeyeon's parents watched her slowly disppearing from their sight. Three of them hugged together like they are real family. After Taeyeon has landed there, Taeyeon has never forget to contact her parents and her only and one best friend.

5 years later

Taeyeon arrived at Incheon Airport with a welcoming hugs from her dad and also Jessica.

"Aigoo uri taeyeonnie has come back" Mr.Kim hugged Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon ah!!I miss youu" Jessica said with her dolphin voice and hugged Taeyeon as soon as Taeyeon released from her dad embrace.

"Aigoo aigoo sooyeon ah" Taeyeon said while hugging her back.

"Yah you sounds like ahjumma. Did you found an ahjumma to be friend with in LA?" Jessica jokes makes them laughed.

They went inside the car. Taeyeon sat with Jessica behind while her dad drive.

"How's LA?" Jessica asked in english.

"It was pretty good" Taeyeon said in english.

"Heol daebak~Your english improved so freaking much" Jessica was shocked and that makes Taeyeon laughed really hard.

"By the way appa, please drop us at Lotte world..Since its night, the view there are amazing and i want to spend time with Taeyeon" Jessica said and smiled after Mr.Kim nodded.

"Wah wah you do planned alot Jung Sooyeon~As expected, its my best friend right" Taeyeon said and winked.

"You'll be surprised once you arrived there. I don't know if you gonna like it or not, but i hope you do like it" Jessica said as she felt nervous.

Few hours ago


"Ah kris ah, can you do me a favor? I pity Baekhyun since he was just left like that without explaining aything. Meet me and bring him to Lotte World. Meet at maybe around 8. Taeyeon will be arriving at Incheon Aiport by 7.30 and once we've seen each other, I can sure you that Taeyeon won't go away. Don't tell Baekhyun anything about this too" Jessica said as she's hoping that Baekhyun or either Kris won't have any plans tonight.

"Just right day, Baekhyun and I are totally free tonight so wink wink we can drink too" Kris joking around and it makes Jessica laughed.


"This is amazing. How much Lotte World has changed while im gone" Taeyeon looked around with amusement.

"Its just that last time when you went here, its morning but now, its night" Jessica said and both of them laughed.

"Taeyeon ah,can you close your eyes? I will guide you walk, trust me" Jessica said and Taeyeon close her eyes with much trust.

Jessica saw Kris who is closing Baekhyun's eyes too as she walk towards them.

"Taeyeon ah, promise me one thing?" Jessica said while walking.

"What is it?" Taeyeon asked.

"Please don't hate me for doing this cause i really love you..And don't hate that person too cause he dosen't know anything"Jessica said nervously.

"Seolma" Taeyeon already suspected something.

Once they reached there, Jessica mouthed to Kris '1 2 3' so that they can released their hands from their eyes.

"Soo-sooyeon ah"

"Y-yifan ah"

They said in unison and their voice cracked as they saw the person that they has been wanting to meet all this time.

Taeyeon saw Byun Baekhyun.

Baekhyun saw Kim Taeyeon.

The guy that she couldn't forget no matter what. She, herself regretted for not giving him chance to explain.

The girl that he couldn't forget no matter how hard he tried to. He regretted for not pulling her back.

"Taeyeon ah, i know you still couldn't forget about him after all this time. And like i said, i did this cause i love you. Give him chance to explain and i hope you guys can make up as soon as possible after he has explain everything" Jessica said as she hope Taeyeon will understand her.

Taeyeon look at her and she just nodded.

"As you guys will be together, Sica and i will be walking around here having our date so please call us anytime when you're done so that we can enjoy the rides together" Kris said and winked.

Well, his jokes makes the situation less awkward and its all thanks to him. After Jessica and Kris had left for walk,both of them started to feel awkward again.

"U-uh let's buy some water and sit somewhere" Baekhyun said awkwardly.

"Y-ye sure" Taeyeon was awkward too.

After buying water, they found a place to sit.

"Don't you have anything to say, baekoong?" Taeyeon called his nickname after 5 long years.
His heart skips a beat when she called him that.

"I-i wanted to explain everything that i couldn't explain last time.. To be very honest, that day, that girl is the one who kissed me. I didn't expect it since i thought she's your best friend. I-i was so hurt when you left me so i keep being the same for the past 5 long years, hoping that i could see your face one day. And today, god has make my wish come true" Baekhyun explain sincerely and Taeyeon could feel it.

"I'm sorry for leaving without giving you any chance to explain.. While i was in LA, i couldn't even forget you. At first, i thought i could since i thought it was real. But then the more i pretend, the more i miss you" Taeyeon confessed too while holding back her tears.

The fingers of his hand went under her chin. He was looking at her so lovingly that Taeyeon could melt anytime.

"I love you Kim Taeyeon"

He then kissed her, slowly but passionate. She was shocked at first but she then leaned back to kiss him, the feel of her soft lips against his both infuriating and placating. The lips that they didn't feel for 5 long years. he beautiful water fountain infront of them make the kiss more special and wonderful.

"I'm sorry and I love you too" Taeyeon said after their kiss.

"Don't be sorry taengoo" Baekhyun said and both of them smiled like an idiot.

"Taengoo, i have a song that i have always been wanting to sing this for you" Baekhyun said and cleared his voice before singing.

I couldn't win over my upset heart

As I endured through a sleepless and dark night once again
Regardless of my despair
The morning heartlessly wakes me up

The scars are more painful than I thought he scars are more painful than I thought
The pain is deeper than I thought he pain is deeper than I thought
The countless nights of resenting you are like hell to me he countless nights of resenting you are like hell to me

Stay by my side, linger near
Don't let go of me, who is holding your hand
If you take a step away
I'll just take a step closer

I thought about you thousands of times a day
All the cruel words you said to me
That cold look, those cold faces

You were such a pretty person
Please don't do this to me, you know me

I'm not me, I have no confidence
I can't stand a day without you
I don't know what to do anymore
Without you

Just hug me, please hug me
Don't say anthing and just run to me
With a lonely and anxious heart
I'm just waiting for you like this

I love you, I love you ove you, I love you
I'll shout out from this long silence
My foolish and weak heart

Taeyeon was touched when Baekhyun sang that song. Without hesitation, she hugged him tightly.

"Ehem ehem, looks who's back" Kris teased us.

"Look who's back after having a date" Baekhyun took a revenge.

All of us laughed. It was a happy moment of their life. They went for rides and that night, it was the happiest and wonderful for them.

"Those who are meant to be, they won't be seperated no matter they are in what situation. No one can seperate them if they are meant to be"

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