i don't think so.

Only Time Will Tell


Taeyeon was wondering how to text Wooyoung and thank him for the present.
*ugh why is this so difficult!? I only want to say thank you*
Seo: Unnie what’s wrong? You’ve been staring at your phone for some time
Tae: Oh it’s nothing maknae.
*Maybe I should just go see him... say thank you. Maybe that’s just too much. What about calling him. UGH!* Taeyeon stood up and headed to her room. After 20 minutes she came to a decision. She grabbed her keys and headed out
Tae: I’ll be back soon. Just call me if there’s an emergency – she said already half way out the door. The girls gave a blank look to one another, confused at what just happened.
After 30 minutes of driving, she finally stopped in front of 2pm’s dorm. She thought for a few minutes and decided she would go see him personally, but just as she was about to get out of the car, she saw Wooyoung exiting the building with a female.
*Who is that?* Wooyoung was smiling, opening the door for the girl. Why did she suddenly feel so jealous and curious as to who that girl was and why was he smiling so brightly with her.
Taeyeon returned to her dorm with a dark face.
Tiff: Tae, what’s wrong? – she asked worriedly
Tae: Nothing I’m just tired. – She said gloomily and headed straight to her room

Instead of a heartwarming message she sent a straight forward one

To: Wooyoung
Thank you for the gift. They were beautiful.

She put her bed at the side and decided to take a nap.

Later on in the evening there was still no reply from Wooyoung. Usually, Wooyoung would reply no matter how busy he was, but this time it was different. It wasn’t till the following day that Taeyeon received a reply

From Wooyoung:
Sorry for not replying sooner, was slightly busy yesterday. I’m glad you liked it.

*That’s it? That’s all you have to say*

The next following weeks there was barely any contact between the 2. To Taeyeon it felt as if Wooyoung had gotten over her. They had not been able to film lately due to their busy schedules and due to the fact that there was enough already filmed to last a couple more weeks. Taeyeon was in the dorm with Tiffany while the others went to catch a film.

Tiff: Hey you want to get something to eat
Tae: No I’m good
Tiff: Come on, we can’t stay inside all the time, plus Taec is offering to treat us.
Tae: Ugh, fine fine. – she knew she would have to give in sooner or later. Plus she was starting to get a little hungry.
The 2 dressed in simple outfits and a baseball cap met up with Taecyeon.

Taec: So what do you girls want to order.
Tiff: Maybe a chicken pasta for me
Taec: Yea, I think I’ll have that. – while they waited for their orders Taecyeon and Tiffany noticed that Taeyeon’s thoughts were not totally with them

Taec: So… how’s everything with you guys
Tiff: The same old same old, what about you
Taec: We’re taking some time off, with most of the big things over and done with for now, we have some time for ourselves
Tiff: I’m jealous… so now you have more time for that special someone – she laughed
Taec: I have no idea who you’re talking about – he gave a smirk. Taeyeon was staying silent and smiling politely which Taecyeon noticed
Taec: So Taeyeon? Did you like our gifts?
Tae: Yeah, I did… I mean who wouldn’t want a phone case with all of your goofy faces on it – she sniled brightly
Taec: Well what do you give a girl who has everything – he responded nicely
Tae: Yeah, I wish – she replied. She tried to sound like she was joking but there was a hint of truth.
Tiff: So what are the rest of the guys up to?
Taec: Well most of us have been at home most of the time
Tiff: Most?
Taec: Well yeah, apart from Nichkhun and Wooyoung who always seems to be busy – the mention on Wooyoung’s name caught her attention instantly
*always busy* - she thought to herself. Just on cue the food arrived.
The lunch went on normally, nothing to exciting just a nice conversation between 3 good friends, however there was still something on Taeyeon’s mind.

The following week was Eun Ae’s birthday. The members from both 2pm and SNSD wanted to plan a birthday party. Taeyeon didn’t know whether to contact Wooyoung or wait for him to call. 
Taec: Just call her already!
Woo: Why?
Nic: So you can plan this party, why else
Woo: Shouldn’t she call me
Taec: does it even matter! It’s not like this has anything to do with the both of you – he responded logically
Woo: Aishhh! Fine!
Wooyoung, reluctantly began dialling , after several rings, he thought that there would be no reply

Tae: Hello? – she said softly. Wooyoung was quiet for a moment until Taecyeon hit his back so he would start talking
Woo: Hi… erm Taeyeon, it’s me Wooyoung – he said nervously. Taecyeon gave Nichkhun a ‘what the hell is wrong with him’ look
Tae: I know Wooyoung – she laughed when he reminded him.
Woo: So I was wondering… erm, maybe we could plan something for Eun Ae’s birthday – he asked shyly
Tae: Ye, that sounds like a good idea.
Woo: So are you free tomorrow? Maybe we could buy the things for the party and maybe by a gift
Tae: I have schedule in the morning, but I’m free in the afternoon, I can meet you once I am done
Woo: it’s ok I can come pick you up so we’ll go together, just text me the address and time so I can come pick you up
Tae: Honestly it’s… aigo, ok I will – she knew that  Wooyoung wouldn’t take no for an answer
Woo: Ok, so I’ll see you tomorrow
Tae: ok, bye
*Well at least we got through that* - she sighed. She began to wonder what it would be like with just the 2 of them tomorrow.

The following morning Taeyeon and Tiffany were up early for a shoot.

(On the way to the shoot)

Tiff: So when are you planning to sort out the party
Tae: Wooyoung is picking me up later so we can buy some of the things for the party
Tiff: Just the 2 of you
Tae: Ye, why you want to come – she responded quickly
Tiff: And be the 3rd wheel?  I’m good thanks – she said quickly
Tae: Your loss – she joked. Tiffany smiled at her comment, but there was something on her mind
Tiff: But Tae
Tae: Hm?
Tiff: Will it not be awkward between the 2 of you?
Tae: What do you mean?
Tiff: Well everything that’s been happening between the 2 of you…
Tae: There’s nothing between us – she said sternly. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon and saw the seriousness on her face. She was confused. Whether to press on more or just remain silent… for the time being. She decided to stick to the second option. She had known Taeyeon for a while and there were times when questioning her endlessly to get answers would just result in a stressful night.
The rest of the journey was quiet.

The two girls continued on with the shoot professionally. Both had forgotten about the moment in the car and decided to focus on the shoot, which was a part of the job they enjoyed, dressing up and looking pretty.

It was around 5pm when the shoot finally finished. Wooyoung was waiting patiently for Taeyeon outside. He was playing with his phone and saw a petite figure walking out, he took a closer look to see Taeyeon wearing skinny jeans and a baggy long sleeved shirt, however her make- up and hair done nicely making her look even more beautiful.


He kept looking at her like a fool as she made her way over to his car. It wasn’t only until she opened the door that he snapped back into reality and focused straight ahead. One other thing he noticed was that she was wearing the scarf he bought, which made him quiet happy. But he didn’t want to mention it just in case she would misunderstand him

Tae: Did you wait long? – she asked worriedly
Woo: No, not really – she said soothingly
Tae: Oh, that’s good…
Woo: Have you got everything – he asked
Tae: Ye, - she smiled at him warmly
Woo: Good, then let’s get going.

Usually Wooyoung and Taeyeon would do their best to avoid attention but it was difficult especially with Taeyeon with her photo shoot hair and make-up.

Tae: I guess it’s too late to be wearing a hat – she joked, as she saw people stating at them
Woo: It wouldn’t be enough  to hide your beauty – he blurted out, only to be taken aback by what he said. Taeyeon blushed slightly at his comment.
Woo: I er… - he didn’t want her to feel awkward and was desperately trying to find the right words to make sure it didn’t happen.. ‘ You, erm’
Tae: Thanks – she answered him calmly looking warmly into his eyes.
the two wondered for a while looking picking up a few things to decorate with but they still hadn’t found anything to buy for her

Tae: This is harder than I thought – she sighed
Woo: Who knew it would be this difficult.
Tae: Why don’t we get something to eat
Woo: You hungry?
Tae: Of course I am – she said playfully
Woo: Me too! – he smiled
Tae: Good, now let’s go. – she walked off ahead.
Woo: Taeyeon wait up! – he said running beside her
*Still a dork* - he thought happily to himself.

The 2 entered a restaurant quickly and took their place in the corner.
Tae: This place looks nice
Woo: A friend recommended it to me – he replied.
The 2 were silent for a moment, Taeyeon admiring the restaurant and Wooyoung admiring the view in front of him.
Woo: So… how was the shoot – he asked
Tae: It was good, did you do much before we met up?
Woo: No, not really, just the gym
A waiter finally went over to them and took their orders. Just as the waiter left Wooyoung’s phone rang
Woo: Is it ok if I take this? – he asked kindly
Tae: Ye, of course

Woo: Hello?
Woo: Ye?
?:Where are you?
Woo: I’m out at the moment, why is there something wrong
?: You’re eating at the moment right?
Woo: Ye, how did you know.
there was no response.
Woo: Well that was weird. Just as Taeyeon was about to speak she saw a tall girl walking towards their table. She was taller than herself, slimmer, her eyes sharp and fierce.
But why was Taeyeon comparing herself to this girl. And why did she seem so familiar. As she came closer it was then that Taeyeon realised exactly who it was.
?: Wooyoung – she said brightly. Wooyoung turned around to see the girl he was just speaking to on the phone
Woo: Omo. Uee ah, what are you doing here? – he said still shocked to see her. Taeyeon observed the 2 of them closely
*Why is she here? *
Uee: I came to eat here with a friend, I see you’re here with Taeyeon sshi – she said giving Taeyeon a smile. Although they were idols Taeyeon and Uee were no more than acquaintances.
Uee: I’m not disturbing am I? maybe you’re on a date – she raised her eyebrow. Wooyoug looked at Taeyeon then back to Uee.
Woo: Nope, we’re just taking a break from buying gifts. Actually you’re welcome to join us, we haven’t spoken for a while – Taeyeon’s eyes almost fell from her eye socket at his invitation.
Uee: No I couldn’t I wouldn’t want to disturb
Woo: You wouldn’t be disturbing, the more the merrier, right Taeyeon? – she looked at both of them and couldn’t seem to speak and instead just gestured for Uee to sit down and smiled forcefully.
Uee: Well if you insist.
*WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE* - she thought. *Does… does Wooyoung like her*
Suddenly it was Wooyoung and 3 other girls. Taeyeon felt uncomfortable since Uee was pretty much flirting with him.
*Please…* - Taeyeon scoffed
Uee: I honestly thought you 2 were on a date
Woo: Why would you think that?
Uee: well you looked so cute together on the show, you know how easily romance can blossom between 2 co-workers – she said flashing her smile at him
Woo: Ye, I know what you mean – he said softly, while Taeyeon tried not to show her emotions ‘ But there is nothing like that going on between us – he reassured her. Taeyeon felt a little something when he said that but she was unsure what.
Uee: well I’m sure many girls will be happy to hear that – she said touching his upper arm. Taeyeon saw this from the corner of her eye and felt a sudden urge to scold her for touching her man
*My man…  I mean she shouldn’t touch people in public* - she told herself.
Tae: Wooyoung maybe we should get going, we still have to find a gift.
Woo: Yeah you’re right. – Wooyoung and Taeyeon grabbed their things ready to go
Woo: Well it was nice seeing you today
Uee: You too Wooyoung and Taeyeon. Woo I hope I don’t have to wait to wait too long till I see you again – she smiled seductively, Wooyoung was unsure of how to react. Instead he bowed politely and made his way out.
*Over my dead body.* Taeyeon thought immediately.

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Khairol #1
Chapter 22: Next...please....
yunyuncake #2
ShiningGeneration #3
Chapter 21: I get goosebumps and i feel like my heart is bursting out and being shredded in a blender everytime i read the part where Taeyeon denies her feelings after the kiss and Wooyoung walks out. I literally feel like im watching another heart wrenching k-drama again. PLEEZ UPDATE!
AngBux2 #4
Chapter 22: i cried my heart out :'( this is exactly how i imagined what happened between taengsic
unfeignedfaith #5
Ahhh~the suspense is really tugging on my heartstrings. When will our misery end with the cliffhanger? I wonder how these stubborn bickering-angsty couple will resolve their blindness to each others' love for one another. Seriously. Though I love angst, the suspense is really driving me nuts. Please update soon!
unfeignedfaith #6
Chapter 22: Pleeaaaaaase update! The angst is so painful...but it's sooo good! Keep writing please! Will be waiting! Well written...and and I'm so glad to have found you because you and some others are the only ones I can stand to read. So keep updating please!
ParkRika #7
oishiitomo #8
Chapter 22: omg this is so sad... wootae :'( taengsic :'(
please update soon ~