Dance with Me

Being Okay

Chapter 2: Dance with Me

“Summer dress, favorite park

Bless your soul, we are here and now, here and now”


    Rin woke up with a raging headache, which was the best part about being a lightweight (feel the sarcasm. Taste the sarcasm. Be the sarcasm). It meant that she could drink just a little bit of alcohol, be completely drunk, have a hazy memory, and suffer the (physical) consequences the morning after. Joy.

    “Hey, Rin! Are you awake?” Jungkook said, majestically sweeping into her room. He then made an “oomph” sound as a soft projectile was launched at him with a surprising amount of strength. He raised his eyebrows at his grumpy girlfriend as he bent down to pick up the pillow.

    “Don’t yell,” she whispered, groaning. He gave her a sympathetic look, moving closer to sit on the bed next to her. With her head in her hands, Rin felt the dip on her mattress and looked up at him. Jungkook, the massive child he was, was sitting on her bed criss-cross-applesauce, his head slightly tilted to the right.

    “Oh right,” he said in a playfully evil tone (that totally suggested that he knew already). “You have a hangover.” He leaned closer to Rin, putting his cheek against hers. “Well, no fever, it seems.”

    Rin barely heard him; she was too busy being caught between the extremely-flustered state and the why-are-you-even-flustered-pull-it-together state. It really was silly (but very sweet) how he could still make her heart speed up just by being so close to her. “Huh?” she said intelligently. “I mean, of course I don’t have a fever. I’m not sick.” Nevertheless, she leaned into his cheek, starting to fall asleep again.

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I know--just wanted to see how close you’d let me get.” She slapped his arm lightly, but he just squeezed her tighter. “Okay, as much fun as I’m having, we had a date planned today. Remember?”


“That’s why I told you not to get drunk, but nooo,” he said, dragging out his complaints, “you just had to play beer pong in front of my coworkers.” Jungkook moved his chin to rest on top of her head briefly before pulling away. “Let’s go, you airhead.” Rin flopped backwards onto the bed.

“To where?”

“The park. Wear something summery -- I want to take nice pictures!!” he answered excitedly. Rin rolled her eyes. ‘Of course,’ she thought.


    “What the heck, Jungkook,” Rin said.

    “What?” he asked innocently. She raised an eyebrow incredulously.

    “I’m wearing a sundress, and, in case you haven’t noticed,” she said, sticking her hand out from under the overhang outside the apartment lobby, “it’s pouring rain.” With a superior smirk, he popped open a blue umbrella. “This is way too small, Jungkook.”

    “Good,” he replied, pulling her a little closer to him and venturing out into the rain, “we get to be closer together!”

    “One of us is going to get wet. I hope you know that.”

    Jungkook and Rin ventured down into the underground transportation station conveniently right next to the apartment complex (a little past the pet store). He closed the umbrella as they neared the scanning stations. The couple, having done this for a very long time already, pulled out their subway cards with a practiced swipe of their pockets and passed them over, smoothly coming out of the other side of the station to join back together again. It was kind of sad, now that Rin thought about it, that their most couple-y moment was in the subway station (honestly, what did she expect).

    “Where are we going?” she asked. He didn’t answer, only lightly pushing on her shoulder and beginning to speed-walk through the crowd of people. Instinctively, Rin sped up too, trying to catch up to Jungkook so she could bump him right back. Too bad she wasn’t that elegant in a big crowd of people and ended up crashing into a guy and smacking her forehead on his collarbone.

    “Woah!” the stranger exclaimed, reaching out to steady her. “You okay?”

    “Yeah, thanks.” Rin went to move past him, but he caught her arm last minute.

    “Hey, um, my name’s Michael. What’s yours?” Michael (apparently) had a nice smile and a kind face -- one that you could tell was genuine. Rin felt obliged to be polite when telling him that his advances were not welcome.

    “Hi, Michael. I’m Rin, and I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend.”

    “O-Oh! I’m so sorry; I didn’t mean to -- oh my -- I’m sorry,” he blurted out, embarrassed.

    “No, no! It’s okay,” she said, and turned to keep walking. She made an eep sound (that was never allowed to be talked about again) when Jungkook’s face was literally right in front of hers, looking slightly pissed off. “Chill, Kookie,” she said, quickly pecking him on the lips before taking his hand and continuing towards the trains. “And put your mask back up! There are so many people here.”

    “Kookie?” he asked, confused, before pulling up his mask to cover his face further.

    “Jimin,” she confessed. He sighed heavily.

    “I can’t have two of you, Rin.” She just shrugged.


(Jungkook wouldn’t mind ten million of Rin -- okay, that was pushing it. Maybe fifteen.)


    He took her hand and pulled her outside. “Why are we here?” Rin asked. Jungkook had come up with the wonderful idea of coming to the park -- the same very park in which they camped out a couple months prior (again).

    “What do you mean? We always come here.”

    “It’s raining,” she said, huddling closer to him for the protection of the umbrella. Jungkook let a mischievous smile creep onto his face, and, in one quick motion, pulled the umbrella to the side and closed it, leaving Rin’s side and running from his (angry) girlfriend. “What the heck, Jungkook!?”

    By the time she caught up to him, they were both soaked to the bone and their teeth chattering. Jungkook laughed at Rin’s angry expression and peeled off his blazer to drape it over her. “You know that doesn’t do anything, right?” she said.

    “It’s the thought that matters,” he retorted, taking her hand and leading them to sit on a bench under the shade of a tree. He pulled his mask off of his face, wringing out the wet fabric and laying it against the armrest of the bench. “It’s raining and no one is here,” Jungkook reasoned at Rin’s disapproving look.

    “Why are we here, Jungkook?” Rin asked, feeling her annoyance slightly dissipative at how utterly innocent Jungkook looked. His hair was plastered to his forehead, and when she commented on it, he shot her a sly smile and shook his head like a dog would, sending water shooting out in every direction.

    “We are here to have fun in the rain,” he said simply.

    “Then why am I wearing a sundress?”

    “Where’s the fun in being all warm and dry?” Jungkook took her hand and stood up, tugging slightly. “Come on, let’s dance.”

    “In the rain?” she asked dubiously, pushing her feet against the concrete. He leaned forward, sticking his face directly in front of her.



    Rin had never liked the rain much when it was happening -- well, she liked it because it meant she could stay inside all day. Instead, she prefered the aftermath of rain: the smell of wet concrete, the air being fresher, and the blue tint that covered the world around her as she sat (usually with Jungkook) at a brightly lit, yellow café drinking her favorite steaming hot cup of coffee. Therefore, she was extremely confused when she found herself enjoying the rain quite a bit.

    What they were doing really couldn’t be called dancing-- just twirling and laughing and hugging, really, but neither of them minded. The rain was cold but Jungkook was warm and his smile and voice lit up the park so much that Rin felt like she was in that café again. She smiled.

    (And yes, kissing in the rain is just as amazing as it sounded.)





Hi guys! So finals are coming up (cries), so I will be staying away from doing anything but studying and sleeping for a while. Sorry I've been kind of a bad author lately :( I will try to write more and develop better ideas!! But anyways, thank you so much for reading this chapter and I hope you liked it! I guess first “kiss” scene? I don’t know why, but I like that I waited this long -- anytime sooner would have felt really rushed, so I’m glad that it seemed very natural and that the characters were already close enough to not make it awkward or anything.

    Just a reminder that this fanfiction thing for me is not what I imagine with the group members, but just ideas for any character out there. It’s just simpler to already have an appearance and a little usable background (favorite color, height, etc…) to use :), so please don’t judge me too hard?

    I hope that you anticipate the coming chapters!  Thank you all for subscribing <3



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mickeyup #1
Chapter 9: simply and amazingly nice! though icant imagine doing that to my unknown boyfriend....but it was cute and sweet. it was the right subtle of sweetness.:)
Scarletred3 #2
Chapter 9: Thank you for writing such a good sequel! I've loved it so much
Scarletred3 #3
Chapter 8: I'm so freaking happy their relationship is so cute and I will forever love them <3 thank you
Scarletred3 #4
Chapter 7: Yes to both epilogue and sneak peak !!! Sounds great :-)
Scarletred3 #5
Chapter 6: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gurlllllllll
All of the pieces are coming together hehehehe
(Jimin and Iseul have been through so much torment as well- damn it Jungkook
Scarletred3 #6
Chapter 5: I'm glad they saw each other because the image of a mean drunk Rin is both amusing and sad

(Let's hope her Sherlock skills work... Not that it would be that hard to figure out after interrogating a Jimin lmao)
willpower #7
Chapter 4: Jungkook why did you have to be so harsh on her :(
Happy belated birthday! And have a good year in school :)
Scarletred3 #8
Chapter 4: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (Also wTF noooo don't break uppppp)
willpower #9
Chapter 3: That was really adorable :) I'm looking forward to see how Jungkook is like at the dinner!
Chapter 2: I have finals this week too :( fighting to both of us :( and, btw, kissing in the rain is one of my fantasies and reading about it with Jungkook as the other pair makes that at the top of my "fantasy" list. Lol, i thought they were just going to dance in the rain, so imagine my giggling when i read that they've kissed under the rain too huhuhu my heart's battered already by the feels i get from these dorky oppas, SO MUCH FEELS :(