A Shift In Life (Fanfiction)

He was tired of this. He was tired of moving from one town to another. His father kept getting sent into another branch offices of which he worked at. From Jeju, to Busan, to Daegu, and now he's going to Seoul. For once or twice when he stayed at a place for quite long--around 3-4 months, he thought he was finally going to stay at a place and be with his friends always, but then he needed to move away.

"Dad, please, let me stay," he begged.

"It's okay, I'm sure you can easily befriend those kids in Seoul, you'll adapt," his dad answered.

"It's not about that, and I'm 100% sure I can befriend them but I want to be with my friends," he kept begging. But his dad's decision was final and he's totally going to Seoul.

"Sorry, son, we need to go."


A girl with black hair and flat expression was occupying herself with a bunch of math problems. Her table filled with papers and books. She ignored the noise coming from the other students, letting them busied themselves with their gossips and stuffs.

The door was opened by their homeroom teacher. His wrinkled face showed a smile and said, "Good morning, students."

The students quickly went back to their seats and greeted their teacher a good morning. Mr. Jung smiled and announced, "Today, we have a new student. Please enter and introduce yourself."

A guy with dark brown hair entered and his nervous face turned into a childish happy face when he started to talk. "Good morning, I'm Kim Taehyung, please treat me well!"

He bowed 90 degrees and smiled brightly. Some girls whispered to one another, some blushed and giggled, but one girl was not amused.

She kept her flat expression and then focused back on her study, She caught his eyes, he barely seen this kind of reaction from the girls. He tried to forget about it when the Mr. Jung let him sit beside a girl named Jung Wonhee.

The girl seemed timid with her long hair and bangs and she wore glasses. She smiled shyly and said, "Nice to meet you." Taehyung answered it with a huge smile too and replied, "Nice to meet you too."

Then, the lessons went by as usual.


He easily made a bunch of friends as soon as it's break time. He tried to talk to each students there, and all of them liked him. He was a friendly, cheerful, helpful, and especially kind guy.

Then, he tried to approach another guy, his name tag said "Park Jimin".

"Hi, Park Jimin isn't it? Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Taehyung," he said while offering his hand for a handshake. Park Jimin ignored his approach timidly, Taehyung felt awkward when his handshake was left hanging for a few second so he put it down.

"I'm sorry, did I bother you?" Taehyung asked, confused and feeling guilty.


Hearing Jimin's answer, Taehyung quickly apologized and went to his new friends.

"What's with that Jimin guy?" Taehyung questioned. The other giggled and whispered to him, "Just ignore him, he had no friend and he couldn't get along with us, he was a boring person." Taehyung felt bad after hearing it, and he turned his gaze toward Jimin. That guy seemed sad and annoyed, probably he heard what the others said.

"Then, what about that girl at the back?" He asked while looking and pointing at the girl who studied all the time from the beginning of the class.

"Yoo Chaseul? She's so cold and quiet even though she's smart. She is the number one student here, but she is so unapproachable, she didn't want any friend, she's good looking though." The guy named Jeon Jungkook said as he understood who Taehyung was talking about.

Taehyung wondered how unapproachable that girl is, so he went by to her place and kneeled in front of her table to look at her face directly. Yoo Chaseul disregarded him and kept doing the math problems.

"Hi, I'm Kim Taehyung."


That's her answer just a 'hm'. Taehyung gulped and tried once again, "nice to meet you."


That's it, Taehyung gave up. He moved away from that desk. Taehyung sighed and went to his friends.


It was after school, Taehyung and his friends hung out to the nearest fast food restaurant since Jungkook said he's going to pay for any food they want. Jungkook was the rich kid, the son of a famous CEO.

They ate, had fun, and knew more about each other.

It was 7pm already, they separated ways to go to their home. Even though Taehyung just moved to Seoul, but he knew how to go home, he knew which bus to take and where his house was.

He walked to the bus stop happily, he had made new friends, he wished his father would stop moving from town to town.

As he almost arrived at the bus stop, he stumbled upon a familiar girl. He noticed her by her long black hair, and uniform. He was not mistaken it really was her.

"Yoo Chaseul!" He yelled. The girl stopped and looked back. She saw the guy who tried to approach her this morning.

After noticing who called her, she just turn a blind eye to that guy. She kept walking to the bus stop without wanting to stop for him to catch up, but Taehyung was faster. He quickly outrun her and stopped right in front of her and facing her.


"What do you want?" She finally asked him. Taehyung was shocked for a second and then smiled and answered, "Wah, you finally talk to me!"


"Look, I just want to befriend you, okay? Since you didn't ignore me now, let's try to know each other better," he said happily. Chaseul just sighed and keeping her flat expression still.

"Forget it, I don't want to be your friend," She stated. She walked again, but Taehyung still try to maintain their distance and start to walk by her side begging her to talk more to him.

"But I want to be your friend, having a friend is not a bad thing, okay?"

"It is, now move," she answered while shoo-ing him away. He just didn't understand why having a friend was a bad thing for her. He always wanted to have a friend, while she didn't want one. He just didn't get her, so he kept running after her and tried to get her to talk to him.

"Why would it be a bad thing?" He asked while running after her.


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ParkJimins_TinyWifey #1
I have a feeling this fic will relate to my life, but not my real reality! LOL goodluck with this!!! :)