Chapter 1

Happy Dance Time

It was happy dance time. What is happy dance time, you ask? Well, I'm so glad you asked. Happy dance time is when I get to dance alone in the privacy of my own home (okay I have two roommates, but we can ignore that). And why the dance, you ask? Well because I managed to survive another 2 weeks in Korea without accidentally starving. Oh, and it was the weekend. Gotta love the weekend.

So, here I was, enjoying my happy dance time, as one usually does. Now we should rewind back a bit, so that we can truly appreciate the mistakes that led to the ultimate embarrassment of my life (which says much since I'm that girl that fell on her face and broke her tooth in front of her crush…not even kidding).

So, first of all, I didn't not lock the front door. Boy will I regret that one. Second, I took my pants off, as well as my shirt, so that I was left in an awkward ensemble of mismatched underwear and an undershirt. Definitely gonna regret all that. And last but not the least, my music was turned waay loud. Regrets, regrets.

So here I am happily shaking my bum, since I truly feel today is a glorious day to be alive, when I hear that sound. The sound of my impending embarrassment. The sound of the doors opening. And since God hates me, it wasn't the sound of the front door…it was the door to the kitchen. The same place I was doing my happy dance.

Now, it is important you imagine this in slow motion. I turn around, prepared to be slightly mortified because my roommates who I haven't known for very long and are both male are gonna see my embarrassing dance. You know what I was not prepared for? ing BTS.

A very high squeak left my mouth, something similar to a baby hamster getting squished, and I could just feel all the blood rushing to my face. There were black dots in my vision, but not enough to miss Jungkook's very surprised and slightly amused look, nor Jin's slightly happy I found-somebody-with-the-same-dancing-abilities-as-me look.

I angled my head to finally see my roommates' faces, which ranged from amusement to horror, and just realised I was never gonna survive this and it would be easier if a black hole just opened, now. Like now.

Another nervous giggle was threatening to escape my lips, and as seconds ticked past and nobody said anything, my embarrassment just grew. Exponentially.

“Uhm…hi?“ The laughter I was desperately trying to hold in finally escaped, but my embarrassment slightly ebbed as I could hear others joining in on the fun.

“Sooo, this is Liv.” Min-jun, one of my roommates said in rapid fire Korean which I was only beginning to start to understand. However, that note of amusement in his voice was unmistakable.

I was half expecting the standard BTS greeting, but instead got 7 wide smiles.

Sill laughing, I managed to utter another “Hi.” Before mouthing I’m gonna go get dressed and squeezing between my roommates, Van Morrison’s Gloria still playing in the background.

Once in my room two realisations hit me. Firstly, although I am no stranger to embarrassing moments, this was definitely in the first place. And secondly, at one point or the other I would have to go back to the kitchen, as both my phone and glasses were there. O h m y g o d.

Maybe I could treat this the same way I treat entering the sea. If I just do it quickly enough, I don’t even notice it is cold. I highly doubted I could approach BTS the same way, but then agai,n it is not like I had any other option.

Dressed in a pair of black tights and some random T-Shirt I found, I slinked out of my room. Maybe if I just enter the kitchen really quietly they won’t notice. Hah, right.

“You trying to become one with the wall there, Liv?” Jun-seo, my other roommate oh so helpfully pointed out.

“Yes, how am I doing so far?” I said, straightening out.

Their laughter told me the answer.

Deciding I should probably address the elephant in the room (and also to avoid looking like I was fangirling, which I totally was), I turned around to the guys from BTS, and in the best Korean I could muster said:

“I’m really sorry about that…dance” que in awkward cringe face, because could I really call that a dance? And then seemingly giving up on Korean went on in English ”… and I’m gonna just take my phone and glasses and leave.” The last part sort of turned into a whisper, as I was trying really hard not to fangirl over Kookie’s understanding smile. Like the man had ever danced in any sort of embarrassing fashion. Ever. Riiight.

Jun-seo being the ever so helpful one cut in: “Nooo, Liv stay. Come hang with us.” And then, ignoring my panicked deer-in-the-headlights look, pulled out a chair to sit next to him…and Jungkook. I was vaguely aware that he knew I had a bit of an obsession with Kookie and was probably immensely enjoying my growing panic.

Don’t you dare sniff him Liv, don’t you dare.

And to my surprise they kept on talking, Jun-seo translating when I would get too confused to even try to look like I was getting it, and before I knew it I felt a bit better about the whole happy dance debacle. I learned that Min-jun and Jun-seo were old friends of V and Jimin, and through chatting I got to see different sides of the guys; both the ones you can see in in their videos and the ones you can’t. They were teasing and shy at the same time, sometimes happy and silly, sometimes scary mature.

And through all of that, even after I survived Jungkook asking me what I wanted to eat when we went to order food, I realised I felt safe (and kinda warm and comfy…like I was covered in a blanket called BTS).

That is until Jun-seo, the little , said:

“Hey, Liv, you are good with teaching, why don’t you help Jungkookie with English…I’m sure he could definitely improve your dancing in return.” And when I heard Namjoon’s “why not”, I realised that the black dots were coming back. A quick sideways look and I noticed Kookie was looking at me, smiling like everybody else…and I all of a sudden wanted that black hole again.

Like now.


Well hello there! So this is my first fanfic/oneshot  (we’ll see what you guys think) with BTS. Most of my other fanfics are with Big Bang. I have been on quite long hiatus, so I apologise for being very rusty. Please be nice!


P.S. To the owner of the picture, if you want me to take it down, just say the word.




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