One Shot Stories of TaeNy

A/N: I was bored when I typed this, thus it is also boring. Please do bear with it...


Today, the sky was covered with gray clouds covering the city like a comforting blanket. With the freezing wind that lingers around her, an oversize jacket doesn’t give the warmth she needs. The cold breeze that waited with her in that seemingly abandoned pinnacle of belief and hope.


She’s been waiting and waiting.


That day was like any other day. Busy streets, busy people walking here and there, honking of different cars in traffic going east and west, and the different sounds from every shop in the side of the street. This is what an everyday life in a city. Life far from where she came from.


I miss our home…


In her mind, the memories of a place closest to her heart were flowing like a movie flashing in the screen. The every tree standing a couple of meters away from each other on the long sidewalk, the chirping your ears will meet every step on the way, and the smiling sky above you that saying ‘it is a nice day’. Every person will greet you because you knew each other. And even strangers on travel are having the warm greetings from the locals.


That was the simplest life she’s been longing to go back on. The life she has left for her dream. And the life she missed the most.


“A penny for your thoughts?”


A voice she loves the most has flowed directly in her ear. And warm arms were wrapped against her chilling body.


“How did you know that it isn’t just a thought?”


“Because I know what you are thinking and it isn’t just about one…” then a soft kiss was planted on the nook of her neck.


“You really know me. Anyway, Tae, when are you going to have a break from your work?”


“When will you?”


“I’m the one who ask first…”


A long pause appeared when she was turned by the arms of the person behind her. Then she’s back on being wrapped. Automatically, she put her arms around the neck of the person she loves the most.


“But I will base my vacation according to yours so we can have the same.”


“That’s sweet. Okay, can we have it a full week?”


“Ahm~ maybe we can. Why?”


“I want to go back home.”


“Me, too. So, it is a plan then?”


“Alright! I’ll make a report in our company…. And you, too.”


“But let’s have some fun first.”


And the two spend their night under a great feeling of passion and love.




After a week, and now is Friday and the two were having their sweet and romantic dinner when Taeyeon break the silence.


“Tomorrow is the day. We can go home starting tomorrow. Are you excited?”


“Of course I am! I really miss our home. If we don’t have to leave, I can stay there for a lifetime.”


“I know. That’s why~” Taeyeon intentionally trailed off what she is saying.


“Tae, babe, what is it?”


“Fany~ah, I am planning on resigning and go back home and stay there. Would you like that? We can start our new tomorrow there.”


Tiffany was taken aback. It’s like an impossible became possible. She never thought that Taeyeon will give up something just to give her anything, everything.


“I love to Tae!” with so much happiness, she stands up fast and went straight to the person who presented her the most precious gift she ever received. “I love you so much and thank you!”


As the shrieking gets louder every minute, Taeyeon just smiled it away. On her mind, she thanked herself for thinking what she can do for the love of her life, and that was to give her what she wished and longed.


She will do anything for Tiffany even letting her dreams go. The woman is more important to her and nothing else. If Tiffany will be happy to stay on the place they built their home, it will make her happier.




The next day was a nice day. Not like a week ago, where the clouds are threatening to cry out loud. They were greeted by a smiling sun and a cool breeze that took any hesitations in their mind for leaving their dreams and go back to the life they once left.


 It will be a one long journey but not a boring one. Sitting beside the person you promise to stay with for the rest of your life, in a car, the long and tiring ride will be like seconds. The smile beaming on Tiffany’s lips are not waving every time Taeyeon snatches a glimpse of it whenever she gets a chance to do so.


“You look so happy.” She said without taking her eyes away from the road.


“That’s because I am very happy right now. You don’t know how grateful I am when you decided to stay in our home.”


“When you love someone you’ll do anything for her. So I am doing anything for the love of my life.”


“I know, and I believe you know that I will do the same, right?”


“Of course! I know that with all of my heart.”


After saying that, she felt a soft kiss planted on her cheek. A sweet smile formed on her lips when she glimpses on the culprit. She adores how the other woman beside her reddened on the cheeks after doing that cute and sweet act.


“You’re like a shy kid now. Scratch that, you look like a teenager who had her first kiss!”


As she laughed, the sly eyes of the woman beside her turned into a fiery one and throws dagger at her. When Taeyeon felt the glare, she stopped laughing and says her sorry.


“I’m sorry. I just can’t help it. You look so cute.”


“I’m not cute.”


“Because you’re beautiful, I know.”


“Good. Anyway, I really feel so good today so please stop ruining it.”


“Hahaha… Fine…”


After hours and hours of driving they got to their destination. Tiffany gets out of the car quickly with so much happiness. She still can’t it that after a very long time she can step again in this place she called home.


Feeling the gentle breeze that envelopes her body, her attention flew back at Taeyeon who was just watching her child-like reaction.


“Thank you for doing this for me. You know how I love you, right? But right at this moment, I think that what I feel for you is greater on what you and I thought it was. I am really glad that we stick together for all this years.” Then Tiffany held Taeyeon’s face with her hands and put a loving kiss against the others’. “I love you so much!”


“I will always do it whatever happened. Choosing to love you is the greatest decision I’ve had ever made in my life. And getting you back in our home is my job. I love you, too.”


The two make their way inside their lovely home. A simple yet homey abode too different from the one they had in the city. But for Tiffany, she can leave every luxurious thing she has for this home she and her love had built and the place where their promise of forever have been made.


“And now, we can have our forever again in this lovely home. This once proved that we will end up together and this time, it will stay with us achieving our first goal.”


“Yes, and we will achieve our first goal. Our goal to have our own forever.”


“Our forever… I love you Taetae...”


“I love you, too Fany~ah…”

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Chapter 22: yes we will believe and we still believe in you
Chapter 22: Haha Tae should have just confessed without worrying too much ^^ I'm glad that Tiffany feel the same way
Chapter 21: Taeny <3 Let's continue to cheer on them
Chapter 20: I'm glad that they are finally together :) Love is worth the wait and sacrifice
Chapter 18: I can definitely relate to this chapter . You're a very talented writer author shi. I really like the fact that your story is light and its easy to read :) Thank you for the hard work
Chapter 17: Aww this is so sweet and cute :) Feels like teenage dream . Thank you author shi
Chapter 15: Noooo ...This is so sad :'(
Chapter 16: Prince Taeyeon and Princess Tiffany :) a perfect match ^^ thank you for the update author shi
Chapter 20: Love Taeny's love