
My Superman
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“I’m going to be home late so I left my apartment unlocked if you need to go there later,” Joon said as he and Mir walked to school together a few weeks later.

“Oh, do you have another late class?” Mir asked, although he knew that Joon didn’t. He’d pretty much memorized Joon’s class schedule.

“Nah, I’m going out with Seungho for a few hours to take a break from school,” Joon replied as they neared the high school.

“I’ll see you later then, maybe,” Mir said, waving goodbye as he crossed the street to his school. When he got through the front doors, he turned around to look out the window to see Joon walk out of sight to the university up the block.

He smiled to himself and made his way to his locker to get his books for his first hour class. He sat at his desk in the third row and waited for the teacher to come. Mr. Byunghee, or G.O as he preferred the students call him, was Mir’s favorite teacher. It was his first year teaching so he was a lot of fun. Not only that, but he also knew about Mir’s problems at home and was a bit more lenient with him when he needed extra time to turn his homework in.

But that hadn’t been a problem lately. Ever since Joon offered to let him come over whenever, Mir had been able to get his work done on time on a daily basis.

“Alright, punks, shut yer traps and listen up. We’re going to be starting a new project that will last until the end of the semester. Here’s the deal, find some place in the world and study the culture, color pretty pictures, make a giant cardboard thingy, I don’t really give a just as long as you make it look cool and educational, got it?” He said, leaning against the blackboard like a boss.

Immediately the class started groaning and complaining about what a drag this was going to be and how much of a waste of time it was. But none the less they all filed out of the classroom and followed G.O to the library so they could use the computers to search around for cultures – also threatened with detention if they were found on any social websites.

Instead of going to the computers with his classmates, Mir went straight to the bookshelves and began to skim through the books until he found a few that looked interesting enough. He already knew what culture he would do, Japanese. It had always fascinated him so he would have a lot to say for this project. He was actually excited to do this, unlike everyone else, because Joon wanted to be an Anthropologist and could possibly help him. He felt excited just thinking about it, he’d have to ask Joon later.

If I even see him…I wish he wasn’t going out with Seungho, but oh well.

“Already decided on what to do?” G.O asked, walking over to the table that Mir was seated at and sat across from him.

“Yeah, I want to do Japan because I think their culture is really interesting and so diverse from o

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kara224 #1
The story was amazing and i couldnt stop reading it. At first i really disliked the way joon was acting but im glad now he started to care and the ending was beautiful. :)
KawaiiShawol42 #2
Chapter 23: This story was truly beautiful, in every way. It was captivating, and emotional yet realistic, and succeeded in being heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time. So many different feelings were conveyed through through the characters and their experiences to the reader. I seriously loved how you captured the different personalities in this, their actions didn't seemed forced or out-of-character whatsoever. You are incredibly talented, fantastic piece of literature ~
Miffy7moo #3
Chapter 23: Such a lovely story. I loved it and it actually felt quite realistic for the most part. I really like Joomi and this is one the best fanfics of them I've read.
Chapter 23: oh! That was so sweet! I espacially liked the evolution of their relationship... At first Joon just rejected him and then he started to get involved only a little and little by little they got used to each other and Mir sort of tamed Joon to the point Joon saved him. Joon who was struggling against his feelings since the beginning finally admitted he felt more for Mir than he thought. And Mir's refusal of living together was just so realistic! I liked how you made them real and not only fluffy and lovey dovey characters... I really enjoyed reading this story! Thank you so much for the good time!
Chapter 1: I just read the first chapter... how could Joon be so cold?!
BabyKey #6
Chapter 23: ughhhh this is the second time I read this but still it's fantastic!!
WHAT THE FUUUUUUDGE?!?! WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS BEFORE?!?! Plz tell me the next time I'm not subscribed to a story of yours!! TT~TT it's sad but imma still read this really late XD
Omo, I read this in 3 hours, and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! It was so sweet, and now I'm sure I love this couple <3
omg I just finished reading all this in one go. this story was so cute and I just love it so much. thank you for writing such a beautiful story, I hope you'll write more Joomi in the future too. :)