
My Superman
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Joon woke up early the next morning; he wanted to get a head start to the college so he could look around and explore a bit before classes began. He quickly got dressed and went into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth and then sauntered into the kitchen to eat breakfast. He also packed himself a lunch so he didn't have to buy lunch later. After glancing at the clock and seeing as it was close to seven-thirty, Joon grabbed his bag full of folders, notebooks, and pens and headed out the front door, pausing for a moment to lock it. He heard a click next to him and looked up to see the boy from yesterday, Mir. 

 Joon saw that he had a busted lip and a black eye but said nothing. He didn't bother to say good morning but walked down the hall to the elevator. The footsteps behind him told him that Mir was following, also stepped into the elevator.

"I was waiting for you to say something, but it doesn't seem like you say much. So I'll start; Good morning," Mir said with a smile. Joon just nodded his head slightly as a response.

"So you just moved here? That's cool. Not many people live on our floor what's your name?" Mir asked, his voice trailing off in the middle of the sentence. 

"I'm Joon," Joon replied.

"Joon? That's a cool name. Are you going to college now? The landlord ahjussi told me you were in college," Mir rambled on as they walked down the block together. Well, Joon wasn't walking with him, Mir just invited himself along.

"Why are you following me?" Joon asked giving him a look that clearly meant 'bug off'.

"I'm not following you, I'm going to school," Mir said, stopping as he pointed across the street. Joon halted walking and looked over to see the high school. He looked at Mir, who was staring at him expectantly.

"I don't want to be your friend," Joon said, wiping the smile from Mir's face instantly.

"Why? I want to be friends, your cool," He said in a hurt voice. 

"I need to focus on school, not mingle around with should do the same," Joon replied.

"Well...alright. Bye then," Mir said. He was about to walk across the street but Joon grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Aren't you at least going to put make-up on your face to cover the bruises?" He asked. Mir pulled his arm back and turned away.

"You don't want to be my friend, so what does it matter to you?" He said emotionlessly. Before Joon could respond, Mir sprinted across the street and towards the school.

Joon rolled his eyes and continued his path to the university. It wasn't that far and when he arrived he smiled to himself and began to walk around and explore. He thanked everything that was holy that he's memorized his schedule and room numbers so he didn't look like a retard like others who were walking around with their noses buried in papers.

After walking around outside campus for a little while, Joon decided that he had blown enough time and headed inside building C for his first class of the day, Korean History. He was taking all the classes required for the Anthropology program that he was going to take next year.

The class before his was still in session for another twenty minutes so he wandered around the building to check things out. The halls were decorated with really nice artwork, all done by the students. He was so intrigued by the beauty that he wasn't watching where he was going and crashed into another person, knocking them to the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry that was completely my fault for not watching where I was going," He apologized quickly, kneeling down to help pick up a bunch of music notes that the other person had dropped.

"Yeah, it was your fault. But it's okay. I'm Seungho, by the way, music student, third year," The guy, Seungho, introduced himself.

"Joon, basic student, first year. And no, I don't want to be friends," Joon answered. Seungho stared at him or a moment before bursting out in laughter.

"Okay, then we'll ju

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kara224 #1
The story was amazing and i couldnt stop reading it. At first i really disliked the way joon was acting but im glad now he started to care and the ending was beautiful. :)
KawaiiShawol42 #2
Chapter 23: This story was truly beautiful, in every way. It was captivating, and emotional yet realistic, and succeeded in being heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time. So many different feelings were conveyed through through the characters and their experiences to the reader. I seriously loved how you captured the different personalities in this, their actions didn't seemed forced or out-of-character whatsoever. You are incredibly talented, fantastic piece of literature ~
Miffy7moo #3
Chapter 23: Such a lovely story. I loved it and it actually felt quite realistic for the most part. I really like Joomi and this is one the best fanfics of them I've read.
Chapter 23: oh! That was so sweet! I espacially liked the evolution of their relationship... At first Joon just rejected him and then he started to get involved only a little and little by little they got used to each other and Mir sort of tamed Joon to the point Joon saved him. Joon who was struggling against his feelings since the beginning finally admitted he felt more for Mir than he thought. And Mir's refusal of living together was just so realistic! I liked how you made them real and not only fluffy and lovey dovey characters... I really enjoyed reading this story! Thank you so much for the good time!
Chapter 1: I just read the first chapter... how could Joon be so cold?!
BabyKey #6
Chapter 23: ughhhh this is the second time I read this but still it's fantastic!!
WHAT THE FUUUUUUDGE?!?! WHY DID I NEVER SEE THIS BEFORE?!?! Plz tell me the next time I'm not subscribed to a story of yours!! TT~TT it's sad but imma still read this really late XD
Omo, I read this in 3 hours, and I couldn't take my eyes off the screen! It was so sweet, and now I'm sure I love this couple <3
omg I just finished reading all this in one go. this story was so cute and I just love it so much. thank you for writing such a beautiful story, I hope you'll write more Joomi in the future too. :)