
what is love?

summer school isn't what he expected it to be, there was so much more fun then the movies made it out to be but, alas it was still school so yoongi reclined in his chair with his headphones turned to the max. his gaze was fixed on a random spot outside while his mind was filled to the brim with warm, brown orbs and wide smiles so bright that he falls in love again every time he thinks of it. the side of his lips tug up into a fond smile at the memory but it's quickly dropped when a hand pulls one of his buds out before falling to his shoulder, a familiar face following it, "yoongs, c'mon, mr. kim already gave us our assignment." jungkook's voice flows through his ears, drowning the music out with it's own beautiful melody.
"oh, what is it?" his eyebrows crinkle, the class he was in was an elective (or so they called it, yoongi thought of it more as an hour or so break) and the teacher rarely ever gave out assignments. 
"taking photos." his eyes shine with barely contained childlike excitement and yoongi felt something stir inside him as well, photography being one of his biggest passions, "so where should we go? outside to our usual spot?"
standing with a yawn, yoongi nods his head at jungkook's words before he's reaching over to grab the younger boys hand, leading them out of the mostly empty classroom and right out the double doors, "what do we shoot with? out phones?" he glances back to see the taller one nod. "well, that's no fun but i don't have the time or energy to call someone to bring us our good cameras so let's get to work." his free hand goes down to his pocket and his phone comes with it when he pulls it back, he briefly smiles at his lockscreen (a selfie jungkook took and changed while the other was napping, yoongi using the excuse he was too lazy to change it just to keep it there longer) before sliding it open, looking forward towards the small cluster of blossom trees the pair was making their way to.
"i want you to go stand under one of the trees and take a picture of me." jungkook instructed with one of his breath taking smiles and yoongi, being the pushover he is, rolled his eyes but nonetheless followed what jungkook said. said boy stood across from him, in the same position with his phone out as well and though he frowned, yoongi snapped the photo.
"jeon, this is a photo of you taking a photo of me? what's so special about this?" yoongi looked at jungkook questioningly but was met with a wave forward and more instructions to stand in more places.  even though he didn't see the point in this, he didn't get what jungkook was doing, yoongi went along with it because God, it's jungkook and he'd go to the ends of the earth for him without him asking. but that's another thought for another time so he just follows his orders for now, finding himself subconsciously smiling at the photo's in his gallery before he calls for a break. "ok, kid, i think we got enough. let's go do some cloud watching."

not far from their small blossom patch is a grass field the two boys like to lay in after a good day of creating masterpieces (or so jungkook calls their photography escapades), yoongi closing his eyes and basking in the warmth or sleeping with dreams of honey skin and soft pink lips. but today is different, something feels off. not bad, just off. and it all falls into place once jungkook's clear voice fills the relatively silent air, "i hope you wake up one morning to someone who loves you like you’re the sun and they’re the moon, someone who needs you more then you could ever imagine. i hope you sing with them in the shower, warm water matching warm smiles and warm embraces. i hope you laugh with them in a way you never did with anyone else, not even me, because God knows you deserve that. i hope they love the way you sometimes ramble and the way your brows crease when you can't form your sentences right. i hope you find someone to be with who treats you like the prince you are and isn't scared to tell you how they feel whether you're both by yourselves on in a classroom full of people. God, yoongi, i guess i'm just trying to say that i love you and i've been wanting to tell you for months now, years even but i just didn't know how and i guess this is my way of confessing and please don't ha-"
his words are cut short by a pair of light pink lips pressing to his, a small, airy laugh falling from yoongi's lips when he pulls back, "me too."
and just those two words sent sparks shooting down jungkook's spine, his arms throwing themselves around his small frame with a joyous laugh that yoongi decides out of every noise the boy makes, this is his favorite.

( "only two people get an A from yesterday's project," the class groans but yoongi doesn't care much because this is school and he's too busy with thoughts of his boyfriend's hand in his, "and those two people are yoongi and jungkook." his head whipped towards mr. kim so quickly he swears a bone snaps as he tries to come up with something to say before the photos from the other day are being splayed across the projector. "the concept was love. while i love photos of flowers and buildings and bugs, this is love. you see the smiles on their faces? this is love, people."
"jeon. ing. jungkook."
"i love you, yoongs, don't forget that!" )

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rikkuson #1
Chapter 1: asjdkflfl so cute i can't