Ice Moon

As Time Goes By [oneshot collection]

Perhaps it had been the tingle of Winter's first snowflake upon his exposed cheeks, that called out to Jungkook. Much like a harmonious lullaby of a mother to her restless child. It had been, indeed, a restless night filled with churlish mummers and misplaced caresses of a palm much too scorn to call home. Within the four walls of a room — not one he could call his own— sat a portal between his world and the next. It was merely an unlatched window, to which Jungkook saw a way out. 

The veil of snowflakes played a game of hide-and-seek around his gentle frame; whipping and running up the length of Jungkook's peeking skin, and nestling in the crevices of fading fabric. The wetness saturating his vibrating skin, and collecting in odd places briefly distracted Jungkook from the warming outside. It was out— the pulsing compass that hung from the skyline like a million dreams— close. So near that Jungkook reached his redden fingertips out, and extended his resting arms into the white air. Reaching out for the distant heavens, but never grasping the azure light. There was nothing— no one— but vast trees dipped in blue that impelled the sky, and Winter. So warm, so chilling, with undulated endearment and serene touches on ivory skin that he grew fond of the snow. 

The moon grew, as Jungkook's silent toes traveled over the blanketed forest ground. Being surrounded by Winter was a breath of fresh air, an escape from those four walls and low touches.Slowing to a halt, Jungkook looked — there rested Winter. She was a rose of white, delicate and breathing taking. A sight to behold, and when he leaped forward to embrace her, two worlds became one.

Winter placed a wayfaring kiss on Jungkook's small, bloodless cheek, and finally, finally he accepted the blossoming ice. A kiss so sweet that it stole Jungkook's last breath away.

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LonelyCrow #1
Chapter 3: Wow this is gold. Your writing-- I'm in love. Are you planning on writing chaptered stories? I think I'll die if you do.
LonelyCrow #2
Chapter 1: DAMMNN
Chapter 1: I love your use of imagery. It's so vivid.