September Blues

As Time Goes By [oneshot collection]

Yoongi fell in love with summer. 

The rolling forestry behind his quaint house that had left him feeling inebriated. The cool warmth of sunshine permeating through iridescent leaves. Thick tree branches lulled by coy summertime breezes, allowing seeds of life to flutter to the forest floor.The arms of damp soil eagerly embracing delicate seeds, like lovers. Their fruit of passion yielding plant stems that sprouted amongst a plethora of vibrantly colored flower buds, all equally breathtaking. Under plush blades of grass that tickled childishly at ankles, never failing to leave traces of dew on alabaster skin after a night of rain.

Feet clad in black converse trod over quiet elevations in the ground with bated breath. Stout shrubs peeking up, twitching with humming insects. A gentle breeze greeted him with a cordial hug, carrying a scent of familiarity, the refreshing fragrance of his favorite season, Summer. With an unerring sense of direction, he set off northbound. Mind containing nothing but one resonating thought: Ahead laid the promise of true ecstasy.

He found solace in her lissomeness. The length of lanky arms twining around his squared shoulders like vines. Dainty fingers denoting the warmth of affection as they slid across covered skin. Toned legs bared the weight of a righteously curvy body draped in a soft white linen robe.

He grabbed her soft hands, taking them in his own. They felt temperate, like a cup of tea, with the weightlessness of a plucked feather. Their fingers connected, acting as an atom --inseparable.

Yoongi peers down at her, as she looks up through thick lashes.

A smile graces an ageless face, there are no hints of smile lines marring the aperture of , only blazingly white teeth partially hidden under her lips. Yoongi offers a grin of his own, that is all teeth and gum. The radiance of their smiles caused the flowers to lean towards the couple in earnest as they attempted to soak up their picturesque beauty.

They walked to a pond where lily pads bloomed and great indiscreet leaves allowed the sun's beams to find them. On a bed of grass near the ponds edge they sat. His lanky legs were folded crisscross and her's were blanketed by the fabric of her dress. They spoke in gentle whispers, as to not have their words drift away to unsuspecting ears. Slender fingers brushed aside a lock of soft black hair, tickling her skin.

Summer laughed.

The next time he ventured beyond the edge of his backyard, a weathered notebook was clutched in his right hand.

It was August now.  The once emerald leaves turned brown and the winds now nipped churlishly at his skin. The sun no longer reached its zenith at noon, instead, it hung low in a cloudless horizon.

The last traces of his love were also, steadily receding.

He wandered absently to the pond where they last met. He sat near the water's edge with a journal.

He cracked open the notebook to a blank page, the paper was wrinkled and stained brown around the edges,and the bounded cover chafed from many seasons. With a pen gripped between fingers, he wrote:

You're in love.

Taken 'til the month

Of August.

You're in love.

Your sonnets make

her smile.


He dreaded how the days gave way to Fall.



FYI: The poem is from The Most Beautiful Moments in Life pt.1 photo book



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LonelyCrow #1
Chapter 3: Wow this is gold. Your writing-- I'm in love. Are you planning on writing chaptered stories? I think I'll die if you do.
LonelyCrow #2
Chapter 1: DAMMNN
Chapter 1: I love your use of imagery. It's so vivid.